Ohio Constitutional Modernization Commission

Organization and Administration Committee

Richard Walinski, Chair

Wednesday JULY 10, 2013

Under the weather, Chairman Walinski appointed Mr. Douglas Cole as Chair Pro Tem for the days Committee Meeting. Chair Pro Tem Cole acknowledged the presence of Senator Obhof as a representative of the Senate Majority Caucus. Chair Pro Tem Cole called the meeting of the Organization and Administration Committee to order at 3:32 p.m. and asked the clerk to call the roll. A quorum was present so the committee proceeded to meet.

The following members were present:

Chairman Walinski

Chair Pro Tem Cole

Commissioner Paula Brooks

Representative Kathleen Clyde

Senator Larry Obhof

Chair Pro Tem Cole asked the members to review and approve the minutes from the June 13, 2013 meeting; he also noted grammatical errors. Commissioner Brooks requested page numbers on minutes that are of multiple pages. Without further discussion or objection the minutes were approved.

Chair Pro Tem Cole moved for the committee to revisit the topic of the previous committee meeting regarding recording and reporting for the Commission and Committees of the Commission and roll call votes on proposals submitted to the OCMC full body Commission. The motion was accepted (5-0)

Chair Pro Tem Cole held discussion on the Commission budget. Chair Walinski noted that the comments that he had included in the draft budget he submitted did not appear in the printed version which was distributed to each committee member. Chair Pro Tem Cole read to the Committee each of Chair Walinski’s comments with regards to the draft budget and staff salaries. The committee discussed the draft budget and staff salaries at length. Commissioner Brooks requested that the committee accept the draft in concept with allotment for amendment. Chair Pro Tem Cole moved to accept the budget in concept. The motion was accepted (4-1). Chair Walinski stated that he would include the preliminary draft of the budget in the report to the Commission and that the Committee would work at its August meeting on a budget to propose to the Commission at its August meeting.

Representative Clyde gave presentation on the job description of the Executive Director. Upon discussion of Representative Clyde’s presentation at length, the committee agreed to specific changes that Representative Clyde and Chair Pro Tem would insert in Representative Clyde’s draft.

Chair Pro Tem Cole held discussion on the posting of the Executive Director Position. The committee discussed the topic at length. Chair Pro Tem Cole moved to proceed with posting of the Executive Director Position as modified. The motion was accepted (5-0).

Chair Walinski offered a guideline of the intended hiring process. The committee stood at ease while copies of the guideline were made; once reconvened the committee discussed the hiring processes at length. Senator Obhof requested that committee members be allowed more time to review the intended hiring process. Chair Pro Tem Cole moved to table further discussion of the hiring process until the August committee meeting (5-0).

Chair Pro Tem Cole reminded the committee members that there is a full slate of committee meetings in August as well as a convening of the full Commission.

There being no further business, Chair Pro Tem Cole adjourned the committee at 5:07 p.m.

Richard Walinski Paula Brooks
