Planning 17252
Volume 3: Human Services Policy and Funding Plan 2015-19, update 2017-18
Chapter 4: Activity descriptions


Activity information

Service delivery tracking

Output group



Description of the service

Client group

Service delivery

Service redevelopment

Monitoring and review

Service Agreement

Human Services Standards

Monitoring performance

Performance measures

Key performance measure 1: Number of new plans prepared or reviews undertaken

Data collection information

Key documents


Volume 3: Chapter 4: Activity descriptions1

Activity information

Service delivery tracking

Service delivery tracking activity? No

Output group

Disability services


Client services and capacity


Planning aims to maximise the independence ofa person with a disability, their family and networks, to self-direct their disability related supports.

Description of the service

Planning involves working with people who receive an individual support package or futures for young adults to plan for, or review, their supports.

Support plans are required to outline a person’s goals, needs and aspirations, and their choice of a range of informal, community-based and disability specific supports to respond to their needs.

Planning takes place within the self-directed framework and is about self-determination, choice, inclusion, transparency, accessibility and citizenship. The guiding principles for planning set out in section 52 of the Disability Act 2006must underpin all planning processes with a person with a disability and their support network.

Self-directed planning is about:

•empowering the person, using tools and other strategies as appropriate, to think broadly about their goals and aspirations and to make decisions about their own life with the support and encouragement of their carers, family and friends

•looking at a person’s place in the community and their strengths and capacities, encouraging and supporting them to build relationships, networks and connections with the community that can lead to increased citizenship and social and economic participation

•empowering the person to make informed choices through the provision of up-to-date accessible information about the broadest possible range of options and resources available, from within their informal networks, the general community, and specialist services such as disability services

•being respectful of the views of family members and their role in the life of the person

•being child and family-focused in working with children and young people with a disability

•being culturally and spiritually responsive

•recognising the rights and responsibilities of people with a disability as members of the community

•assisting people with a disability to set up a framework to assess and monitor outcomes against their plan and then assist them to use this information to review and update their plans.

Planning and reviews with people who have an individual support package or a futures for young adults package

A facilitator provides assistance to a person to develop their support plan and a funding proposal, or when a person’s existing plan requires review. The facilitator works with the person and their network of support to consider the most effective ways of meeting the person’s disability support needs within the funding available.This may build on previous planning for example, career planning in schools or other planning that has led to the request for disability specific supports.

The level of engagement may vary according to the needs expressed by each person receiving support. Some people will need intensive help in investigating options while others will need minimal help as they already have a robust network of supports and a good idea of what they want to do with their individual support package or futures for young adultsfunding.

Client group

The target group for planning is people with a disability (as defined in the Disability Act 2006) who receive an individual support or futures for young adults package.

Service delivery

Department of Health and Human Services and community service organisations(CSOs).

Service redevelopment

The department will continue to monitor service provision, and where necessary, may amend service specifications or funding allocations based on community needs or in response to changes to government policy and priorities.

During the current Service Agreement period, the roll out of the National Disability Insurance Scheme will commence in Victoria. The introduction of the scheme will mean changes in the way services are accessed and the funding arrangements for service providers. Community service organisations are expected to work collaboratively with the department and the National Disability Insurance Agency to facilitate a smooth transition.

Monitoring and review

The department will continue to monitor service provision, and where necessary, may amend service specifications or funding allocations based on community needs or in response to changes to government policy and priorities.

During the current Service Agreement period, the roll out of the National Disability Insurance Scheme will commence in Victoria. The introduction of the scheme will mean changes in the way services are accessed and the funding arrangements for service providers. Community service organisations are expected to work collaboratively with the department and the National Disability Insurance Agency to facilitate a smooth transition.

Service Agreement

The Department of Health and Human Services monitors and reviews the organisation’s compliance with the Service Agreement’s requirements set out in the terms and conditions and schedules including the Applicable Departmental Policies. The Service Agreement is used to manage funding provided through the department for services delivered by community service organisations and local government authorities.

The Service Agreement includes two Applicable Departmental Policies:

  1. Department of Health and Human Services Policy and Funding Guidelines
  2. Service Agreement Information Kit

The Service Agreement Information Kit provides information on the Service Agreement terms and conditions (chapter 3) and Applicable Departmental Policies (chapter 4). The Service Agreement Information Kit must be read in conjunction with the Department of Health and Human Services Policy and Funding Guidelines.

Human Services Standards

Organisations funded to provide services to clients are required through the Service Agreement to meet the gazetted Department of Health and Human Services Standards (Human Services Standards) and can be monitored in relation to their compliance with these standards.

Organisations funded through this activity are subject to independent review and accreditation requirements under the Human Services Standards, except where exempted by the department.

Organisations funded to deliver this service activity are required to be registered in accordance with the department's Policy, procedures and forms for the registration of disability service providers and community services

Monitoring performance

Funding is subject to the delivery of specified targets in performance measures. Where actual annual performance is less than 100 per cent of target performance the funded organisation should provide the Department of Health and Human Services with a justification for retaining full funding.

Performance measures

Key performance measure 1:Number of new plans prepared or reviews undertaken

Definition / The number of new plans prepared, or existing plans reviewed, with people to respond to their disability support needs during the reporting period.
Aim/objective / The aim of this performance measure is to monitor the number of new plans prepared, and the number of reviews of existing plans.
Target / Provided in Service Agreement
Type of count / Cumulative
Counting rule / Count the number of new plans prepared or existing plans reviewed during the reporting period.
Monitoring frequency / Quarterly
Data source(s) collection / Client Relationship Information System (CRIS) and Client Relationship Information System for Service Providers (CRISSP).
Definition of terms / A support plan documents a person’s goals and strategies regarding their disability support and how service providers will support them to achieve these objectives.
A funding proposal is a component of the support plan and it is developed with the support plan. The funding proposal outlines the cost of supports and services identified in the support plan that require disability services funding.

Data collection information

Data collections comprise data management systems and data sets.

Data collection name / Data management system / Data set / Reporting cycle
Client Relationship Information System (CRIS) and Client Relationship Information System for Service Providers (CRISSP) / CRIS/CRISSP / Regional Individual Support Package System dataset / Quarterly

Key documents


Disability Services Planning Policy 2009

Planning for Individuals - A Resource Kit and Implementation Guide for Disability Service Providers 2007

Disability Support Register (DSR) Guidelines – March 2015

Senior Practitioner - Authorised Program Officer practice advice

Senior Practitioner - Independent Person toolkit


Senior Practitioner - Behaviour support planning toolkit

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Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne.
© State of Victoria, Department of Health and Human Services, 1 July 2017.
Where the term ‘Aboriginal’ is used it refers to both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Indigenous is retained when it is part of the title of a report, program or quotation.
ISSN2207-8347 (online)
Available on the department’s website

Volume 3: Chapter 4: Activity descriptions1