2nd Grade Pacing Module 5 with Suggested Modifications Key

Standards / Topic and Objectives
2.NBT.9 / A / Strategies for Adding and Subtracting Within 1,000
Lesson 1: Relate 10 more, 10 less, 100 more, and 100 less to addition and subtraction of 10 and 100.
Lesson 2: Add and subtract multiples of 100 including counting on to subtract.
Lesson 3: Add multiples of 100 and some tens within 1,000.
Lesson 4: Subtract multiples of 100 and some tens within 1,000.
Lesson 5: Use the associative property to make a hundred in one addend.
Lesson 6: Use the associative property to subtract from three-digit numbers and verify solutions with addition.
Combine Lesson 5 & 6
Lesson 7: Share and critique solution strategies for varied addition and subtraction problems within 1,000. / Days: 6
Lesson 5 & 6 can be combined. Use the concept development problem set 2 and 3 from lesson 5, and 1 and 3 from lesson 6. For student problem sets, choose one page from both lesson 5 and 6.
By the end of Topic A, your students should be able to:
·  Decide the most efficient strategy for solving problems.
·  Add and subtract with multiples of 100 and tens.
·  Use the associative property to add and subtract from three-digit numbers.
·  Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
2.NBT.9 / B / Strategies for Composing Tens and Hundreds Within 1,000
Lesson 8: Relate manipulative representations to the addition algorithm.
Lesson 9: Relate manipulative representations to the addition algorithm.
Lesson 10: Use math drawings to represent additions with up to two compositions and relate drawings to the addition algorithm.
Lesson 11: Use math drawings to represent additions with up to two compositions and relate drawings to the addition algorithm.
Lesson 12: Choose and explain solution strategies and record with a written addition method. / Days: 3
Remedial Lesson 9, it is the same objective as Lesson 8.
Remedial Lesson 11, it is the same objective as Lesson 10.
By the end of Topic B, your students should be able to:
·  Choose an efficient strategy and explain why it is efficient.
·  Check work using the vertical method.
·  Use math drawings to show solutions.
2 Days for Remediation, Enrichment, Mid-Module Assessment
Mid Module Assessment Word Document
Suggested Task: Candy Bowl Task
2.NBT.9 / C / Strategies for Decomposing Tens and Hundreds Within 1,000
Lesson 13: Relate manipulative representations to the subtraction algorithm, and use addition to explain why the subtraction method works.
Lessons 14: Use math drawings to represent subtraction with up to two decompositions, relate drawings to the algorithm, and use addition to explain why the subtraction method works.
Lesson 15: Use math drawings to represent subtraction with up to two decompositions,
relate drawings to the algorithm, and use addition to explain why the subtraction method works.
Lesson 16: Subtract from multiples of 100 and from numbers with zero in the tens place.
Lesson 17: Subtract from multiples of 100 and from numbers with zero in the tens place.
Lesson 18: Apply and explain alternate methods for subtracting from multiples of 100 and from numbers with zero in the tens place. / Days: 4
Remedial Lesson 14, use after Lesson 15 if needed.
Remedial Lesson 17, it has the same objective as Lesson 16.
By the end of Topic C, your students should be able to:
·  Add multiples of 100 using math drawings, and the algorithm.
·  Subtract from multiples of 100 using drawings, the algorithm, and addition to check for accuracy.
Snapshot Assessment 2.OA.1 Part B, Problem 3:

2.NBT.9 / D / Student Explanations for Choice of Solution Methods
Lessons 19–20: Choose and explain solution strategies and record with a written addition or subtraction method. / Days: 2
By the end of Topic D, your students should be able to:
·  Construct viable arguments, critique the reasoning of others, and discuss the efficiency of strategies.
·  Attend to precision by using place value language to explain their math drawings and solutions.
Snapshot Assessment 2.NBT.9 Problem 3:

2 Days for Re-Assessment, Remediation and Enrichment
End of Module Assessment Word Document
Problem Solving Task (Differentiate for 2nd grade) Skeeball
Total Instructional Days: 19

Links Used: “Candy Bowl” Task: http://mikewiernicki.com/the-candy-bowl/

“Skeeball” Task: http://robertkaplinsky.com/work/skeeball/

Module Assessments: https://www.engageny.org/resource/grade-2-mathematics-module-5

Pacing Guides by FWPS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at www.engageny.org, www.smarterbalanced.org and the CCSS Progression Documents.