Welcome!Debbie at 13:12 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

Good morning!Elizabeth at 13:35 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

HiKaren at 13:35 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

YOLO(-1)^(1/2) Friend at 13:35 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

HiPatricia at 13:36 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

hellomichele at 13:36 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

How do you reinvent education?Debbie at 13:36 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

Good morning!Rose at 13:37 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

Change assessment measures and make work meaningfulAW at 13:45 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

Using technology: Show Me app, QR codes\readerMicah at 13:46 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

Will our testing system adapt to this.The Back Row at 13:46 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

Have more integrated project based learning. Get kids excited about going to school.Patricia at 13:48 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

Let the tired teachers go home . Keep the good ones inspired.Laurie at 13:56 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

Scenario 8- addresses 3 & 4Ashleigh at 15:23 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

Scenario 8 is a positive way to get students to have ownership of learningAW at 15:25 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

Scenario 11 - addresses 1-4, Scenario 12 - addresses 2 and 4SC at 15:27 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

#7 - 4BA at 15:31 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

Scenario 8 - students have and take ownership of their own learning. Also clarifies goals for learning to be successfulGroup by the door at 15:32 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

scenario 7: addresses 4 scenario 8: addresses 4 scenario 9: addresses 3 scenario 10: addresses 2 scenario 11: addresses 1, 3, and 4 scenarioMicah at 15:33 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

What & how will you share with others in your district about engaging students in learning?Debbie at 16:10 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

The formative assessment strategiesEmily at 16:11 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

I really like the Dan Meyer 3-act activities. We are also beginning an RTI class at our school and I will definitely share the RTI curriculuMicah at 16:11 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

Live the task rotation for the different colors / personalities!Laurie at 16:12 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

I like the self reflection.CG at 16:12 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

Share about Dan Meyers 3 ACTs of a mathematical storyStacg at 16:12 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

The ways to incorporate all students (colors-personalities)R at 16:13 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

I enjoyed Bucky the Badger questioning! Yes, there was an alternate Badger.Table 1 or 2 or 3 at 16:13 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

Task rotationsAmanda at 16:13 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

3 acts, great way to make students thinkAW at 16:13 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

Figure out my students colorsAW at 16:13 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

I will share the 5 strategies of FATeri at 16:14 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

RTI Strategies and Dan Meyer's activities.s at 16:15 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

What feedback could be given to Ms. Bloom in order to move her forward in her professional learning of creating a culture for learning?Debbie at 16:32 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

Make the material more relevant to the students.CG at 16:35 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

More cowbell.Math at 16:35 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

Give students more ownershipCG at 16:35 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

Time management, engaging activities, high expectations for all, challenging tasks, formative assessment strategies.Micah at 16:35 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

Increase expectations.The Back Row at 16:36 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via

Using data for student levels instead of guessing where students are with the content.Micah at 16:37 PM, 29 Jan 2013 via