Peer Review Form

Gateway Colloquium – GW 100.31

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

Reviewed Author /


Title of Paper / / /
Reviewer (you)
  • Carefully and with attention to detail, read your classmate’s paper (or attend her/his presentation,) making appropriate marks and comments as you go in the margins.
  • Rate the paper by each of the five groups of criteria, according to the specific questions listed below.
  • With these criteria in mind, thoroughly answer the discursive questions on the other side of this sheet.

Work / Good / Excellent
1. /


Does the draft have the stipulated length? / ____ / ____ / ____
Does the draft comply with the format requirements? / ____ / ____ / ____
2. /

Thesis and Introduction.

Is the thesis clearly stated? (underline it twice on the paper) / ____ / ____ / ____

Is the thesis specific and focused enough?

/ ____ / ____ / ____
Does the introduction properly map the rest of the paper? / ____ / ____ / ____
Does the conclusion address the thesis? / ____ / ____ / ____
3. /

Logical Organization.

Does each paragraph develop one main idea?

/ ____ / ____ / ____
Does each paragraph relate explicitly back to the thesis? / ____ / ____ / ____
Are there good transitions between paragraphs? / ____ / ____ / ____
Is the thesis logically developed throughout the paper? / ____ / ____ / ____
Is the argument compelling and convincing? / ____ / ____ / ____
4. /

Supporting Evidence.

Is there enough evidence to support the thesis?

/ ____ / ____ / ____
Is the evidence given relevant to the argument? / ____ / ____ / ____
Is all the evidence effectively integrated? / ____ / ____ / ____
Are counter arguments addressed? / ____ / ____ / ____
Is evidence properly cited? / ____ / ____ / ____
5. /

Style and Grammar.

Is the level of formality adequate for the paper’s audience?

/ ____ / ____ / ____
Are sentences and words varied? / ____ / ____ / ____
Are sentences of adequate length? / ____ / ____ / ____
Is spelling correct? / ____ / ____ / ____
Is punctuation correct? / ____ / ____ / ____

Print this form using both sides of one paper sheet

Peer Review Form

1.Re-state, in your own words, the main thesis/argument of this paper.

Is it easy to locate and to follow throughout the paper? Explain why or why not.

2.Given the order of the content paragraphs in this paper, create a one-sentence roadmap for this paper. If this is difficult, state why.

Suggest organizational changes as necessary to fit with your roadmap.

3.List out the specific evidence given to support the argument.

4.What is this paper’s greatest strength?

(Refer to the five grading areas on the first page.)

5.Which of the five grading areas should the writer concentrate on most in the revision process? Why?

6.Give at least three specific, helpful, and constructive specific suggestions for improvement of this paper. Remember that suggesting a solution should always follow pointing out a problem.

Print this form using both sides of one paper sheet