Wheelock Chapter 8: 3rd Conjugation

Present Active Indicative

Because the thematic vowel e in the third conjugation is ______and usually unaccented, it went through many sound and spelling changes by the ______Period. We know that to find the stem, we remove the _____ from the present infinitive, giving us a stem that ends in “___,” but due to these sound and spelling changes, the ____ rarely sticks around. In the present active indicative, it generally turns into a short ___.

Endings / Sg / Pl / agō / Singular / Plural
1 / 1
2 / 2
3 / 3

NB that the vowel changes look like those in the ______and ______conjugation future endings, but be sure not to confuse these endings as being future.

Imperfect Active Indicative

agō / Sg / Pl

The imperfect of the third conjugation is easy because it uses the same set of endings that all the other conjugations do (_____, ____, etc).

Future Active Indicative

A noticeable difference between the future in the 1st and 2nd conjugations and that of the 3rd and 4th is the lack of the future infix ______. In 3rd and 4th, the sign of the future tense is the vowel _____, which shows up in all of the forms except the ______, where the stem vowel contracts and disappears, and we use the “_____” personal ending.

Endings / Sg / Pl / agō / Singular / Plural
1 / 1
2 / 2
3 / 3

To help keep the different future endings straight, we can use the mnemonic device “in conjugations 1 and 2, for future use ____, ____, ____. In conjugations 4 and 3, for future use_____ and _____.”

Sg / Pl

Present Imperative

Just like in the other conjugations, the singular imperative is just the ______. In the plural imperative, the short ____ again turns into a short ____.

dūcere, lead
facere, do
dīcere, say
ferre, bear

There are some common verbs that have slightly irregular singular imperatives: the _____ drops off the end. They do, however, act normally in the plural.