Minutes of Regular Meeting

October 8, 2008

1)  Call to Order –Chairman Cunningham called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

2)  Public Input – No public input.

3)  Chief’s Report

9/11 Attended regional Chief’s meeting at WLPD

9/15 Attended, along with the Captain, a department sponsored presentation on bears by CT DEP

9/16 Captain attended a required legal update class held at the Police Academy

9/24 Chief and Captain met with a representative of the Montgomery Building regarding security concerns

4)  Correspondence

To Chief Suchocki From Anthony Salvatore, Chief of Police, Cromwell – Thank you for allowing Officer Dzierzgowski and K-9 Chase to participate in Cromwell Animal Control’s annual ‘Pets on Parade’ event.

Article from Reminder News regarding the presentation about bears in the area

5)  Old Business

a)  Approval of minutes from Regular Meeting of September 10, 2008

MOTION: To approve the minutes for the Regular Meeting on September 10, 2008.

Roger Nelson Seconded by Edward Lanati

Motion passed

George Hall and Jim Gaylord abstained as they were not present for the September 10, 2008 meeting.

b)  Review 2008 and 2009 budgets – The budget was reviewed.

c)  Discuss new type of cruiser – The new cruiser (Dodge Charger) is in. The lights need to be installed and the car should be online by the end of this month/beginning of next month. The cruiser this is replacing will go to the Animal Control officer, since his existing car has high mileage and is due for replacement.

6)  New Business

a)  Discuss evaluation process – Captain DeGray’s evaluation should be completed next month and Chief Suchocki’s is to be completed by the Police Commission. Captain DeGray said that his understanding was that the process for the new evaluations will be included in the next round of negotiations, rather than negotiated separately. He will follow up on this with Chief Suchocki when he returns.

MOTION: To add to the agenda item 6b) regarding a new policy about the Notification of Family or Household After Fatal Motor Vehicle Accident, which is to be implemented for the Windsor Locks Police Department.

Roger Nelson Seconded by George Hall

Motion carried unanimously

b)  New Policy discussion – A policy document was provided for review that defined the process for notification to families when there is a fatal motor vehicle accident. This policy, or one very similar, is to be implemented prior to January 1, 2009.

MOTION: To accept the policy draft, as outlined by Chief Suchocki regarding Notification of Family or Household After Fatal Motor Vehicle Accident for the Windsor Locks Police Department.

George Hall Seconded by Jim Gaylord

Motion carried unanimously

5) Executive Session

b)  Discuss personnel matters.

MOTION: To enter into executive session at 7:45 pm to discuss personnel issues. The Captain was asked to remain for his expertise.

Jim Gaylord Seconded by Ed Lanati

Motion carried unanimously

MOTION: To end executive session at 8:04 pm

Ed Lanati Seconded by Roger Nelson

Motion carried unanimously

8) Adjournment

MOTION: To adjourn at 8:05 pm

Ed Lanati Seconded by George Hall

Motion carried unanimously

November – Evaluation for Chief Suchocki and follow-up re: status of evaluation process as a standalone item for negotiation.

Respectfully Submitted,

Peg Spath

Recording Secretary

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