YEAR 1 Curriculum Map 2016-17

YEAR 1 / Autumn / Spring / Summer
/ I will Never eat a tomato
Fiction and descriptive writing and speech.
Role Play
Speaking and listening / Jamela’s Dress
Fiction and descriptive writing and speech.
Role Play
Speaking and listening
Recount / Knuffle Bunny
Text map
Descriptive writing
Letter Writing
Recount / A New House for Mouse
Non-Fiction work on underground animals (moles, worms etc)
Traction Man
Letter Writing
Non-fiction Writing about sea creatures
Recount / Man on the Moon
Factual writing about Neil Armstrong
Descriptive Writing
Letter writing
Recount / The Lonely Beast
Descriptive Writing
Letter writing
Factual Writing about environments
/ Phase 3
J v w x y z ch sh ng ai ee oo o oar or ur ow air ure er
Phase 4
St nd mp nt nk f tsk lt lp lf lk pt
Xt tr dr pl cl gr br fr bl fl gl / Phase 4
St nd mp nt nk f tsk lt lp lf lk pt
Xt tr dr pl cl gr br fr bl fl gl
Phase 5
Ay ou ie ea oy ir ue ue aw wh p hew oe au ey a-e
e-e i-e o-e u-e u-e / Phase 5
Ay ou ie ea oy ir ue ue aw wh p hew oe au ey a-e
e-e i-e o-e u-e u-e
Grammar and spelling.
/ Capital letters, full stops, speech marks
Question Marks
Exclamation marks / Capital letters, full stops, speech marks
Question Marks
Exclamation marks
Spelling lists will be sent out weekly and will be based around the sounds being learned in Phonics* sessions. Please note* Phonics is streamed across both classes / Capital letters, full stops, speech marks
Question Marks/exclamation marks
Spelling lists will be sent out weekly and will be based around the sounds being learned in Phonics* sessions.
Please note* Phonics is streamed across both classes
/ Number
Counting numbers to 1 – 20
Pictorial representation of number and writing number in words.
Solving number problems by counting on. Number stories.
Problem solving. / Number stories.
Writing number sentences.
Using the inverse operation.
Subtract by using number bonds.
Subtract by counting back.
Subtraction number stories. / Consolidating
Number bonds and number facts to 10 – 20.
Making stories.
Matching numbers with words.
Comparing numbers, bigger smaller / Solving problems using number bonds.
Shapes and patterns. / Adding and subtracting.
Reading and writing numbers.
Shapes and patterns
Length and height
Counting and writing numbers to 40
Addition and subtraction word problems / Multiplication
Numbers to 100
Mass Space
/ Senses and materials
Waterproof/ non waterproof. / Sorting out toys into old and new.
Different materials. / Animals including humans
What do animals and humans have. / Properties and changes
Ice changes to water.
Fair test. / Investigative Skills -
Healthy Living
What we need to stay healthy.
To know the difference between living and non-living things.
/ Sensational
Using the senses. / All Dressed Up
Different professional
Costumes around the world.
Clothes through time. / Old and New
Toys around the world / Buildings
Fire of London
Old and new buildings
Interesting buildings around the world / Space
Light sources.
Neil Armstrong / Mini Beasts
What is the difference between non-living and living things?
What are the body parts of an insect?
/ Christianity / Christianity / Christianity / Christianity / Judaism / Judaism
/ New Beginnings / Going for Gold / Changes
/ We are treasure hunters / We are TV chefs / We are painters / We are collectors / We are storytellers / We are celebrating
/ Structures / Google Earth
Space technology
Moving vehicles
Survival equipment
Making rockets / Design healthy meals
/ Drawing still life
Investigating classic artists
African painting / Art influenced by space
Firework paintings.
Drawing/sketching buildings / Collage
Clay modelling
/ Tag-Rugby
Dukes Meadows Tennis / Dance
Real PE Unit 1 – personal skills / Dance
Real PE unit 2 – Social skills / Gymnastics
Real PE Unit 3 - Cognitive Skills / Gymnastics
Real PE unit 4 – creative skills / Athletics
Real PE Unit 5 – Apply Physical Skills
/ V and A / Pollocks Toy Museum / Local trip – walk around Chiswick looking at buildings / Science Museum / Chiswick House and Gardens