PRESENT: Chair: The Mayor – Councillor A Willoughby

Councillors: R Aspin, J Batt, S Batt, D Bulmer, M Clemmitt,

M Joy, J Monaghan, L Powell, B Rigby and

C Willoughby.

Staff Present: The Clerk and the Office Assistant

Also Present: County Councillor B Hoult, a representative from Commercial Estates Group (for part of the meeting) and 17 members of the public

Late Arrivals: M Joy (7.33pm) and S Batt (7.43pm)

Early Departures: No members

P15/057 ITEM 1 – To receive apologies for inability to attend the meeting

Apologies were received from Councillors E Collins, D Goode, H Gostlow and H Lyon.

P15/058 ITEM 2 – Councillors’ Disclosure of an Interest

Councillor R Aspin / Planning 2275 – acquainted with Cllr Rigby
Item 11.1 – acquainted with Mr Shaw
Councillor J Batt / Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of new information
Planning 2275 – acquainted with Cllr Rigby
Item 11.1 – acquainted with Mr Shaw
Councillor D Bulmer / Planning 2275 – acquainted with Cllr Rigby
Item 3 - I work for North Yorkshire County Council
Councillor M Clemmitt / Planning 2275 – acquainted with Cllr Rigby
Item 11.1 – acquainted with Mr Shaw
Councillor J Monaghan / Planning 2275 – acquainted with Cllr Rigby
Councillor B Rigby / Planning 2275 – prejudicial as it is my application
Councillor C Willoughby / Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of new information
Planning 2275 – acquainted with Cllr Rigby
Councillor A Willoughby
Continued -
Councillor A Willoughby / Item 4 - acquainted with Mr Teggin, Mr Hewitt, Mr Sigsworth
Item 5 & 7.1 – acquainted with Ms Godsell and Councillor Hoult
Item 5 & 8 planning 02944 – acquainted with Ms Hewitt
Planning 2275 – acquainted with Cllr Rigby
Item 10 – acquainted with Mr Smith from Fortune Close
Item 11.1 – acquainted with Mr Shaw

P15/059 ITEM 3 – Presentation by Stronger Communities Delivery Manager, NYCC - Stronger Communities Harrogate and District

Liz Meade introduced herself and her role within NYCC’s Stronger Community Team. She stated that this was a key part of NYCC’s 2020 programme and it was to support the creation of local solutions for services, providing a strong focus for public health. Liz is very keen to know what is available in Knaresborough for the 11 to 19 age group, in terms of youth support. Members were given a handout with contact details and Liz stated that any feedback would be appreciated.

P15/060 ITEM 4 – Presentation by the Chamber of Trade -Town Criers

Mr Teggin introduced himself as the Vice President of the Chamber of Trade. He then introduced the recently appointed professional Town Criers; Roger Hewitt as the main Town Crier with Paul Sigsworth the Deputy. He informed KTC that both had been enrolled with the professional body the Ancient and Honourable Guild of Town Criers. Mr Teggin advised that all bookings for the Town Criers should come through him and handed out some brochures. Mr Hewitt and Mr Sigsworth both briefly spoke outlining some of their duties which mainly focus on community and charity events, but that they have also started some evening and weekend guided tours around Knaresborough. The Chamber are trying to make the posts self-funding.

Members were then able to ask questions and welcomed the fact that the Chamber of Trade have taken on the responsibility of the Town Criers and added that the Town Criers do Knaresborough justice.

The Clerk asked members if they wanted to make a resolution that they

recognise the Chambers Town Criers – she advised that this was what the Ancient and Honourable Guild of Town Criers had asked the council for.

RESOLVED: That KTC recognise the Chamber of Trade’s Town Criers for

Knaresborough. (nem con)

(The Chamber Members and Town Criers then left the meeting)

P15/061 ITEM 5 - KTC Public Speaking Session

a) Mr Shaw informed members that he would like to become a member of a National Association – but that needed a signature from either the Mayor or the Lord of the Manor. Mr Shaw let members know that he had been going up in to Knaresborough Market as an Independent Town Crier up to this point, and that he is happy to go on as he is, but his preference would be to belong to an organisation.

Members were then able to ask questions, these included,

i) whether Mr Shaw was a resident of Knaresborough or Harrogate and

ii) if he understood the tribunal Judges’ ruling that the relationship between himself and the Town Council had irretrievably broken down.

The Mayor then moved to this item on the agenda.

11.1 - Letter from Mr Shaw (29/6/15)

RESOLVED: That in view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted re ITEM 11.1 pertaining to third party confidentiality, the item be dealt with

in private session and, subject to the provisions of Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (as amended), the meeting be not open to members of the public.

Mr Shaw then tried to speak, but the Mayor advised him he could no longer speak and that it would be best to leave the meeting as this item would be taken at the end of a very long agenda.

Mr Shaw and his colleagues then left the meeting.

b) Ms Hewitt spoke to members about the scoping document for the

development at Flaxby. She was speaking on behalf of RAFT (Residents

Against the Flaxby Township). She informed members that this is not a little village – it would be a town the size of Boroughbridge. They are challenging the basic principle - do we want or need a new town? – A major consultation is required. It would result in 12 years of construction traffic. She pointed out that the A59 currently has movement of 38,000 cars, and the extra houses would add around another 4,000 cars. This would have a catastrophic impact on Knaresborough and the surrounding villages. She finished by stating that even passed planning application for a large housing site in Knaresborough – but not a sod of earth has been turned.

Members were then able to ask questions, these including, were members of the public aware that HBC (Harrogate Borough Council) doesn’t have much opportunity to refuse planning applications due to the need to build 621 houses per annum. If HBC don’t grant approval, the developer appeals, which is a serious issue for HBC to deal with.

The Mayor then moved to this item on the agenda.

ITEM 8 – To consider the following Planning Application

15/02944/SCOPE** Flaxby Golf Club, York Road, Flaxby, Knaresborough, HG5 0RR.Scoping opinion for proposed mixed use

settlement comprising up to 2,213 dwellings

The Mayor asked Cllr C Willoughby to explain a scoping document

This is for KTC to advise the developer what they would expect to see/should be included on the environmental impact assessment.

RESOLVED: i) that the list from KTC to send back to HBC is as follows:-

Air Pollution,

Loss of Green Space,

Wildlife loss

Loss of Flaxby Golf Course,

Where the site could be expanded?

Will there be provision of a secondary school?

Impact on all secondary school pupils bussed to & from the site each day

Traffic impact on all the roads in & around Knaresborough

Loss of woodland

Loss of natural corridor for wildlife

Increased air pollution problems at Bond End & York Place

Loss of identity of Knaresborough

Need diverse provision of housing - high proportion of affordable houses

Pressure on the railway system

Impact on medical and dental services

(nem con)


RESOLVED: ii) a) That KTC do not believe that this is an appropriate site for a

development this size, (larger than a 1/3 of Knaresborough).

b) To write to the minister responsible for housing pointing out

the awful impact the policies are having on Knaresborough.

The above resolution was tied and the Mayor used his casting vote in favour of the motion. Cllrs J Batt, S Batt & M Joy asked that their vote against be recorded.

c) Ms P Godsell spoke about the bus contracts with NYCC and made members aware of the reduction of the service between Knaresborough and Boroughbridge. This would reduce from one bus every 2 hours to only 3 buses per day. She pointed out the fact that buses are a life line for some people. Cllr B Hoult then warned members that some bus services would totally omit the early morning buses, the proposed service will be concentrated in the middle of the day – this would restrict people who use the bus as a means of getting to & from work. Cllr Hoult offered to let members know the numbers using the bus service once he had that information.

Members were then able to ask questions, these included whether the operator did not want to run the bus service, and whether these were sustainable.

The Mayor moved to this item on the agenda.

7.1 NYCC bus subsidies consultation

RESOLVED: That bearing in mind the deadline - KTC defer this item to a future

meeting. (unanimous)

County Councillor B Hoult & Ms Godsell left the meeting

P15/062 ITEM 6 - To consider and, if thought fit, approve as a correct

record, the Minutes of:

6.1 Thursday 21 May 2015 (Annual Meeting of KTC - Mayor Making)

RESOLVED: That minutes of the Council Meeting held on Thursday 21 May 2015, be

approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. (unanimous)

6.2 Monday 06 July 2015

RESOLVED: That minutes of the Council Meeting, held on Monday 06 July 2015, be

approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. (unanimous)

P15/063 ITEM 7 – Business remaining from previous meeting:

7.1 NYCC bus subsidies consultation

See minute number C15.061 (c)

7.2 Email re: Harrogate and District Local Plan Consultations

RESOLVED: That bearing in mind the deadline - KTC defer this item to a future

meeting. (unanimous)

P15/064 ITEM 8 – To consider the following Planning Applications relating to Knaresborough and make such observations as may be appropriate

Ref: / Applicant / Details of Application / KTC Comments
15/03078/TPO* / Mr R Bentley / Felling of 1 Picea Spruce Tree T2 of Tree Preservation Order 04/2007. Kingfisher Spitalcroft, Calcutt, HG5 8JB / No Objections (nem con)
Councillor B Rigby having declared a prejudicial interest in the item below, (6.100.2275) left the meeting and tool no part in the discussion or voting thereon.
15/02501/FUL* / Mr B Rigby / Erection of two storey side extension. 25 Tentergate Road, HG5 9BG / No Objections (unanimous)
15/02944/SCOPE** / ID Planning / Scoping opinion for proposed mixed use settlement comprising up to 2,213 dwellings (Use Class C3); a central hub comprising shops (Class A1), financial services (Use Class A2), restaurants (Use Class A3), drinking establishments (Use Class A4), takeaways (Use Class A5), employment uses (Use Class B1 (a) B1(b) and B1 (c)), hotel (Use Class C1), extra care facilities (Use Class C2), medical facilities & community building (Use Class D1); assembly and leisure use (Use Class D2) and car parking; a primary school/nursery (Use Class D1), other community uses including recreation playing pitches, allotments and other associated public open space; installation of appropriate utilities and transport infrastructure; landscaping and associated groundworks. Flaxby Golf Club, York Road, Flaxby, Knaresborough, HG5 0RR. / See minute number above C15.061 (b)

* Item to be determined by Harrogate Borough Council Chief Planner ** Item to be determined by HBC’s Planning Committee

P15/065 ITEM 9 – Planning Correspondence

9.1 Planning enforcement

RESOLVED: To receive and note (unanimous)

9.2 Notice of Appeal

RESOLVED: To receive and note (unanimous)

P15/066 ITEM 10 - To note the HBC Planning Committee Meeting – Tuesday 21 July 2015, at 2.00pm – Council Offices, Crescent Gardens, Harrogate at which the following for Knaresborough is to be discussed:

The Mayor informed members that despite having no information on the

website when the agenda went out, there were in fact 2 applications he

would like to go to speak about on behalf of KTC, these being :-

i) Fortune Close

ii) Manor Road

RESOLVED: That KTC wish Cllr A Willoughby attend the HBC planning meeting and

speak about both planning applications listed above on behalf on KTC.


P15/067 ITEM 11 - The following correspondence is for discussion:

11.1 - Letter from Mr Shaw (29/6/15)

The Mayor noted that this item had been moved to the end of the agenda as it had been agreed to hold it in confidential session.

The Mayor moved on to the next item on the agenda.

P15/068 ITEM 12 – Reports from Clerk

12.1 To approve the Schedule of Accounts (July 2)

Schedule of Accounts - July (2) 2015
Payable to & Description / File Ref. No. / Amount excluding VAT / VAT / Total Amount (to be paid) / Notes
Re-issue of NYCC Pension Cheque / 48 / 1,012.86 / 1,012.86 / paid under Standing Order 5.4a(i)
T.L.C stationery supplies / 49 / 13.25 / 2.65 / 15.90
Wages Tax, NI & Pension July / 50 - 54 / 4522.93 / 4,522.93
Post Office Ltd - BT bill telephone / 55 / 66.39 / 13.27 / 79.66
TOTALS / 5,615.43 / 15.92 / 5,631.35 / 5,631.35

RESOLVED: That KTC approve the accounts as above and the spending of £5,631.35.