Section 18


I, Roderick Andrewartha, Chief Veterinary Officer, hereby issue a General Authority for the Importation of live pigeons (Columba livia) and fertile pigeon eggs.

The following conditions apply:-

1)The pigeons must be inspected by the owner or person in charge within 24 hours prior to the movementto Tasmania and found free of signs of disease.

2)The pigeonsor fertile eggs must not be known or suspected of being infected with, or exposed to a List A or List B disease, within 30 days prior to the movement to Tasmania commencing.

3)The premisesof origin must not be subject to any regulatory control due to any disease or condition.

4)The pigeons to be introduced into Tasmaniamust have been vaccinated against avian paramyxovirus according to the program described in condition (7)and have received their latest vaccine dose no less than 4 weeks and no more than 12 months prior to themovement to Tasmania commencing.

5)All pigeons in the flock of origin must have been vaccinated against avian paramyxovirus according to the program described in condition (7) with the program in place for at least two months prior to the movement to Tasmania commencing.

6)The pigeons or fertile eggs may only be introduced into a premises in Tasmania where :-

a)a vaccination program against avian paramyxovirushas been in place for at least two months prior to the movement to Tasmania commencing; or

b)there are no pigeons kept on the premises prior to the introduction of the imported pigeons

7)The vaccination program must be applied to all pigeons of appropriate ageon the premises using an initial immunization of 2 doses of an inactivated Newcastle Disease vaccine administered not less than 4 weeks apart and according to the written recommendations of a veterinarian registered to practice in Australia.

8)Fertile pigeon eggs must be derived from a flock that has been vaccinated against avian paramyxovirus according to the program described in condition (7) in place for at least two months prior to the eggs being laid.

9)All bedding for birds or packing material for eggs must be new, seed free material, and must be disposed of on arrival in an appropriate manner that prevents contact with pigeons.

10)Certification that these requirements have been met in a form approved by the Chief Veterinary Officer must be presented to an inspector when the pigeons or eggs arrive in Tasmania.

Dated the 22 March 2013

R.M. ANDREWARTHA, Chief Veterinary Officer,

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment