Français CP3 Période8

Due: vendredi, le 14 octobre, 2016

Thème: Chapitre 6 Projet de Cuisine (French Cooking Show)

  • Topic:
  • Select a recipe from theregion in France
  • Be sure it is a dish that you can prepare yourself (not buy).
  • Create a short video, in French, on the preparation of the dish.
  • Mention the history of the dishand talk about the region selected during the video.
  • Mention the ingredients and how to prepare the dish
  • Then on the day due,bring the dish to class so that everyone can sample. (Include knife, forks, plates)
  • Be creative:add French music to the background, use props, special clothes

Duration of you the video and your presentation: 5-7 minutes.

We will sample everyone’s dish while we are viewing the video.

Checklist on the day of the presentation:

  • Hand in a copy of the recipe in French and in English
  • Hand in a12-sentence typed (double-spaced 12 font) write up in French on the region of France. Use your own words. Do not cut and paste from the Internet. Keep it simple.
  • Write interesting information about your region(climate, tourism, why the dish is famous)
  • Write why you chose this dish.

**IMPORTANT**every person in your group should share each other’s email address in case you are absent on the day of the presentation. Each student must speak in French. If you or your partner is absent the day of the presentation the group is still responsible to present.

Our school’s computers are not compatible with Macintosh equipment. Please upload to YouTube. Please email me your presentation or bring it in a disc. Before the presentation test the disc to verify if it works properly.

Project is due onvendredi, le 14 octobre, 2016

La Note: Test grade (100 points)

Presentation Rubric

Grade / A Excellent / B Bien / C Moyen
Eye Contact & Gestures / Fully engages the audience / Could engage the audience more / Entirely reading from notes
Organization / Has a beginning and an end. Length is between 5 – 7 minutes. / Falls between 5 – 7 minutes. Could work on beginning and ending a bit more / Too long or too short. Little sense of storyline.
Oral Communication / Easily understood in French, infrequent errors. Can be heard in the back of the room. / Comprehensible, with some errors in pronunciation, structures and usage. Voice varies. / Difficult to hear. Some French, too much English
Overall Impression / Thoroughly interesting and well crafted / Very interesting and entertaining / Not appealing or interesting
Written Script / Few errors in French usage. Original and creative. / Some errors in French usage. Some originality, but not well-thought out / Fragmented, too much English interference
Taste and Visual Aesthetic / Delicious and appetizing does not count in the grade evaluation / Flavorful and appetizing – does not count against you / Not appetizing – does not affect your final grade