Healthy Herbs
CALL Class
Krysta and Carly
Have samples of herbs in bags unlabeled in the front of the class. Have the class members come to the front of the class with a sheet of paper Sheet will have herb names, herbs will be numbered. Match the herb to the number.
Go over answers to matching.
1) Identify 10 herbs that are commonly used in cooking.
2) Be able to explain one health benefit of each herb
3) Distinguish cooking, storage, and serving methods for each herb.
For each herb:
●Health Benefits
●Selection and Storage
●Preparation and Serving
●Medicinal Uses
●Nutrient Information
1Basil- KB
○Health Benefits:
■Anti-oxidant properties - contain polyphenolic flavonoids (orientin and vicenin) and beta caroteine and vitamin A. These property can assist in preventing lipid oxidation, and cell breakdown.
■Anti-inflammatory and Anti-bacterial benefits - Contain essential oils (eugenol, citronellol, linalool, citral), which help fight infection/reduce the amount of bacteria in food. Add Basil to foods that do not require cooking such as salads to keep you and your food safe from bacterial infections.
○Selection and Storage
■Basil can be grown in a pot or in the backyard for easy access and use.
■Choose fresh over dried, for improved taste and flavor of the herb.
■It is not recommended to store basil in the refrigerator, instead, store basil in a glass with water and cover with plastic bag, or store in freezer for 4-6 months. For dry basil store in cool dark place up to 6 months.
○Preparation and Serving
■Wash fresh basil for few minutes to remove dust and pesticides.
■When cooking with basil, it is best to add basil in at the last minute in order to preserve flavor, nutrients and essential oils.
■Basil is great in soups, vegetable and fruit salads, and is used for making pesto.
○Medicinal Uses -
■Basil is used as an anti-inflammatory agent, for health conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and inflammatory bowel conditions.
○Nutrient Information -
■Basil is a good source of minerals such as potassium, manganese, copper, magnesium, and iron. and vitmains A, and K
○Known for its distinct aroma due to presence of Methanol and medicinal value.
○Health Benefits -
■Antioxidant, no cholesterol, rich in essential oils (methanol-analgesic (painkiller) and local anesthetic, methone, methol acetate) that affect cold-sensitive receptors
■ vitamins, fiber which help to control blood pressure and total cholesterol.
■Compounds have been found to relax intestinal wall used in the treatment of IBS.
○Selection and Storage:
■ fresh provide superior flavor, phyto nutrients, vitamins and anti-oxidants.
■Store in refrigerator in zip pouch or wrapped in a damp paper towel. Dried can be kept for a few months in a cool, dark, dry place.
○Preparation and Serving-
■Washed thoroughly prior to use.
■ Herbal tea, flavoring base of ice cream garnish, soups/sauces, freshly chopped in a green salad.
○Medicinal Uses-
■peppermint oil has analgesic which can be used as a local anesthetic or topical muscle relaxant.
■Hygiene products mouthwash, toothpaste, chewing gum.
○Nutrient Information:
■Excellent source of potassium- muscle strength/contraction, maintain osmotic pressure in cells (blood pressure)
■calcium- formation of healthy bones and teeth, nerve impulse transmission, cellular adhesion
■Iron- creation of HGB, aids in HGb holding O2 in blood, with b12 and folic acid to create RBC, important for brain and physical development
■manganese-activates enzymes, helps metabolize fats
3Cilantro-KB - cilantro is a Mediterranean herb commonly recognized in Asia and coriander. Coriander is primarily found here in the form of seeds. But cilantro and coriander are essentially the same herb, but is known as cilantro in the west, and coriander in Europe and Middle East.
○Health Benefits
■ Cilantro is cholesterol-free, and is rich in antioxidants, essential oils, vitamins and minerals that help to lower LDL-cholesterol while increasing HDL-cholesterol.
■Cilantro also contains polyphenolic flavenoids such as querctin, kaempferol, and epigenin, which are anti-oxidant agents. Antioxidants assist the body in reducing free-radicals which can break down cell tissue, and increase the risk of heart disease, cancer, and other diseases.
○Selection and Storage
■choose fresh over dried since it has better taste flavor and nutrient content.
■Store cilantro in a ziplock bag with a slightly damp paper towel to maintain freshness. Cilantro will keep fresh in the fridge for up to 3-5 days.
○Preparation and Serving
■Wash cilantro with clean water, and discard roots, and any old or bruised leaves.
■Cilantro should be added at the end of preparation for a dish to maintain the flavor.
○Medicinal Uses
■Cilantro is not primarily used as a medicinal herb. however, its high nutrient quality in Vitamin A and K help to make this herb a great way to obtain those vital nutrients.
○Nutrient Information
■Cilantro is a rich source of minerals such as folic acid, b-vitamins niacin and riboflavin, beta-carotene, and vitamin C. Of interest, 100g vitamin A also contains 225% daily intake. Vitamin A is an antioxidant which is essential for vision, and can be protective against oral and lung cancers.
■55% of manganese.
4. Thyme-CL
○Health Benefits
■Contains Thymol: historically been used in natural medicine to treat respiratory problems (coughs, bronchitis, chest congestion) essential oil found to have antiseptic (prevents the spread of bacterial by entering lymphatic (circulatory) system to destroy bacteria) and anti-fungal (Suppresses the reproduction or growth of fungas in the body) characteristics
■Phenolic Antioxidants
●zea-xanthin and lutein- important for eye health and reduce risk of cataracts and AMD)
●One of the highest antioxidant levels among herbs.
■Packed with
■Excellent source of potassium- muscle strength/contraction, maintain osmotic pressure in cells (blood pressure)
■ calcium- formation of healthy bones and teeth, nerve impulse transmission, cellular adhesion
■Iron- creation of HGB, aids in HGb holding O2 in blood, with b12 and folic acid to create RBC, important for brain and physical development
■manganese-activates enzymes, helps metabolize fats
■ magnesium, component of bones, helps lower blood pressure, prevents arrhythmia (irregular heart beat), helps maintain body cells in nerve and muscle cells
■Selenium-protects cells from destruction by free radicals
○Selection and Storage
■Fresh thyme should feature a light green color and free from dark spots/yellowing.
■Fresh: wrapped in a damp paper towel.
■Dried: thyme can be kept in a tightly sealed glass container and stored in a cool, dark place up to 6 months.
○Preparation and Serving
■Add Sparingly!
■Add at the last minute, prolonged cooking can evaporate essential oils.
■Herbal tea, seasoning in soups/sauces, marinates.
○Medicinal Uses
■Essential oils: antiseptic, anti fungal uses
■Help relieve sore throat, bronchitis with throat gargling/tea
○Nutrient Information
■Good source of iron, manganese, vitamin K, calcium, fiber.
5. Garlic-KB
○Health Benefits
■Garlic contains phyto-nutrients, and antioxidants which have many health benefits.
■The bulb in garlic contains allicin which is shown to decrease blood vessel stiffness and decrease blood pressure. This in turn helps to decrease risks of coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease and stroke.
○Selection and Storage
■The bulbs of garlic can be stored at room temperature, in a dark place away from humidity for several weeks.
○Preparation and Serving
■Garlic cloves are used in a wide variety of dishes to enhance flavor.
■When garlic is cut up, wait at least 5 minutes before using or cooking to get the most benefits and flavor out of it. The enzymes in garlic are reduced if not left to sit out.
○Medicinal Uses -
■Garlic can be used to help fight colds, coughs, or bronchitis.
■disinfect skin.
■Assists in cholesterol lowering, heart health, and boosting the immune system. By letting cut or chopped up garlic sit for a few minutes before using it, it can enhance the alliinase enzymes(sulfur containing compound) in garlic to have these health benefits. Cooking whole garlic, or not letting garlic sit out before changing its form (by heating) reduces its benefits.
○Nutrient Information
■Garlic is a source of potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and selenium. Selenium is associated with heart health as it is an important cofactor in antioxidant enzymes within the body. Garlic also contains many flavinoid antioxidants such as carotene, zea-xanthin, and Vitamin C, which can help against infection, and antioxidation.
6. Oregano-CL
○Health Benefits
■Essential oils: carvacrol, thymol (antibacterial and antifungal) have been shown to inhibit the growth of bacteria, limonene, pinene, etc. leaves are anti-septic,
■anti-spasmodic- prevent or treat spasms,
■ carminative, relieves flatulence
■cholagogue (help gall bladder secretion)
■diaphoretic (sweat production).
■May improve gut motility, help in digestion by facilitating enzyme secretions.
○Selection and Storage
■Fresh: vibrant green color and firm stem. Store in refrigerator in a zip pouch or wrapped in a slightly damn paper towel.
■Dried: kept fresh for many months when stored in a tightly sealed glass container and stored in a cool, dark, dry, place.
○Preparation and Serving
■Widely used as a spice (used to enhance the flavor of cuisine)
■Soups, omelettes, sauces, pickling
■Freshly chopped and added to green/fruit salads.
○Nutrient Information
■Good source of fiber,
■ vitamin K, promotes blood clotting and bone strength
■vitamin E- antioxidant removing free radicals in the body
■manganese, -activated enzymes, helps to metabolize fats
■calcium, formatino of healthy bones and teeth, nerve impulse transmission, cellular adhesion,muscle excitement and contraction, blood coagulation
■iron, formation of Hgb, helps to kold 02 in blood, with b12 and folic acid to breate RBC, important for brain and physical development
■ tryptophan- essential amino acid can help to regulate appetite, sleep better, and elevate your mood.
7. Rosemary-KB
○Health Benefits
■the flower tops in rosemary contain phenolic anti-oxidant rosmarinic acid and essential oils such as cineol, camphene, borneol, ect. These compounds have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, immune system enhancing properties, and improved memory.
○Selection and Storage
■Choose fresh over dried to maintain flavor, especially in meat dishes.
■Fresh rosemary should be stored in the refrigerator in a plastic bag with a damp paper towel. Dried rosemary should be kept in a dark cool place. It should last for several months, while fresh rosemary will last 3-5 days in a refrigerator.
■Rosemary can be grown in a pot which makes it easy to access.
○Preparation and Serving
■wash fresh leaves under cold water for a few minutes to remove any dust or pesticides.
■Add at the last minute to maintain fragrance and essential oils.
○Medicinal Uses
■Some use rosemary oil as tonic, astringent, diaphoretic, and stimulant properties.
■Rosemary oil applied to the skin is used to soothe muscle and joint pain as well as gout pain.
■Rosemary extract has been used over the scalp to help prevent premature baldness, and prevent scruff and dandruff.
■It is also a natural remedy for nervous headaches, colds and depression.
○Nutrient Information -
■vitamin C - 22mg or 37%RDA in 100 g, vitamin A - 100 g 2924 IU and 97%RDA, iron - 6.65mg/100 g, 83%RDA, folate - 109 mcg/100g, 27%RDA
■folic acid DNA synthesis, prevent neural tube defects.
■ Vitamin A antioxidant properties, and is essential to vision.
■Vitamin C protective against infection.
■Iron important component of hemoglobin in red blood cells, and which determines the oxygen-carrying capacity in blood.
7. Tumeric -CL
○Health Benefits
■Anti-inflammatory, carminative, anti-microbial. Has been long used in Chinese and Indian medicine to treat jaundice, menstrual difficulties, bloody urine, hemorrhage, toothache, bruises, chest pain, colic.
■Rich in antioxidants, no cholesterol, rich in fiber
○Selection and Storage
■Fresh roots can be kept in refrigerator for up to a month in an airtight container.
■Powder can be kept for longer in dry, dark, cool place.
○Preparation and Serving
■Used as a food colorant, food preservative (as paste),soups, salads, sauces, canned beverages, baked products, dairy products
○Medicinal Uses
■Curcumin has been found to inhibit multiplication of tumor cells (pancreatic and colon cancer)
■Anti-amyloid and anti-inflammatory properties which delay the onset of Alzheimer’s Disease.
○Nutrient Information
■Turmeric contains very good amounts of minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, copper, zinc, and magnesium.
■Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure.
■ Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.
■Iron is an important co-factor for cytochrome oxidase enzymes at cellular level metabolisms and required for red blood cell (RBC's) productions.
■Copper- utilization of iron stores
9. Dill Weed-KB
○Health Benefits
■dill contains many anti-oxidant nutrients such as niacin, pyridoxine. It also contains dietary fiber, which is helpful against controlling cholesterol levels. the essential oil, Eugenol in dill contains usages for local-anesthetic and antiseptic properties.
■some sources say that eugenol can be used to reduce blood sugar levels. It is also high in vitamin C which is protect against the inflammatory process and infections.
○Selection and Storage
■choose fresh over dried to maintain freshness. store in bag with damp paper towel to maintain freshness for 3-5 days when storing in refrigerator.
○Preparation and Serving
■wash thoroughly to remove dirt or pesticides.
■keep dill intact to maintain flavor and added during the preparation time of recipes.
○Medicinal Uses
■dill sprigs have antiseptic, digestive and carminative properties.
■extracted dill oil from seeds has been used as antispasmodic carminative, to reduce headaches and irritability.
○Nutrient Information
■37.5% of folates (vitamin B11),
■14% of vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine),
■23% of riboflavin (vitamin B-2),
■140% of vitamin-C,
■257% of vitamin-A,
■21% of calcium,
■82% of iron and
10. Ginger -CL
○Health Benefits
■Anti-inflammatory, carminative, anti-flatulent, anti-microbial
■Gingerols: improve intestinal motility, anti-inflammatory, painkiller, nerve soothing
■Zingerone: protective against E. coli induced diarrhea especially in children
○Selection and Storage
■Fresh: kept in refrigerator for up to a month
■Powdered: stored in refrigerator in airtight container
○Preparation and Serving
■Added at last moment prolonged cooking results in evaporation of essential oils.
■variety of spicy snacks, candied, ginger bread
○Medicinal Uses
■Ginger, boiled in water and added w lemon/orange juice and honey relieves common cold, cough, sore throat,
■increase motility of GI tract
■Analgesic, sedative, anti inflammatory, anti bacterial properties.
○Nutrient Information
■Furthermore, the herb also contains a good amount of minerals like potassium, manganese, copper, and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure.
Herb BINGO!- Have a 10 space bingo card with the names of each herb we went over on the card. HAve a fact about each herb to call out. When someone gets a straight line, they win!
BINGO Questions:
1.) Dill Weed - This herb can help reduce your headaches/ keep you calm. It is also a source of fiber.
2.) Cilantro - This herb should be added at the end of the cooking method to maintain flavor.
3.) Peppermint - This herb is often used in hygiene products such as mouthwash and toothpaste.
4.) Thyme - This herb can be used to help relieve a sore throat.
5.) Ginger -Add this herb at the end of the cooking process to prevent losses of essential oils.
6.) Turmeric - This herb can be used a food colorant
Call to Action:
Have participants think back to the icebreaker activity and think about how each herb smells and how they would be able to use those herbs in cooking at home. Challenge them to find ways to cook with these herbs at home.
Notes for Presenters:
Vitamin and Minerals Function in Common Herbs
● Vitamin A:
○Function: Promote healthy eye, skin, hair, teeth, gums; cancer prevention, healing of infections
●Vitamin K:
○Promotes blood clotting and bone strength
●Vitamin C
○Antioxidant (with Vitamin E); helps with formation of collagen, healing of wounds, and blood vessel health
●Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
○Carbohydrate metabolism; sex and stress hormone production; helps improve circulation
●Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
○used in more than 100 reactions in the body esp protein metabolism, helps with the development of neurotransmitters, WBC, hemoglobin
○Muscle strength and contraction; maintains osmotic pressium in cell, maintain blood pressure
○Creation of Hemoglobin, aids in hemoglobin holding O2 in the blood, with B12 and folic acid to create RBC, important for brain and physical development
○Activates enzymes, helps metabolize fats
○Utilization of iron stores, lipids, collage, pigment, neurotransmitter synthesis
○component of bones, helps lower blood pressure, prevents arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat); helps maintain body cells in nerves and muscle
○Protects cells against destruction by hydrogen peroxide and free radicals
○Cell growth, sexual maturation, night vision, mobilization of Vitamin A from Liver, over 200 reactions require as catalyst
●Folic Acid:
○Prevent pregnancy related anemia, helps regulate production, division, and maintenance of new cells especially during pregnancy and infancy
○Formation and health of Bones and Teeth, nerve impulse transmission, cellular adhesion, muscle excitement and contraction, blood coagulation.
○Important for decreased risk of eye disease (AMD and cataracts)
Nutrients of Concern for Older Adults:
●Vitamin D, Calciferol