November 17-November 19, 2016
Armstrong State University • Savannah, Georgia • 912.344.2682
Students must be recommended by their band directors and should be among the best performers in their band or orchestra.
To apply, students must submit their signed application form and a recording representative of their playing proficiency. ONE recording PER APPLICANT. Recordings will be used to determine seating placements. Membership is competitive, and students from every state are eligible. Application and recording deadline is October 20, 2016. Students selected for membership will arrive at Armstrong State University in Savannah on Thursday evening, November 17th by 6 p.m. for registration. The first rehearsal begins promptly at 7 p.m. A $45 registration fee is required of each participant selected. Checks should be made to Armstrong. All students should be accompanied by their director or by a designated parent chaperone. Out-of-town students, directors, and parent chaperones can be housed in nearby area motels. Refer to brochure or website for more information on housing.
Thursday, November 175:30-6:45 p.m.Arrive in Savannah — Register at Armstrong Fine Arts Lobby
7:00-9:00 p.m.Rehearsal #1
Friday, November 188:45 a.m.Participants return to Armstrong
9-NoonRehearsal #2
Noon- 1:30 p.m.Lunch
1:30-3:15 p.m.Rehearsal #3
3:30-4:30 p.m.ASU Wind Ensemble Concert
Saturday, November 199:45 a.m.Participants return to Armstrong
10 a.m.-noonRehearsal #4
noon-1:30 p.m.Lunch
1:30-3:30 p.m.Dress Rehearsal #5
3:30-5 p.m.Dinner
5 p.m.Report back to Armstrong
6 p.m.Concert — Armstrong auditorium (school band/orch. concert uniform)
To apply, students must submit an application and a Recording. Only one performer per Recording. All Auditioning performers will play major scales and etudes as listed on the Georgia Music Educators Association website: (scroll over “Band,” click “All-State Band,” and find “All-State Band Requirements”
High School Audition Requirements: *Before you begin playing please state your name, instrument, grade, and school; then perform the following in order. 1) Chromatic scale (range listed on the GMEA website) 2) G and Ab major scale (as written on the GMEA website). 3) Lyrical etude as listed on the website for your grade and instrument. *Percussionists should play excerpts of the etudesfor snare, xylophone, and timpani (in that order) for preferential seating; however, percussionists who only play one instrument should not be discouraged from sending in an application.
Middle School Audition Requirements: *Before you begin playing please state your name, instrument, grade, and school; then perform the following in order. 1) Chromatic scale (range listed on the GMEA website) 2) F and Eb major scale (as written on the GMEA website). 3) Lyrical etude as listed on the website for your grade and instrument. *Percussionists mayselectone etudefor snare, xylophone, or timpani for preferential seating; The remainder of the percussion audition should be rudiments.
*Special Note to ALL auditioning students: Piccolo and clarinet players who play soprano, alto, bass, contra, or contrabass are encouraged to include a recording playing the appropriate etude for that instrument as well (indicate your willingness to perform these instruments on the application. Saxophonists and English horn players should do the same.
Download complete application packet atwinterfest.armstrong.edu
NOTE: Directors may collect student’s recordings and place them on one thumb drive for submission. Please be sure to identify the student’s sound files for download and include all applications.
Application and CD deadline is October 20, 2016
___ 6th ___7th ___8th ___9th ___10th ___11th ___12th
Home address______
Home phone______Cell Phone______Parent(s) emergency phone______
School______School or Band Room phone______
School address______
Band Director______Band Director Email______
Do you take private lessons: YES NO
Position in your band: Part______Chair ______
Other instruments you would be interested in playing:
Flute Performers:_____ Piccolo
Euphonium/Baritone Performers:_____ Bass Clef_____ Treble Clef
Oboe Performers:_____ English Horn
Saxophone Performers:_____ Soprano_____ Tenor_____ Baritone
Clarinet Performers:_____ Soprano_____ Bass_____ Contra_____ Contra-bass
If selected, you will be chaperoned by: (check one)
_____ your band director_____ your parent or another band parent
_____ not certain yet_____ you live in the Savannah area and will stay at home
Are you taking the S.A.T. on Saturday of the clinic: YES NO
Director’s Recommendation
I recommend that this student be considered for the WinterFest Honor Band. He/she is among the very best performers at that grade level in my program. We understand that acceptance into the WinterFest Honor Band is competitive and that timeliness of application and performance ability may influence which student performers will be invited. (Attach a separate letter if an additional reference statement is needed.)
Band director’s e-mailBand director’s signature
Application w/CD recording deadline is October 20, 2016
Mail this completed form and recording to:
Prof. Mark B. Johnson, Director of Bands, Armstrong State University, 11935 Abercorn Street, Savannah, GA 31419-1997
Office Phone: 912-344-2682
Office Email: