Park Township Groundwater/Flooding Subcommittee Meeting
February 10, 2009 Minutes
1)Meeting called to order at Supervisor Amanda Price.
2)Attendance: Committee members: John Barwis, Brian Douthitt, Amanda Price, Mike Toscano, Doug Wehrmeyer, Township Manager Stu Visser, Attorney Dan Marin, Trustee Jerry Hunsburger, Ottawa County Drain Commissioner Paul Geerlings, Dan Brown, Allan Hoekstra
3)The committee reviewed the minutes and gave suggestions for revisions.
4)Price gave the committee a report to review for presentation to the board of Trustees at Thursday’s meeting.
5)The committee agreed to include Visser’s drain maintenance list in the report.
6)The committee gave recommendations for Price to report to the board.
7)Toscano asked who reviews the drains that are not owned by the county.
8)Visser stated that road side ditches are the Road Commission’s responsibility.
9)Price suggested the township map out the privately owned drains that should be maintained by the homeowner (including roadside ditches and swales).
10)Douthitt gave some options for the dewatering.
11)Geerlings gave suggestions and figures on relieving the groundwater issues.
12)The committee discussed the affect of the suggestions on areafarmers.
13)Barwis stated the problem is a climatic issue.
14)Hunsburger asked how well the Road Commission maintains their drains.
15)Geerlings stated a ditch could help Ventura Estates because the surface water would run out of the area and not soak into the ground.
16)Toscano asked Martin what is holding the committee back from bringing the water into the ditch.
17)Martin explained.
18)Douthitt stated the township can address Ventura and riley between 160th and 168th based on Martin’s statements.
19)Toscano would like the Planning Commission to set benchmarks regarding the water issues.
20)Barwis reviewed a list of minimum requirements for the consultants bidding process and participation rates.
21)Martin stated the township could adopt the requirements as common practice.
22)Visser reviewed the quotes he received from the consultants.
23)The committee compared the proposals and reformatted the information, including Barwis’ requirements, into an RFP to resubmit to consultants.
24)The committee asked the Manager to ask consultants to attend the next meeting, resubmit the RFP and to return a 30 day plan in 1 week.
25)The committee identified 4 crisis areas and 3 questions to pose to the consultants.
26)Douthitt will call Holland Engineering to be included in the bidding process.
27)Next meeting Monday February 17th at 3:00pm at the township office.
28)The committee stated Price should submit her report without the recommendation pieces and include the engineering scale has been clarified and engineering firms will be called back on the bidding process for clarification.
29)Geerlings explained the board of determination process
30)The meeting was adjourned at 8:45pm.
Respectfuly submitted by;
Daniele Dykens