Event: Skills Scotland Edinburgh
Your Name: Maya Preston
Email Address:
Company Name: Prospects Events
Persons Responsible on Site: Maya Preston
Contact Number: 01823 362800
Venue: Royal Highland Centre, Edinburgh
Event Dates: 9 November 2017
X / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Almost Certain / 5 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
Highly Likely / 4 / 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20
Likely / 3 / 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15
Unlikely / 2 / 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10
Extremely Improbable / 1 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Minimal / Minor Injury / 3 Day + Injury / Serious or Major Injury / Severe
Own Staff / OWN
Venue Staff / VEN
Exhibitors / EXH
Visitors / Public / VS
Contractors / CON
All persons onsite / AOS
Manual handling of equipment / ü / OWN,VEN,EXH,CON / 3 / ·  Porters employed to assist organisers and exhibitors to unload/load
·  Porters fully briefed and given manual handling brief
·  Instructions and trolleys for their use
·  Organisers given manual handling instructions / 2
Housekeeping / ü / OWN, VEN, EXH, CON / 6 / ·  Events team patrolling exhibition floor at all times and will monitor aisles and gangways
·  Any exhibitors/contractors obstructing will be advised to move equipment
·  Cleaners on site to keep event free from rubbish
·  Exhibitors advised to remain within stand boundary
·  Layout of stands to ensure good flow of movement / 4
Vehicle movement / ü / OWN, VEN, EXH, CON / 9 / ·  Traffic marshals in place to manage traffic
·  Vehicular displays supervised upon entry to hall and subject to venue regulations
·  Clear build up and breakdown access procedures given to all exhibitors, once unloaded/loaded vehicles moved to avoid overcrowding
·  Separate times allocated for contractor and exhibitor build up / 3
Slips, trips and falls / ü / OWN, VEN, EXH, CON / 6 / ·  Events team will be advised to monitor slip hazards and eliminate whilst walking around the event
·  New carpet will be laid by professional contractors in the exhibition hall
·  All exhibition stands on ground floor
·  Cleaners on site throughout event
·  Large load in doors used for access
·  Professional contractors used for stand and electric build up and breakdown, risk assessments, insurance and health and safety info obtained from each / 4
E.g. electric shock, cutting, crushing, entanglement etc. / ü / OWN, VEN, EXH, CON / 6 / ·  All events team to be trained on how to use any office equipment
·  All exhibition kit PAT tested
·  Professional contractors used for stand and electrics build up and breakdown, risk assessments, insurance and health and safety info obtained from each / 3
Welfare requirements / ü / OWN, VEN, EXH, CON / 6 / ·  First aid staff on duty to cover emergencies and first aid cover throughout the open hours of the event
·  Venue to ensure access to toilet facilities and adequate heat and light provisions
·  Organisers to have outside communication in case of Emergency / 3
Manual handling of equipment / ü / AOS / 3 / ·  Storage room used within event
·  Restricted movement of goods during open hours
·  Dedicated porters available for moving of equipment right up until open period
·  Access to and use of trolleys by Porters and Events team / 2
Stress / ü / OWN, EXH. VS / 2 / ·  All event and temporary staff briefed on all logistical elements of the event
·  Rota in place with regular breaks
·  Security personnel on site to deal with any incidents
·  Food and drink arrangements in place for the event
·  Exhibitors advised on all catering arrangements / 1
Slips, trips and falls / ü / AOS / 4 / ·  Cables taped down
·  No contractor work during open hours
·  Storage room for use by exhibitors available
·  Efficient layout and plan of stands to ensure good visitor flow
·  Security/stewards in place in key areas of the event
·  First aid personnel on duty throughout open period
·  Dedicated cleaning monitoring all areas of the event during open period
·  Standby contractors in place / 2
In and out,
access and egress / ü / AOS / 6 / ·  Dedicated reception staff to monitor entrance and exit
·  Group visits to sign in and out to monitor numbers in hall
·  Exhibitors to wear badges for identification / 3
Fire / Electricity / ü / AOS / 8 / ·  Advise exhibitors not to overload power sockets
·  Advise exhibitors that their equipment should be PAT tested
·  All event and temporary staff briefed on evacuation procedures, including layout of the event and assembly points
·  Exhibitors given evacuation and emergency procedures within their welcome pack
·  Standby electrician available during open hours
·  Any vehicles displayed to be empty of fuel
·  All event team in radio contact in case of emergency and PA to communicate important information
·  Fire exit by stand 76 agreed with venue to cover, to prevent visitors accessing out of bound area (Venue confirmed that there are still enough useable exits available in hall). / 4
Materials / Substances / ü / AOS / 6 / ·  Ensure all substances, if applicable are locked in a secure area / 3
Exhibitor activity including demonstrations and activities / ü / AOS / 3 / ·  Own build stands to submit drawings/stand plans for approval
·  Individual liaison with own build contractors via the organisers
·  Individual risk assessments undertaken by exhibitors for any activity/demo
·  Detailed exhibitor manual circulated to all exhibitors / 1
Group visits involving multiple groups of young people that may result in crushing/panic/injury / ü / AOS / 6 / ·  Group visits scheduled on a timetable
throughout the open days
·  Security/stewards employed and all staff briefed to monitor behaviour
·  Group leaders issued clear guidelines and health and safety and evacuation procedures
·  Teachers identified by badges and requested to Supervise at all times
·  Help desk staffed at all times / 4

Disabled persons or special requirements

/ ü / AOS / 6 / ·  Venue is fully accessible to any persons with
physical or learning disabilities
·  Staff to be full briefed on facilities available
·  Visitors encouraged to contact us in advance with any special requirements / 4


Print Name: Maya Preston Date: 25 April 2016