Regents Chemistry

Mrs. Ballow

Course Description

Welcome to Regents Chemistry. Fields of study include Scientific Inquiry and Skills, Laboratory Skills, Atomic Structure, The Periodic Table, Formulas and Equations, Matter and Energy, Solutions, Bonding, Kinetics and Equilibrium, Acids & Bases, Oxidation & Reduction, Organic Chemistry and Nuclear Chemistry. The classroom program will be supplemented with a comprehensive lab program, which is designed to allow the student to actively study the material covered in class.

Classroom Policies

Class Preparation

You are expected to be on time to class. Class starts when the bell rings. You should be in your seat and ready to begin. Each day you will need a pen or pencil, binder & paper and your calculator. You will need your lab notebook on lab days. No food, drink or gum is allowed in the classroom or the lab. No cell phones in the classroom or the lab at all times.

Class Absences

If you are absent it is your responsibility to find out what you missed. You will have 5 days to make up any missed homework. If you are absent on a test or quiz day you will have 5 days to make up the test or quiz from the day you return. I am available before and after school to help you with any missed work or any questions with homework, labs etc.


All students must show respect towards others at all times. This includes teachers, staff, and fellow students. This also includes respect for others’ opinions and views. Disrespect will not be tolerated.


  1. Pens or pencils
  2. 3 ring binder (2” or 3”), with notebook paper
  3. Spiral notebook (to collect lab data)
  4. Lab folder with pockets (name & period # on outside)
  5. Calculator (no graphing calculators)
  6. Review book (to be purchased later in the year)

Supplies are due Tuesday September 13, 2016.


Homework 20%

Lab reports30%



Class Participation 5%


You will be assigned homework almost daily. It is due at the beginning of class. Late homework will not be accepted. Homework is to help you review topics covered in class. One homework pass per quarter will be issued.

Lab Reports

You have to complete a minimum of 30 lab periods worth of labs in order to take the NYS Regents Exam in Chemistry in June. The labs must be in your lab folder by May 31st before you can take the exam. Completed labs will remain in your lab folder in the classroom. Any labs that are late will loose points every day they are late. If you miss a lab you are required to make up the lab. You will have 1 week to make up the lab. You may make up the lab before or after school.


There will be 2-3 quizzes per unit to make sure you understand the material. Most quizzes will be announced.


Tests will be given at the end of each unit. They will be worth 100 points. There will be a mid-term in January. You will be assigned 3-4 projects over the course of the year. They will be worth 100 points each.

Class Participation

I would strongly encourage you to participate in classroom activities. If you come prepared to class and make an effort to answer questions you will receive full credit for participation. If you fail to come prepared for class or fail to participate you will loose points.

I expect all students to be responsible for their own actions. If students have any questions or concerns, I am available to meet with them before or after school. I am looking forward to a very challenging, yet exciting year. Together we will make this a successful and fun year for everyone.

Please remove the last page and return the signed form by Monday September 12, 2016.

I, ______(print student name) have read the policies listed above pertaining to Mrs. Ballow’s Regents Chemistry Class. I will work to the best of my ability at all times and show respect towards my fellow classmates and teachers. I will come prepared for class with pen/pencil, paper and a calculator.

Student signature______

Parent signature______

Phone number(s) ______

Email address

