CI 812 1

Wichita State University

College of Education

Licensure Program Course Syllabus Outline[*]

Summer, 2007

Department, Course Number, Title, and Credit Hours

CI 812 Transition Across the Lifespan, (2 credit hours)

[Meets in Heskett Center, room 209, June 4th – June 22nd, 7:30am – 9:40am]

Faculty Member: Dr. Terre Graham

Office: Corbin 120

Telephone: 316-978-6866

E-mail Address:

Home Phone: 316-733-9367

Office Hours: Times available on request

Note: Weather Cancellations – Call 978-6633 (select 2) to obtain information on weather related class cancellations.

Catalog Description: Examines aspects of transition programming for individuals with exceptionalities across their life span. Addresses transitions from (a) early childhood special education settings to the school environment, (b) elementary to middle school, (c) middle school to high school, (d) one special education setting to another (e.g., self-contained classroom to resource room or general education classroom), and (e) high school to post-secondary settings and independent functioning. Discusses roles of individuals with exceptional learning needs, parents, educators, and community personnel.

Prerequisite(s): Admission into the Master’s of Special Education Program at WSU; completion of the provisional sequence (Core I), or with permission of instructor

Textbook(s) and Related Material: Life Beyond the Classroom: Transition Strategies for Young People with Disabilities by Paul Wehman, 4th edition, Brookes Publishing.

Major Topics:

All programs in the College of Education are designed to be consistent with a set of guiding principles. Guiding principles associated with major topics being addressed in this course are indicated in the table below:

Major Topics /
Guiding Principles (from the Unit Conceptual Framework*)
Professionalism and Reflection (PR) / Human Development and Diversity (HDD) / Connection of Teaching Experiences and Assessment (CTA) / Technology (T) / Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, and Alignment with Standards (CKS) / Collaboration (C)
Transition planning (roles/responsibilities, execution, considerations) / X / X / X / X / X
Job coaching, development and placement. / X / X / X / X / X
Pertinent laws (ADA, IDEA, etc.) / X / X / X
Vocation assessment strategies. / X / X / X / X / X / X
Transition models. / X / X / X / X
Historical and legal foundations of transition within SPED. / X / X / X / X / X / X
Interagency collaboration and related service providers. / X
Introduction to curricula and instructional strategies addressing transition needs. / X / X / X / X
Importance of self-determination and self-advocacy skills in transition process. / X / X / X / X


Technology Expectations: In this class, the instructor will be using technology in the following ways: class presentation (PowerPoint and video) and for class communication and assignments (Email and Blackboard). Students are expected to have basic technology skills such as ability to use an overhead projector for class presentation, and general computer literacy (operating machine, accessing Email and attachments, downloading PowerPoint and Word documents, using word processing software and conducting basic Web searches, including downloading files). Specific instruction will be provided in the use of Blackboard, and resources given to students who believe they need assistance in the above areas.

The COE Technology Center is available to College of Education students, faculty, and staff. A wide variety of technology equipment is available for student projects and assignments (e.g., wireless laptops, classroom performance systems, and digital cameras). Tech Staff are available during open lab hours to reserve equipment and answer questions. For detailed information about equipment and services, and a current Tech Center calendar, visit the Tech Center website at

Learner Outcomes:

Course Outcomes
The student will: / Related Assessment / Guiding Principles Unit Conceptual Framework
(PR, HDD, CTA, T, CKS, C) / Program Goals / Professional Standards (KSDE, ASHA, NASP)
Demonstrate knowledge of transition planning including roles/responsibilities, execution, and considerations. / Transition Plan
Quiz / PR, HDD, CTA, CKS, C / 4, 6 / KSDE , Stnd. #4
Demonstrate knowledge of the development and placement of job coaching. / Transition Plan
Quiz / PR, HDD, CTA, CKS, C / 5 / KSDE, Stnd. #5
Identify the historical and legal foundations (laws) related to transition. / Transition Plan
Quiz / PR, HDD, CTA, T, CKS, C / 1 / KSDE, Stnd #1 (adapt/funct/gifted)
Identify vocational assessment strategies. / Transition Plan
Quiz / PR, HDD, CTA, T, CKS, C / 3 / KSDE, Stnd. #3
Demonstrate knowledge of a variety of transition models, curricula and instructional strategies. / Transition Plan
Observation/Reflections / PR, HDD, CTA, CKS, C / 4 / KSDE, Stnd. #4
Demonstrate knowledge of the importance of interagency collaboration and related service providers. / Transition Plan
Blackboard assignments
Observation/Reflections / T, C / 8 / KSDE, Stand. #7
Demonstrate the importance of self-determination and self-advocacy skills in the transition process. / Transition Plan
Blackboard assignments
Observation/Reflections / PR, HDD, CTA, CKS / 6, 7 / KSDE, Stnd, #6

Course Assignments:

Blackboard Assignments: Students will be expected to participate in on-line discussion boards/chats or activities. Points for on-line discussion will be awarded for several aspects: quality and quantity of submission (i.e., must post own ideas and at least one reply for each “chat;”) responses must be thoughtful, with obvious reference to class materials such as relevant articles, text, etc.; and responses must be respectful (without being argumentative, rude, or otherwise not in keeping with professional behavior). Lateness of an assignment will result in a 5 point deduction for each day it is late.

*Transition Plan.: Students will submit a comprehensive transition plan drawn up for an actual student/individual with disabilities or from a case study or anonymous student from their classroom. Students will develop an appropriate plan using the format supplied by the instructor. *(Please note that this assignment has been identified by the program as a critical assessment piece, which means that students must score a minimum of 80% on this assignment in order to move on.)

Quiz: A final quiz will be completed at the end of the course.

Assignment Overview:

1. Transition Planning at the Elementary Level 25 points Due 6/13

2. Life Skills at the Elementary Level 25 points Due 6/13

3. Clark Matrix 25 points Due 6/13

4. Speaker Reflection #1 25 points Due 6/14

5. Speaker Reflection #2 25 points Due 6/14

6. On site Reflection/Observation 25 points Due 6/18

7. Transition Plan 50 points Due 6/21

8. Final Quiz 50 points Due 6/25

Total Points = 250 points

Grading: 90-100% = A; 80-89% = B; 70-79% = C; 60-69% = D; less than 60 = F.

Academic Honesty: A standard of honesty, fairly applied to all students, is essential to a learning environment. Students abridging a standard of honesty must accept the consequences; penalties are assessed by appropriate classroom instructors or other designated people. Serious cases may result in discipline at the College or University level and may result in suspension or dismissal. Dismissal from a College for academic dishonesty, constitutes dismissal from the University.(WSU Student Code of Conduct)

Special Needs: If you have a physical, perceptual, psychiatric/emotional, medical, or learning disability that may impact your ability to carry out assigned course work, contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS), Grace Wilkie Annex, room 173. (Voice/TDD 978-3309). ODS will review your concerns, confirm your disability, and determine, with you, what accommodations are necessary. All information and documentation of your disability is confidential and will not be released by ODS without your written permission.

Tentative Course Schedule:

(Instructor reserves right to amend schedule or substitute readings where appropriate)

Date / Topic(s) / Activities / Assignment
June 4th / Course Housekeeping
Transition in New Millennium / Fill out forms, go over syllabus / Chapters 1 & 2
June 5th / Bridge from Youth to Adulthood & Self-Determination / Chapters 3 & 4
June 6th / Transition Planning & Community Resources / Receive assignment
June 7th / Elementary Transition / Off Campus / Transition Planning/
Life Skills Elem.
June 8th / Elementary Transition / Off Campus / Clark Matrix
June 11th / Guest Speaker:
Tom Racunas,
USD 259 / Discussion Board / Reflection of Guest Speaker /BB
June 12th / Guest Speaker:
Connie Zienkewicz,
Families Together / Discussion Board / Reflection of Guest Speaker/BB
Chapters 5 & 6
June 13th / Full Inclusion & Secondary Transitions / Chapters 7 & 8
Elementary Activities Due
June 14th / Accountability & Teaching for Transition / Speaker Reflections #1 and #2 Due on Blackboard
June 15th / Visit to Starkey
2 groups: 8:45 am and 9:30 am / Off Campus
Discussion Board / Reflection of Observation/BB
Chapter 9 & 10
June 18th / Assistive Technology & Finding Jobs / Video (Goin Mobile)
Begin Transition Plan / Chapter 10 & 11
Reflection of Starkey Visit Due on BB
June 19th / Job Carving and Customized Employment / Work on plan / Chapter 12
June 20th / Vocational Placements / Video (Employability) / Chapters 13 & 14
June 21st / Postsecondary Opportunities and Housing / Transition Plan Due
Take Home Quiz

On campus dates: 6/4, 6/5, 6/6, 6/11, 6/12, 6/13, 6/14, 6/18, 6/19, 6/20, 6/21

Off campus dates: 6/7, 6/8, 6/15 (Starkey visit), 6/22

Educational Materials Resource: Book fine policies are in effect for any materials checked out for this class from the Library Resource Center (LRC) at the Joyce Focht Instructional Support Center (USD 259), 412 S. Main, Wichita. All materials for this class must be returned and fines paid at the LRC by this semester's Study Day before grades for this class will be recorded. NOTE: At the time of check out at the LRC, you will be asked to give your name, WSU student identification number, and identify the appropriate WSU class and instructor's name.

Performance Assessment: Both the state of Kansas and national accreditation organizations require that university programs for the preparation of teachers and other school personnel be performance-based. In particular, this requires that program candidates meet criteria established for each of at least four Transition Points. Transition Point requirements may include passing various specific courses and obtaining certain GPAs as well as receiving satisfactory ratings on certain required assessments some of which are embedded within program coursework.

One required assessment occurs in this course for the Functional Program

1. Transition Plan – must receive 80% of points on scoring rubric

Information on program Transition Point requirements can be found in the program handbook. Candidates unable to successfully meet Transition Point criteria will ordinarily be assigned remediation, which may affect progress in the program (e.g., not proceeding to next semester’s coursework). Meeting Transition Point criteria ultimately is necessary to secure licensure recommendation or graduation even though general GPA requirements may be met.

[*]Most recent update: Sept. 1, 2005