
N.S. 24 / THE DWILLINGIR CRIER All the news that’s fit to print!
World NewsDeath Marches – Once again fighting has died down as the snows have come. The beholder wrought terrible casualties on the Vilgumese armies, and it will take some time for them to be able to attempt to push out of their fortified footholds across the Death River.
Vilgum – Vilgumese emissaries and ambassadors have been plying the Bletonese, Iligori, and the barons of the Near Coast to form a Western Alliance to wipe the scourge of the Lost Kingdoms off of the face of Therra once and for all. Vilgum has offered to divine the Lost Kingdoms with the Near Coast barons and Bleton.
Blanthil – Many elves were slain when an evil was released from the depths of the ruins of newly captured Palace of Verseka. There is no word being given on the nature of this evil, but the elves have, for the nonce, abandoned the grounds of their ancient palace. It is said that Queen Imerika has asked Archmage Eracuss for aid against that which was released.
Mordasht – A volcano has recently erupted near Mordasht. Some claim this is the work of fire giants of the region. /

Raids Begin

Already the Thaneeri raids have begun in earnest. Small probing raids have been reported along the coastline from Dun Coast to Horzuth, and much of Merdo’s Inn was burned to the ground by the marauders. In addition, the Tardaad have raided across the frozen Chulette near Ridgewatch.
Terrin Rumours Dispelled
Alas for the Terrin family, the rumours of Lancre’s visit to Terrin have proven to be false, the misunderstanding of a message that had been garbled by the messenger. Arghosht Terrin has apologized to his flock, but promised to personally make a pilgrimage to Slumber next year or in the year following to petition Lancre to make a visit.
Dwarves Deny Dragon
The dwarves of Nirzumbil deny reports that a white dragon dwells on the high peak of Ziranzibuir. White dragon-like shapes seen leaving the mountain are, according to the dwarves, he result of an active thermal vent high in the mountain that forms white clouds of frost and steam that wend their way from the mountaintop. The dwarves say that Ziranzibuir is alive and hot inside and one day may burst its skull in fire and stone.
Wereboar Slain
A combined party of dwarves and hunters slew the killer boar of the Laughing Woods. It turned out to be a wereboar; the body of a local farmer appeared where the corpse of the boar had been. The dwarves slew the beast with silver axes and dwarven fire flasks. None could determine how the farmer had become a wereboar, but it was hoped that none other had been afflicted with the wereboar’s curse.
Bag Devours Man
According to several reliable sources from Noscrused, a bag devoured a man in broad daylight in front of astonished onlookers. The man, a wizard of some sort by his appearance, reached his hand into a silvery black bag tied to his belt. He seemed to be rummaging around as if looking for something, and strangely, his hand was into the small bag all the way up to his shoulder. But a look of consternation crossed the man’s face, and then a scream of fright, and the man was slowly drawn into the bag as it undulated and moved as if the bag itself were the maw of some creature. Some quick-witted onlookers tried to pull the man out of the bag by his feet, but the force exerted by the bag was unassailable. Eventually, naught was left but the bag, which was taken by authorities to be examined.