Midwest Regional Conference Summary
July 16-17, 2004
The Midwest Regional SeniorNet Conference was held July 16-17, 2004 and hosted by the Peoria, IL SeniorNet Learning Center. Proceedings were held at the Holiday Inn Brandywine Conference Center in Peoria.
Many thanks to the countless number of Peoria volunteers who participated in the presentation.
The conference welcome address and greetings was presented by Tom Kingsley, one of the many original volunteers still involved with SeniorNet in Peoria. Other participants included Andy Fraser, John and Ethel Pico, Nan Cramer, Sandy Litwiller, Florence Gaffney, Mike Foley, Don Phelps, Don Duvall, Nellie Parsons who coordinated the conference program. There are numerous others that cannot be listed here due to space limitations and I thank all. Of course, we must thank PJ Hagerdorn, the Illinois Eye Center Community Relations Director and her staff people including Dawn Bach.
The second conference day was for the benefit of both SeniorNet members and the local Peoria community. The day was supported by many local exhibitors. The conference was also a celebration of the Peoria, IL Learning Center’s 15th anniversary. The Illinois Eye Center, a group of ophthalmologists has graciously supported the SeniorNet Learning Center and of course gives so much to the Peoria community.
Dr. Steven Sicher was the principle in establishing SeniorNet in Peoria 15 years ago. He attended an ophthalmology conference in California, heard of the SeniorNet concept and the rest is history. We owe Dr. Sicher and the entire professional and staff people at the Illinois Eye Center our gratitude. During lunch, I had the pleasure of presenting Dr. Sicher with a plaque that designated him as a Lifetime SeniorNet member and expressing our gratitude.
Midwest Regional Conference Notes
July 16, 2004
People Issues Workshop
Moderator: Sandy Litwiller
Volunteer and student recruitment sources: most Learning Centers are on the same track…advertising in local senior and community oriented newspapers, placing flyers in senior oriented housing such as condo developments, libraries and local senior centers, Providing speakers for retiree groups.
Orientation for new volunteers: the Peoria Learning Center has a formal orientation program in place. The membership coordinator greets new prospects, provides them with a membership packet and partners the new member with a mentor.
Retaining and motivating volunteers to remain active: Peoria recognizes that people can be utilized for many purposes other than teaching or coaching; among some positions available are librarian, assistant librarian, and pre and post registration assistants.
Communication with volunteers:
One center holds a monthly board meeting composed of various coordinators and in addition a monthly steering committee meeting of all volunteers. An agenda is sent via email to all attendees prior to such meetings and minutes are sent afterwards
Volunteer Recognition; Some Centers participate in a local event recognizing all volunteers in the community, some feel that they would like to make it an exclusive SeniorNet volunteer recognition event; could be in the form of a dinner or potluck event and/or recognition with pins/certificates.
Student Recognition; most Centers reward students with certificates of completion; Peoria Center hosts a graduation ceremony and provide cookies, punch PowerPoint presentations of students in classes, Certificates for students who attend the festivities, and pictures in cap and gown.
Hinsdale Center provides a $5.00 discount coupon for the student’s next class.
Technical & Local Issues
Computer Operating Systems: some Centers have labs with a mixture of operating systems that usually will be made up of Windows 98 and Windows XP systems.
One Center has a mixture of Windows 95 and Windows ME systems.
Most operate with all computers being Windows XP although one uses the Windows Classic view
Annual Budgets: most Centers are supported within their site sponsor budget.
ISPs: All centers reported some form of high speed access.
Fees; All Centers charge the $40.00 SeniorNet membership fee; class fees range from $0 to $60. The center that has a $60 (8 week course) will provide a 50% spouse discount if enrolled in the same class. Most Centers use SeniorNet HQ curriculum.
SNUG/SIG Groups: SIG Groups offered by the Appleton, WI Learning Center include:
General SIG
Novice SIG
Genealogy SIG
Scanner/Photo SIG
Internet SIG
Teaching Issues
Curricula offered: All centers teach the SeniorNet Intro to Computers course although some modify the course materials, all offer Word; many offer scanner and/or digital photography courses or workshops.
Course Registration
Peoria, IL holds a two hour walk-in registration and priority is give to walk-ins.
Wheeling, IL: Priority given to returning students
Palatine, IL: Post registration instructor phones every student for screening to determine if prerequisite courses have been attended.
Miscellaneous Course info: a large percentage of students complete the courses. Evaluations turned in by students are the most used method of measuring accomplishments.