Regular Meeting of Council, California Borough, November 13, 2008, California Municipal Building, 225 Third Street, 6:30 P.M.

President Bittner called the meeting to order.

PRESENT: John Difilippo, President Jon Bittner, Vicki Gallo, Shelly Roberts, Walter Weld, Sheila Chambers, Mayor Casey Durdines

ABSENT: Julie Gallo-Junior Councilperson

A moment of silent prayer to remember Mr. Mariscotti and his family was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Mayor Durdines – Add two announcements

Mr. Weld - Add - approval to look into a used skid steer for the street department

Mr.Bittner - There was a problem this afternoon on a ruling whether Council could interview in executive session. Since all five people that expressed interest in Council were in attendance they would be asked to come to the microphone to do their interviews.

The agenda would stand approved as printed and amended.


Difilippo/Weld motion to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of October 2, 2008 duly carried.

Weld/Chambers motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 9, 2008 duly carried.

Chambers/Roberts motion to approve the minutes of the Continued Meeting of October 17, 2008 duly carried.


There were no public comments on the agenda.


Ms. Pfrogner read the accounts balance and accounts payable as of October 31, 2008.

Difilippo/Gallo motion to accept Secretary/Treasurer’s report duly carried.

President Bittner turned the meeting over the Mayor Durdines.


Mayor Durdines read a letter from the Department of Public Safety, California University regarding Officer Dorcon’s stellar performance and heroic efforts as a police officer during a crisis situation. On behalf of the California Police Department, the Borough of California and the citizens of California, Mayor Durdines commended Officer Dorcon on his heroic actions on September 22, 2008 in which he was able to rescue a woman from a burning structure. This was not the first time that he has distinguished himself while serving the citizens of California. Earlier this year he talked an individual out of taking their own life. Mayor Durdines thanked Officer Dorcon for the excellent work he does in keeping the citizens of this Borough safe. Officer Dorcons thanked everyone and was glad he could be of help.


Stefanie Chitester of Brownsville Area Revitalization Corp. spoke about a project starting in Brownsville, to do a water trail map, which is a map of river access points and amenities produced for river users. The Fishing Boat Commission designates these routes in coordination with a local community group who agrees to manage the trail. The area of the Mon River covered is from Maxwell to McKeesport and that would meet up with the lower Mon Trail that is part of the Three Rivers Trail and then at Maxwell it would meet with the upper Mon River Water Trail. The water trail map is an easy project and inexpensive to implement. The benefit of water trail development is it would increase recreational use of the river by tourists and local citizens and will promote awareness of river conservation and safety issues. The Fishing Board Commission will distribute the maps across the eastern U.S. free of charge. She is here tonight to ask for the Borough’s official support and ask that at least one person from California Borough be named to the steering committee. She also invited the public to participate. Mrs. Chambers asked if the name could be forwarded to her, which could be done. The Mayor had been working with them but due to his work schedule could not be there all the time so he asked that someone else at least share the responsibility of working on this project.



President Bittner reported the executive session dealt with legal matters and turned the meeting over to Mr. Melenyzer. Mr. Melenyzer stated there were several legal matters that had to be discussed and could not be discussed in public because they are legal issues and that could impact on any further actions somebody might take against the Borough.


Mr. Maddiex

Mrs. Chambers asked Mr. Maddiex what his vision for the community three years from now is. Mr. Maddiex would like to hold the line on taxes, get Ms. Robert’s Kalamazoo Project underway, if the University continues to expand to gain control of the noise and various pollutions and bring this happily to co-existence. He sees great future for the Borough. He would take Council, the University, School District, Recreation Authority to work with elected officials to help everything along getting grants, working with the Mayor, police department. If everyone could work together good things would come, also civic organizations, churchs, Rotary, Optimist Club, etc. Mayor Durdiens asked why he is interested in the position. Mr. Maddiex stated he likes to serve. He served on the Planning commission, served as an alternate on the zoning hearing board and was elected to Council for the 2004-2007 term and he feels he could still be a use to this community.

Mr. Hilty

Mr. Hilty felt he may be able to help, he has twenty years in the construction industry. He did industrial mine, bridge and road work. He worked with UMW and the United Steel Workers of American Unions and the Corp of Engineers. He worked in contracting doing the bid, planing and building many projects. He worked on multiple projects including sewage plants. The Monongahela expansion and Redstone Township being the two closest projects. He served as quality control for the Rices Landing Bridge working with the Army Corp of Engineers and PennDot. He worked in human resources for a company with three hundred eighty five employees. He was safety director at the time he attended West Virginia University. He is certified to teach OSHA Safety Classes. For the last nine years he has worked in real estate. He owns three properties in California. He has only missed one or two meetings open to the public in the last year. Mrs. Chambers asked what his vision for the community is and how he might obtain it. Mr. Hitly feels the sewage project is a major project that needs to be addressed. There is a lot of ground that could be developed and resolve some of these issues the Borough has with housing and he thinks that is a very important issue that needs to be addressed. He would like to open up some new ground and would like that to be the main function. It is a key issue for him. The college needs to be addressed and see if the Borough and college could work together. Those are his two key issues. Mrs. Gallo asked if his interest in Council would effect him personally and if he would be able to divide the two and do what is best for the community. Mr. Hilty asked if that was asked because he owns property. She just worries about anyone who would have personal. Mr. Hilty stated regarding his rental property, he rents to single families up on the hill and he trying to conform to what is trying to be done up there to make that community stay the way that it is. He went out of his way to buy those properties and turn them into rentals for single families. He does have a lot of the same vision for up there and does not see why he would have any problems separating his private life with anything that was on Council.

Mr. Mariscotti

Mr. Mariscotti did not think there should be a separation between his private life and his business. His business is his life. Mrs. Gallo stated private life’s business and Borough business because if you make decisions based on putting money in your pocket and it is going to hurt the community it is unethical and people start talking about it and that is a concern of hers. Mr. Mariscotti understood her point but what he stated is everything he does in business directly involves his personal life so for him business and personal there is no separation. As far as Council, he wants to do what is best for the town because that directly affects his business and his personal life. He wants better communication between Council, the college and the school district and as of last week’s meeting, better communication between Council. If he gets this position the first thing he wants to accomplish is better communication between the seven Council members and the Mayor.

Mrs. Gutosky

Mrs. Gutosky was born in California Borough and raised in Malden. She and her husband have lived in California Borough since 1982, own property and raised a family in California Borough. She is a speech pathologist, worked for the Uniontown School District, has a bachelor and master’s degree from California University. Their grandchildren live in this Borough. She is concerned about the direction of the Borough for their future. Her children own property in this Borough. She feels that she can bring some common sense to the Borough as far as issues she seen brought across this desk. She comes to all of the Borough meetings and work sessions. She feels like she has a handle on some of the things going on. There is more to this Borough than just Wood and Third Streets. She thinks the Borough needs to work in one accord, needs to get some values that are for the good of the Borough for the good of the community, not self serving. Families are very, very important, having families in the Borough and addressing their needs, not only families with children but families that have elderly. Council needs to stand up for what is right and have better communication amongst themselves and the community. There has to be a better working relationship with the university. The university is here to stay and the Borough had better learn to take advantage of their presence here. It is really an asset and the Borough needs to capitalize on it.

Mr. Alfano

Mr. Alfano submitted a letter where he and Mr. Mariscotti had a conversation and Mr. Alfano would support him for the position if he desired to have it. He has had the luxury of serving for eight year and he thinks everyone should have a chance to serve. He would yield to Mr. Mariscotti if that would be Council’s decision. He Council to know that he is available for public service. He does take offense to the inference that any of these candidates have a personal agenda. Everyone sitting on Council has a personal agenda or they would not have run. They had something that they wanted to see happen that may have been outside of the interest or the best interest of the town. He works in an industry that runs on the code of ethics and he does not want anybody to think that he could not separate his business from his straight thinking for what is the best for the Borough.

Mr. Bittner felt it very helpful for the community to have five applicants wanting to fill this position. He was very happy to see that interest and thinks that is health whether it is a special election like this or the regular election that is coming up in 2009. The more people willing to help the community, gives the people a selection to pick from. He is glad this is taking place. Mrs. Chambers added for those who do not get it, please do not go away. Please consider running next year. The Borough needs this input, please keep packing the room like this. Council appreciates everything and communication is a two way street between the community and Council.


Weld/Difilippo motion to nominate Tony Mariscotti to fill Mr. Mariscotti’s seat on Council. On a roll call vote motion carried with all members voting yes.

Mayor Durdines administered Mr. Mariscotti the oath of office.


A budget workshop was set for Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 6:00 P.M.


Mr. Bittner and Ms. Pfrogner were looking at the calendar and do not feel a continued meeting would be needed to adopt the proposed budget. It is hoped to adopt the budget at the December 11th meeting, which would then let Council do the final approval of it on December 30th. There would have to be a continued meeting on December 30th to approve the final budget. The tentative budget would be adopted on December 11th with the final approval of the budget on December 30th.


Resolution No. 08-107 is to apply for the Washington County Local Share Account Program, the gaming money. Whereas, the Council of the Borough of California after assessing the needs of the Community desires to request funding through the 2009-1010 Local Share Account Program. Whereas, the Council of the Borough of California has agreed to apply for the local share account in the amount of $200,000 for the acquisition, demolition and revitalization of property located at 311-313 Third Street also known as the Hollywood Theater. This property may further be identified as parcel no. 080-008-00-03-0002-00. Whereas, it is the also agreed by the Borough of California to use the 2009 Community Development Block Grant Funding in the amount of $139,750 as matching fund in the Local Share Account application. Now therefore let it be resolved that the Council of the Borough of California at the regular meeting held November 13, 2008 supports the request for funding from the Washington County Local Share Account Program for fiscal year 2009-2010. Chambers/Difilippo motion to approve Resolution No. 08-107 duly carried.