Vulcan County Council Presentation Nov 6, 2006

·  Good morning, my name is Dale Hildebrand, I am here today before you as the President of the Condominium Corporation that governs the operations at Little Bow Resort.

·  I would like to thank you for the opportunity to speak to council today.

·  We have some existing new developments at Little Bow that we would like to share with council and then we have two requests for your consideration.


·  Our news is that all the lots at Little Bow have been sold and the developers are no longer involved with the governance of our community

·  We have a condominium corporation that owns the local infrastructure, including the roads, water treatment facilities, sewage disposal and irrigation and landscape maintenance equipment. We have a full time employee on site, Mr. Ray Kienlen, and his wife Verna.

·  The condominium corporation is managed at a seven member volunteer & elected Board, who is assisted by Warren Lyckman of Breamore Management out of Lethbridge.

·  Our community is growing and our owners are engaged. We had a town hall meeting last Sunday and about 200 people attended.

·  While are a different type of community within the County, we would like to work more closely with the county as a partner for the benefit of your taxpayers.

·  We have been working with Gary Buchanan over the past three years and we are very appreciative of his guidance and support.


·  Our first request deals with waste removal.

·  The waste authority has advised us that they will no longer be able to transfer our waste from Little Bow to a transfer station.

·  We see three options to provide waste removal services to our residents:

1.  Contact the waste authority to provide curb side pick-up

2.  Contract with a third party to transfer our waste from central bins to a transfer station

3.  Purchase two large Haul-All TRANSTOR containers, similar to the ones the waste authority has, and have the waste authority empty these large containers into the semis when there are doing their runs to or from the transfer stations

·  We performed a survey of our residents, and of the 150 respondents 80% were not in favour of curb-side pick-up due to concerns with wind and wild animals.

·  The third party contract operation is quite expensive and is not, in our view, a good long term solution

·  We would like to pursue the Haul-All TRANSTOR containers option as we feel it will allow our community to be integrated with the current equipment and process the waster authority employs.

·  We understand that the existing transfer stations were developed with assistance from the Alberta government. Our request today is to ask the County to assist us in applying for Alberta government funding to development a smaller waste transfer station at Little Bow.


·  Our second request relates to road maintenance.

·  About two and a half years ago the County agreed to provide grading services for the road into Little Bow and the Southern Alberta Bible Camp and the main road into Little Bow.

·  We are very appreciative of the assistance the County has provided.

·  The initial commitment was to grade the roads during each normal cycle when the grader was in the area.

·  During the summer months, there is a significant amount of traffic on the roads off highway 529 into Little Bow and the Bible Camp. We estimate an average of 200 to 400 vehicle trips over a typical weekend, with our owners and guests and about 1,200 children visiting the Bible Camp.

·  The full time residents at Little Bow advise me that during this last summer the road was graded 3 times.

·  With respect, we feel that with the volume of traffic these roads require more frequent maintenance.

·  Our request is for the County to increase the road maintenance to every cycle, of approximately every two weeks, during the summer months.

I would like to thank you for the opportunity to make this presentation and for your attention. If you have any questions I’d be pleased to answer them.