Stage 2 Philosophy

SACE Number ______First Name ______

Assessment Component 2 – Issue Analysis Due –

Task 2 – Metaphysics (Existentialism)

Choose an aspect of metaphysics from our course that interests you and investigate the issue. You may take a broad look at the topic as a whole or focus on a specific issue. Some suggestions are listed below. If you choose another topic, liaise with me first.

  1. What is the nature of being human?
  2. What comes first, essence or existence?
  3. How do people find or create meaning in their lives?
  4. To what extent is existentialism a useful philosophy?
  5. Give an existential review of Memento.
  6. Other?

Your task is to investigate the issue, including many of the following:

·  Why is it a philosophical issue?

·  What positions do people hold on the issue, (probably including philosophers against whom existentialist thinkers were arguing)?

·  What are their reasons for holding these positions?

·  What objections or counter examples are relevant to these positions?

·  What is your position? (Justification?)


How will you present your findings? This topic opens itself to many possibilities: role-play, oral presentation/PowerPoint, essay, drama or dialogue script, multimedia presentation, series of letters to the editor, etc. Which will you choose? Choose a method that is appropriate to what you are trying to say. Account for why you have chosen that method as part of your presentation. Other presentations are possible by negotiation.

Written form – Max of 1500 words. Oral form – Max of 10 minutes

Criteria for Assessment
Knowledge and Understanding
KU1 Knowledge and understanding of philosophical issues and positions.
KU2 Understanding of reasons and arguments used by philosophers on issues and positions.
Reasoning and Argument
RA1 Explanation of the philosophical nature of issues and positions.
RA2 Explanation of the flow of logic and evidence of arguments leading to conclusions.
RA3 Formulation and defence of philosophical positions.
C1 Communication of philosophical issues and positions using the conventions of philosophical argument.
C2 Use of appropriate philosophical terminology, and acknowledgment of sources.