Simran and Bhagti

Notes taken from a Lecture by Sukhraj Singh (Leeds)

Definition = to remember God

But why?

We don’t understand the meaning of our human life. We are stuck in a rat race to better ourselves materialistically when the actual reason for our life is to be liberated and find peace by merging with akaal purakh Vaheguru.


1.  Kiryaman – Actions we do

2.  Collection of we have done

3.  Paralabadh – Actions which we bring with us from previous lives

Bhai Lehna Ji asked Guru Nanak Dev ji to experience being one with God. They go for a walk and they come across many different types of people:-

1.  firstly they see people with black faces

2.  then they see people with pig faces

3.  Further they come across people with spikes in their backs that cannot bend over

4.  They then come across people with their faces and feet turned backwards.

5.  Finally they meet with individuals the as Sunh Samadhi (Oneness).

Bhai Lehna ji was told to put his ear to the body of of the final type of people and he experienced this oneness of those merged with Vaheguru. Bhai Lehna Ji asked, who were thos other individuals that we walked past?

Guru nanak Dev Ji explained:

6.  People with the black faces were those who take out loans and don’t repay. Those individuals that don’t keep their word. They cannot merge with Vaheguru.

7.  People with pig faces were those slanderers

8.  Those with spikes in their backs that cannot bend over were individuals that never bowed down to Guru Sahib

9.  Then people with their faces and feet turned backwards were those who sell their sisters, wives and daughters including those who have abortions wen they find out they are having a girl.

Ritualistic bathing and cleansing of the body

·  Can rituals save us? Eg. Washing hair on certain days or bowing down to stones.

There is a sakhi of Bhagat Kabeer Ji – who rejected sexism and Halal. He was highly respected by the Hindu pandits who asked him to go with them to the 68 sacred rivers for ritual bathing.

Bhagat Kabeer ji refused and told them that it is only going to clean the outside of the body and nothing else. Instead, Bhagat Kabeer Ji gave the pandits a fruit similar to an apple and asked them to take it on their journey with them and then bring it back.

Upon the Pandits return, the fruit was very clean and Bhagat Kabeer Ji made it into chutney in the Langar for the pandits. When the pandits tasted it, it was bitter!

Just like the fruit got cleaned on the outside, the inside remained bitter and the same is for ourselves. Ritualistic bathing is of no use if not combined with simran and bhagti.


With Simran, ones karam are wiped

(i)  Bhai Gopala Ji (time of Siri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji) – After battle, in divan, Guru sahib asked someone to recite Jap ji sahib. Bhai Gopala recited it. He recited it so well with devotion that Guru Sahib considered blessing Bhai Gopala with the Guruship after him. However towards the end, a thought entered Bhai Gopala’s mind that he would quite like a Horse of the Guru’s as a reward. Due to the fact that this thought entered his mind, he was given horses instead of becoming the next Guru. Guru Hargobind Sahib did liberate him however.

(ii)  Father and son bhai Subeg Singh and Bhai Shabaz singh in the mid 1700’s were arrested and tortured in order to convert them to Islam. Bhai Shabaz Singh became weak and news came to his father that his son was ready to convert and that he too should convert. Bhai Subeg Singh asked to see his son. Upon meeting his son, Bhai Subeg Singh put his hand on Bhai Shabaz’s forehead and repeated ‘Vaheguru’ 5 times which changed hi karam and they both were martyred but did not change their faith.

What is Simran?

Simran can be the repetition of Vaheguru or the Jaap of Gurbani, there is no difference providing the mind is attached to the word.


Bhai Mati Daas Ji – who was sawn in half was repeating Jap Ji Sahib. At “Panch Parvaan, Panch Pardaan…” his body was completely cut but Jap Ji sahib continued to resonate from his body.

Bhai Dyal Daas Ji – Who was boiled alive was reciting Sukhmani Sahib

Bhai Sati Daas Ji - was burned, set alight after being wrapped in cotton. During this martyrdom, Bhai Sati Daas Ji was repeating ‘Vaheguru’

5 Evils

In this life, we are controlled by our minds, feeling and emotions and the panj chor (five thieves – Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachement and Ego).

Simran is the key to help us control the panj chor and keep them at bay. Otherwise we remain in the cycle of birth and death.

Guru Nanak and the Old Guy sakhi.

Guru Nanak Dev jis was passing a village one day with Bhai Mardana ji when they was an old man sitting on a wall while his family were doing chores going about their daily routine. Guru Nanak Dev ji approached him and said , ‘ Old man, you are growing old, it would be a good idea for you to remember God, why not do some simran’. The old guy replied ‘No, I cannot, for I don’t have time. I need to direct and manage my children who are doing their tasks. If I don’t they make mistakes and need me for advice’.

Guru Nanak Dev ji though fine, they went on their way and said I will see you on my way back.

Upon Guru Ji’s return as they once again passed through the village, Guru Ji went to the house and asked the family members where the old man was. Guru Nanak Dev ji was told that he had since died. Then Guru Nanak Dev ji looked to the Buffalo that was in the veranda. It turned out that the Buffalo was the reincarnation of the old man re-born to the same family.

Guru Ji communicated with the Buffalo and said, if you repeat ‘Vaheguru’ 5 times, I will still liberate you, that’s all you have to do. The buffalo said ‘No’, ‘I can’t, for I I am liberated now, the buffalo will die and my family cannot afford another on because they are poor. I need to be here to provide milk.

Guru Ji said fine and left.

Some time later, Guru Nanak Dev Ji returned and the Buffalo had gone.. This time the old man had been reborn to the family as a dog. The family had gained some more wealth by now too.

Guru Ji said to the dog, repeat the name of the lord and you shall be liberated. The dog again refused claiming that he was required for the household as a guard dog for security to guard the family’s wealth. Due to the old man in the dog form thinking of wealth and finance to the point at which he died, he was re-born to the family again as a snake.

By this time, the family had got older and his children had their own children. The old man’s grand child was playing in a swinging cot and began to cry. The old man in snake form loved his family and so went to comfort the crying child. When the old man’s son came out, he saw the snake near his child and immediately killed the snake by chopping it’s head off.

Finally the snake was then reborn as an ant in the gutter of the household. Guru came back and communicated with the ant. The ant begs for forgiveness and for liberation saying that he was foolish. He told Guru Ji how he was so attached to his family but in the end he was killed by his son in an instant when he was in the form of a snake. – Attachement controlled him!

How do we do it?

anthar gur aaraadhunaa jihuvaa jap gur naao

Deep within yourself, worship the Guru in adoration, and with your tongue, chant the Guru's Name

naethree sathigur paekhunaa sruvunee sununaa gur naao

Let your eyes behold the True Guru, and let your ears hear the Guru's Name.

sathigur saethee rathiaa dhurugeh paaeeai thaao

Attuned to the True Guru, you shall receive a place of honor in the Court of the Lord.

1.  Deep within, focus on the meaning

2.  tongue – speak it

3.  eyes – see/observe Gurbani

4.  ears – hear yourself or listen to the recitation

5.  have faith and trust

Vahe – amazing/wondrous

Guru – enlightener

GOD – Giver of life, Observer and Deliverer of life merging back to himself.