(July 2012)
Elementary Instrumental Music II is generally engaged with students above age 9. The normal prerequisite is the successful completion of Elementary Instrumental Music I. In this course the student will continue to develop technique, quality, tone and enjoyment on their individual instrument. Music theory development will coincide with the practical aspects being taught.
Elementary Instrumental Music II is divided into four essential outcomes. The normal pace for this course leads to the completion of the four essential outcomes during the school year.
This course is designed to use, on the average, two periods a week. A period is approximately 45 minutes.
*Introduced and Practiced:
Each unit is divided into Essential Outcomes which must be assessed for mastery and Introduced/Practice Outcomes which must be taught but not necessarily mastered.
An outline of the four essential units and suggested materials are listed as follows: (These units are designed to be engaged in the given order.)
E01 - Major Keys
E02 - Developing Technique
E03 - Minor Scales
E04 - Expanding Range in the Major and Minor Key
The suggested materials identified for use in this course are:
Standard of Excellence (Comprehensive Band Method) Book 2 by Bruce Pearson. Neil Kjos Music Company
Best in Class Book 2 by Bruce Pearson. Neil Kjos Music Company.
Essential Elements Book 2 by Tom C. Rhodes, Donald Bierschenk. HalLeonard Corp.
Band Fundamentals Book 2 by Steve Hendrick. Hendrick Music Company.
Scale Book 2 by Steve Hendrick. Hendrick Music Company
Band Expressions Book 2 by Robert W. Smith. Warner Brothers Publishing
Essential Elements for Strings Book 2 by Michael Allen. Hal Leonard Corp.
The units are designed to be engaged in the given order. Several units can be opened simultaneously.
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