MLK 2007

Playoff Packet #1

1. This man’s little-read books include Letters to My Unborn Grandchildren and Me and My Kind, and a recent study on his best known achievement was written by William Doyle. He served as a special assistant under Jesse Helms, but is best known for being a thorn in the side of Ross Barnett. After that, this manorganized the “March Against Fear” and was promptly shot, though that march would be symbolically continued by men like Floyd McKissick and Stokely Carmichael. FTP, name this guy who, upon order of the Supreme Court, was forcibly enrolled as the first black student at the University of Mississippi.

Answer: James Meredith

2. Early in his life he contributed to the periodical Bremer Beitrage, and made the acquaintance of Jakob Bodmer, who invited him to live in Zurich. His first wife Margareta Moller assumes the name “Cidli” in his poetry, and his dramatic works include The Death of AdamsandSalomo, both based on the Old Testament. At a key moment in The Sorrows of Young Werther, Lotte lays her hand on Werther’s and utters this poet’s name, referencing his 1747 ode “To My Friend,” later rewritten in 1767 as “Wingolf.” FTP, name this 18th century German poet of the Christian epic “The Messiah,” whose “Resurrection Ode” inspired Mahler’s Symphony No. 2 of the same name.

Answer: Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock

3. An equation for this quantity can by derived from the Barker-Henderson perturbation model. Relating the first derivative of it to the deformation gradient gives the Piola-Kirchoff stress, while the Gibbs-Bogoliubov Inequality relates it to the expectation value of the Hamiltonian. Its average per particle is reduced proportional to density when the attractive force is added to the van der Waals equation. The partial derivative of this quantity with respect to particle number is the chemical potential, when under constant temperature and volume. Equal to the internal energy minus temperature times entropy, or U-TS, FTP, name this quantity which can be denoted A or F, a type of free energy that isn’t Gibbs.

Answer: Helmholtz free energy

4. The 2000 book The Tacit Mode provides an examination of this work, and in addition to the economics-based investigations of Michael Polanyi, Marilyn Strathern further stressed the importance of gender roles in this book. James Laidlaw analyzed this work against the framework of four criteria outlined by Jacques Derrida, and Testart argued that the author overstated his claims regarding obligations. Published in translations by W.D. Halls and Ian Cunnison, Maurice Leenhardt coined the term “total social prestation” in describing it, and terms relevant to its titular subject include vega, yotile, and kudu. Perhaps the most famous discussions in this work are those of the Maori Hau and the potlatch system. FTP, name this anthropological study of reciprocity and systems of exchange, the most famous work of Marcel Mauss.

Answer: The Gift (essai sur le don)

5. A work about the tonality of this opera was written by Martin Chusid, who produced a recent critical edition of it.A solo cello and English horn back the lead character in ActII, which is soon thereafter ended by the cabaletta “Si, vendetta, tremenda vendetta.” Earlier, the aria “Pari siamo” points out similarities between two characters. A declaration of lovein 3/8 Andante precedes an appearance by the courtier Borsa and one character’s declaration that he is the poor student Gualtier Maldé. Other male parts include the court usher, the knight Marullo, the Count Ceprano, and the hired assassin Sparafucile. With a libretto by Francesco Piave, FTP, name this 1851 opera based on the play Le Roi S’amuse, which features the Duke of Mantua and the aria “La donna e mobile”as well as the title court jester.

Answer: Rigoletto

6. Much of what we know of this man’s life comes from the biographies of Hugh Egerton and the classic text of Demetrius Charles Boulger, although this man’s wife Olivia Fancourt also produced a valuable memoir just after his death. He was accompanied in his most famous exploit by William Farquhar, whom he perhaps purposely deprived of credit, and men under his command included Philip Jackson who built a namesake bridge. He was the founder and first president of the London Zoo, reflecting a lifelong interest in collecting wildlife, and his taste for history was evident in his writing aHistory of Java and leading a mission to restore Borobodur. He concocted a namesake plan separating inhabitants by ethnicity for the trading post he founded in 1819. FTP, name this British imperialist best known for founding Singapore.

Answer: Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles

7. The protagonist spots a sightseer perched on top of a floating idol during an earthquake one night and is reminded of his dead wife Minna, and a man named Schwartz writes him a letter early in the novel immediately before killing himself. That protagonist aids the cameraman Pete Zavras after an attempted suicide by providing a note from an oculist, and he easily diffuses a later situation involving George Boxley. The young female narrator likely tells the story from a tuberculosis sanatorium, and the novel begins as she meets Wylie White, a screenwriter working with her father Pat Brady, the protagonist’s partner. FTP, name this work about Kathleen Moore’s affair with Monroe Stahr, an unfinished novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald with a name reminiscent of a rich businessman.

Answer: The Love of the Last Tycoon

8. Some confusion exists as to this man’s parents: some say they were Antion and Perimele, while others say his father was a man killed by his brothers Lycus and Nycteus. This guy had a daughter named Phisadie, who was given as a slave to Helen, and his sister may have been the Coronis loved by Apollo, assuming that his dad was indeed Phlegyas. Most agree though that he tricked Eioneus by making him fall in a pit of fire, shortly after marrying that man’s daughter Dia. Afterwards, only Zeus would purify this guy but he ungratefully attempted to copulate Nephele, a cloud made to look like Hera, and by this act fathered the Centaurs. FTP, name this man finally punished when he was bound to a fiery wheel in hell for eternity.

Answer: Ixion

9. The notes for this experiment cite the recent work of Putnam and Kozloff, and mention results obtained from electron micrographs by Thomas Foxen Anderson. A companion experiment was performed years later by Fraenkel-Conrat and Singer, and it came in the wake of work done by Maclyn McCarty, Colin MacLeod, and Oswald Avery. The radioactive sulfur used remained in the supernatant, minus some residual tail fibers, while the pellet contained the phosphorus-tagged portion of T2 and was not confined to the capsid. Performed with E. coli and that T2 phage, FTP, name this experiment which revealed that DNA was the genetic code material, performed using a certain kitchen appliance.

Answer: Hershey-Chase Experiment or the blender experiment

10. This show had a lost episode never aired on its original network entitled “Too Much, Too Late,” which featured Pam Grier as a love interest. Its other guest stars included Helena Bonham Carter as a junkie fiancée and Bill Russell as a corrupt judge with a son played by Bernard King. A jar of peanut butter figured prominently in an infamous episode, “Missing Hours,” about a would-be dream and using the two hearts to track down aliens led by Lou De Long, played by James Brown.Later on, the show saw the death of Larry Zito, the partner of Switek, but a far sadder moment came when the Spyder blew up and was replaced by the Testarossa. The story of Rico Tubbs and Sonny Crockett, FTP, name this trendy hit show for Don Johnson in the eighties.

Answer: “Miami Vice”

11. At one point, this work asks which man is more capable, one who is able to walk on his feet or one who tries to walk with his hands. Using the example of a lowly community of mice, it examines the pursuit of power in book two, and then the pursuit of fame, describing both as temporary and worthless. Its opening sees the approach of a magnificent woman who sits on the couch, replacing the “maimed Muses” previously there. She is recognized as the former “nurse” of the main character, who then laments to her about “Fortune’s fickle bounty” and how he defended Albinus and thereby incurred the wrath of Cyprian, who was reportedly the “Count of the Sacred Largesses and Master of Offices.” Written while in prison under order of Theodoric the Great, FTP, name this work of the early 6th century CE by Boethius.

Answer: The Consolation of Philosophy

12. The final one of these conflicts saw a revolt under the pretender Andriscus who reunited the four republics and was briefly successful against Publius Iuventius Thalna. Shortly after, a revolt of Critolaus had to be quashed. One of them began after a supposed assassination attempt on King Eumenes II, who had succeeded Attalus I, and that conflict would see King Genthius ally with the losers, who were crushed at the Battle of Pydna. The second one featured a clash at the Battle of Cynoscephalae, a resounding victory for T. Quinctius Flaminius over Philip V. FTP, this describes what series of four wars from about 215 to 148 BC named for the territory ruled by a bunch of Philips, like the father of Alexander the Great.

Answer: Macedonian Wars

13. The author of this poem called it “a piece of deliberate degeneration, which is not at all funny.” The third stanza addresses flames upon a forehead and suggests that there is a way “that faith may never miss.” The second stanza claims that “the dark will end the dark, if anything,” and also notes that, “god slays himself with every leaf that flies” and “hell is more than half of paradise.” Imagery of crimson vines and leaves growing on a wall is repeated multiple times, as are the lines “out of a grave I come,” and “there is not a dawn in eastern skies.” FTP, name this Edward Arlington Robinson poem whose title character seeks his departed love and is instructed to “go to the western gate.”

Answer: Luke Havergal

14. The fact that a series converges if and only if the partial sum from n to m vanishes as n and m go to infinity is known as his criterion for series, and he shares credit with Hadamard for a formula which states that the radius of convergence of a power series is the reciprocal of the limsup of the k-th root of the k-th coefficient. His estimate relating the maximum of an analytic function on a circle to the value of the derivative at the center provides an easy proof of Liouville's theorem, but his most important theorem in complex analysis states that if a function is analytic on a domain, the line integral over the boundary vanishes. FTP, name this mathematician who also formalized calculus with his "epsilon-delta" definition of limits.

Answer: Augustin Louis Cauchy

15. This painting shows the recent influence of its artists’ teacher Léon Bonnat, who echoed Zola in calling this work a “beacon of beautiful truth.” The new designs of Baron Haussman are everywhere in this work, painted two years after its artist’s other often-cited piece The Floor Strippers.Two bourgeoisie figures walk directly toward the viewer in the right foreground, a man with his right hand tucked in his suit pocket and a woman with her right arm interlocking his. The triangular building in the back left center practically bisects this geometric canvas from the sky to the cobblestones.FTP, name this nominally Impressionist painting displayed in the Art Institute of Chicago, the best-known work of Gustave Caillebote, which features a bunch of blue umbrellas indicating the weather in the title city.

Answer: Paris Street, Rainy Day (or Rainy Day in Paris or almost any combination of words including rain and Paris)

16. This city is home to such tourist attractions as Bribie Island, Fortitude Valley, the Parliament House on George Street, and the Old Windmill in WickhamPark. Its surrounding cities include Cleveland, Ipswich, Springwood, and farther south the sizeable city of Gold Coast, though it originated from a prisoner’s colony at Redcliffe. It sits on its namesake river between MoretonBay to the north and the Great Dividing Range to the south. FTP, name this capital of Queensland and the third largest city in Australia, significantly behind Sydney and Melbourne.

Answer: Brisbane

17. The prologue to a famous work by this man mentions a notable night of indigestion and claims that, “I have scarce set foot in your dominions.” The only work he published prior to the one for which he is best known was entitled A Political Romance, andin the last years of his life he courted a woman named Eliza who became the subject of his love letter Journal to Eliza. Malcolm Bradbury detailed the interment of this man’s skull in his novel To The Hermitage, and his work A Fragment in the Manner of Rabelais appeared posthumously. An author who created the character of Parson Yorick, FTP, name this 18th century Englishman who wrote A Sentimental Journey and The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman.

Answer: LawrenceSterne

18. Its participants met at George Mann’s Tavern and resided there for its duration. It was preceded by a smallmeeting two years earlier at the same location, which concerned a navigational dispute, and by the signing of the Mount Vernon Compact one year earlier. Some colorful participants included Saint George Tucker and Tench Coxe, the lone representative fromPennsylvania, but it was Abraham Clark of New Jersey who suggested the key resolution for a subsequent meeting. Called by the Virginia legislature driven by Madison and involving delegates from five states, FTP, name this September 1786 convention which led directly to the Constitutional Convention, named for the capital of Maryland.

Answer: Annapolis Convention

19. This man wrote an article entitled “When Should History be Written Backwards?,” which he prefaced with a quote from Balzac’s Cousin Pons. Together with John Hicks, he gives his name to a theorem that permits aggregation of sets of goods that have identical price movements, also known as the composite commodity theorem. Twice he collaborated with Faye Duchin late in life, including a work on Military Spending, and also wrote The Future of the World Economy.He observed that the U.S. is less capital-intensive in exports than imports despite having an abundance of capital, a result known as his paradox, which presented difficulties for the Heckscher-Ohlin model. Still, he remains most famous for a grid that details distribution of production across different sectors of a given economy. FTP, name this Nobel-winning Russian economist who developed input-output analysis.

Answer: Wassily Leontief

20. These particles are capable of so-called “Lollipop” events or “Double Bang” events connected by their tracks, and this fact can be used to measure flavor ratios of high-energy neutrinos. One subject of interest surrounding them is their apparent limit to 7-prong decay; they do decay through the emission of a virtual minus W boson and their namesake neutrino. Their discovery implied the existence of the similar bottom and top quarks, and occurred after work done at the SPEAR and DORIS data rings by Martin Perl in 1975. Much more massive than electrons or muons, FTP, name these third-generation leptons named for a later letter of the Greek alphabet.

Answer: tau leptons (or tauons)

TB. When the superintendent who has gout informs the protagonist of this novel that the letter from the chief Klamm is inconsequential, he decides to take the job of school janitor, but soon runs away from the two Arthurs, one of whom is actually Jeremiah, to the home of Barnabas the messenger, whose sister Amalia had refused a suitor from the titular location, causing the village to turn against her and Olga. Jeremiah takes the barmaid Frieda away from the hero, a land surveyor reporting to duty. In the intended conclusion, K. was to receive--on his deathbed--entrance to the titular structure in possession of Count West-west. FTP, name this novel by Franz Kafka about that grand structure.

Answer:Der Schloss; or The Castle

1. Stuff about a certain type of compound, FTPE.

A. Often hydrogenated with Lindlar’s catalyst, these are simply hydrocarbons which feature a carbon-carbon triple bond.

Answer: alkynes

B. An ion-catalyzed hydration of an alkyne will get you an enol, which will the convert itself to a ketone in this type of isomeric process.

Answer: tautomerization (tautomerizing, etc.)

C. This reaction prepares terminal alkynes by adding an ylide to an aldehyde, giving you a dibromoalkene which is them treated with base. It’s named for two chemists, including that douche who coined the term retrosynthetic analysis.