Holiday homework class XII Informatics Practices

Session 2017-18

Chapter 1&2:

1)  / Amit has a Hub in his office to connect all the computers but speed is slow due to collision suggest any other device for this purpose so the speed can be increased.
2)  / Write the name used to refer the difference between the highest and lowest frequencies of a transmission channel.
3)  / Write the name of the computer which takes the services from other computer.
4)  / Why do we use repeater in a network?
5)  / How is Coaxial cable different from Optical Fiber?
6)  / Rahul is using software, which has been purchased by paying the license fee and it can’t be modified and re-distributed. What software is Rahul using?
7)  / Mr. Gaurav is confused between Snooping and Eavesdropping. Explain him with an example for each
8)  / What are GNU and FLOSS?
9)  / How a Open Source Software differs from a Free Software? Explain It.
10)  / Which of the following software’s are open source:
Linux, MS Windows 7, Photoshop, My Sql
11)  / Which of the following is not a characteristic of Open Source Software?
1. Its source code is available for modification.
2. It is owned by a company or an individual.
3. It can be downloaded from internet.
12)  / Name the protocol used to upload and download files from a remote internet server.
13)  / Mohit is confused as he is unable to find the name of a network of computers and other devices that is confused to a relatively small space-an office. Help him do that.
14)  / What type of address is the following? Also define it. AC: B6 :55:CB:32:A2
15)  / Name any two physical media used for the transmission in a network system.
16)  / Define the following : (i) Shareware (ii)Propriety Software.
17)  / Which device is used to convert digital signals to analog and analog signals to digital signals.
18)  / What is meant by DOS?
19)  / What is MAC address? How is it different from IP address?
20)  /

Java Revision

1)  ABC COMPANY deals in selling of “Clean & Clear” washing powder. For billing purpose they use following Java frame form. They offer following unit price on the basis of quantity ordered to Whole Saler or Retailer : If customer is special then 5% discount is given on amount

Quantity Ordered / Unit Price
Whole Saler / Retailer
>=500 / 50 / 52
>=300 and <500 / 55 / 58
<300 / 60 / 65

(i) Write the commands to disable the controls unitPriceTF, netAmtTF and calcAmtBT.

(ii) Write the code for calcPriceBT command button to assign value of unit price to the

text field unitPriceTF on the basis of type and quantity ordered by the customer.

(i)  Write the code for calcAmtBT to calculate the net amount after finding the Total

Amount as Quantity*Price and less discount 5% if he/she is special customer

2)  Mr. Rangaswami works at a Recreation Park as a system analyst. He has created the following GUI. when a group arrives at the Recreation Park, the number of people in the group and whether the group wants to enjoy the Water park or not is entered. Entry fees is Rs. 500 per person. The person can choose to play at Water Park by selecting the checkbox. Rides of Water Park will cost Rs. 250 extra per person.

Help him to write code for the following:

i)  On the click of command button ‘Calculate’, textfield for ‘Entry Fees’ should display Entry Fees per person x Number of people. If ‘Water park’ checkbox is selected, textfield for ‘Water Park Charges’ should display Water Park Charges per person x Number of people. Textfield for ‘Total Amount’ should display sum of Entry Fees and Water Park Charges for all the people in the group.

ii)  Write Java code to clear all Textboxes on the click of ‘Clear’ button. (1)

iii)  Write Java code to close the application on the click of ‘Exit’ button. (1)

3)  Grand School admits their students in class I using the following interface.

A child with age between 5 to 8 years is eligible for admission. The fees is Rs1000 for a boy, Rs500 for a Girl and no fees for a single girl. The text area should display the status “admitted” or “Not Admitted” depending upon the age of the child. Write java code under the action event of the Submit button. Use your own field names.

4)  / CET counselor for Karnataka uses this interface to decide the eligibility for admission to Engineering Colleges. If the sum of marks of Physics Chemistry and Mathematics is greater or equal to 200 out of 300 maximum marks then only a student is eligible.

i)  Write code under the action event of the Result Button to add all the three marks and check if the total is greater or equal to 200. If yes the display in the Result jLabel should be <name of the student> , <total Marks> and “Eligible”. Other wise the Result jLable should display “Not Eligible” for admission.
ii)  Write code under the Exit button to quit the application. / 4

MYSQL Revision

1)a) If a database “ Employee” exists, which MySql command help you to start working in that database. 1

b) Mr. Ganesh wants to give moderation of 5 marks to all students those have below 35 mark. Name the command for this purpose. 1

c) Correct the following SQL command. 1


d) ItemName, Price, Qty field of ITEM table are given below. 2

Based on the given information find the output of the following Queries.

i)  select count(*) from ITEM where price >=2000.

ii)  Select avg( price * Qty) from ITEM.

e) A table ACCOUNT has 3 columns and 5 rows. 3 more rows are inserting into the

table and 2 rows get deleted. What is the degree and cardinality of the table? 1

f) What are the properties of Primary Key? 2