Ambleside Online's - Year 3, Basic Term 1(Weeks 1-12)
Subject / Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5 / Week 6 / Week 7 / Week 8 / Week 9 / Week 10 / Week 11 / Week 12
New T: Luke / 1:1-12 / 1:26-45 / 1:46-80 / 2:1-40 / 2:41- 3:1-20 / 3:21-4:1-30 / 4:31-44 / 5:1-16 / 5:17-39 / 6:1-19 / 6:20-7:10 / 7:11-28
Old Testament
Exodus / Ch 1 / 2:1-10, Acts 7:17-22 / 2:11-16, Acts 7:23-34, Heb. 11:24-28 / 3:4-17 / 4:29-5:23 / 6:1-12, 7:14-25 / 8, 9, 10 or the 10 plagues / 12:1-39
TCOO / CHOW ch 63 (60) Fortune Hunters / TCOO ch 6 Flag of England in New World / CHOW ch64 (61) Land of Enchant / TCOO ch 7 Flag of France and Florida / TCOO ch 8 French Colony in Florida / CHOW ch65 (-) Coast of Africa / TCOO ch 9 Spanish drive out French / CHOW ch66 (62) Rebirth / TCOO ch 10
Frenchman Avenged Countrymen / TCOO ch 11 Sir Humphrey Gilbert
Island Story / ch 62 Field/Cloth of Gold / 63 Defender of Faith / 64 King's Six Wives / ch 65 Boy King / ch 66 Lady Jane Grey / 67 Elizabeth in Prison / ch 68 Candle Lit in England / ch 69 Emprisoned to Queen / ch 70 Unhappy Queen / 71 England Saved from Spaniards
Trial Triumph / Martin Luther / William Tyndale / John Calvin
Marco Polo
Nat History
Pagoo / ch 1 / ch 2 / ch 3 / ch 4 / ch 5-6 / ch 7 / ch 8 / ch 9 / ch 10 / ch 11 / ch 12 / ch 13
Drop of Water [experiments] / 1 Smallest Parts / 2 Elastic Surface / 3 Floating Steel [Surface Tension] / 4 Water Makes Air / 5 Flows Up [Capillary Attraction] / 6 Soap Bubbles [Soap Bubbles] / 7 Bubble Shapes [BubblFrames] / 8 Molecules [in Motion] / 9 Ice [Ice] / 10 Water Vapor / 11 Condensation [Condension] / 12 Evaporation [Evaporation]
Tall Tales / Paul Bunyan / Pecos Bill / Stormalong
The Heroes/ Parables of Nature / Heroes:
part 1 / Parables of Nature:
17 Purring / Heroes:
part 2 / Parables
18 Voices / Heroes:
Perseus, part 3 / Parables of Nature Harvest / Heroes:
part 4 / Parables of Nature 20 Deliverer / Heroes:
part 5
Princess& Goblin / Ch 1-3 / Ch 4-6 / Ch 7-9 / Ch 10-11 / Ch 12-14 / Ch 15-16 / Ch 17-19 / Ch 20-21 / Ch 22 / Ch 23-25 / Ch 26-27 / Ch 28-end
Shakespeare / Merchant of Venice / Pericles
Pilgrim Progress / 800 words/wk
Poetry:William Blake / A poem/day
Ambleside Online's - Year 3, Basic Term 1(Weeks 1-12)
SUBJECT / Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5 / Week 6 / Week 7 / Week 8 / Week 9 / Week 10 / Week 11 / Week 12
Daily Work: Math
Foreign Language
Weekly Work:
Nature Study
Geography: / CM's – Hot & Cold Countries, Pt 1&2, Parallel Lines (Spread over term)
Picture Study
Free Reads: / A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Water Babies by Charles Kingsley
At the Back of the North Wind by George MacDonald
Men of Iron by Howard Pyle
Alice's Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll
The Bears of Blue River by Charles Major
Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome
*Unknown to History: Captivity of Mary of Scotland by Charlotte Yonge / Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink
On the Banks of Plum Creek by Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge
The Saturdays by Elizabeth Enright
English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs
King of the Wind Marguerite Henry (18th century, Af rica, France and England)
The Four Story Mistake by Elizabeth Enright
Then There Were Five by Elizabeth Enright
The Wheel on the School by Meindert De Jong
Ambleside Online's - Year 3, Basic Term 2(Weeks 13-24)
Subject / Week 13 / Week 14 / Week 15 / Week 16 / Week 17 / Week 18 / Week 19 / Week 20 / Week 21 / Week 22 / Week 23 / Week 24
New T: Luke / 7:29-50 / 8:1-21 / 8:22-9:9 / 9:10-27 / 9:28-62 / Luke 10:1-37 / 10:38-11:13 / 11:14-36 / 11:37-12:34 / 12:35-59 / 13:1-30 / 13:31-14:35
Old Testament Exodus / Parts of ch 12 / 13:20-14:30 Crossing Red Sea / 16, Num 11:7-9, Ps 78:24-25 / 19, 20:1-17,
Deut 5:6-21 / 32:1-30
9:9-19 / 32:30-35, 33:1-23, 34:4-8 / 35:4-36:7 (25:1-8) / Deut 1:19-46
TCOO / CHOW ch67 (63)
TCOO ch 12 Raleigh / TCOO ch 13
John Smith / TCOO ch 14 / CHOW
ch68 (64) Queen Elizabeth / TCOO ch 15
Colony Saved / TCOO ch 16
Pocahontas / TCOO ch 17 Redmen/ White Brothers / TCOO ch 18
Duel w/ Tyranny / TCOO ch 19 Coming of Cavaliers / TCOO ch20 Bacon's Rebellion / TCOO
ch 21 Golden Horseshoe / CHOW
ch 69 (65) TCOO ch 22 Pilgrim
Island Story / ch 72
Raleigh / ch 73 Queen's Favorite / ch 74
Guy Fawkes / c 75 Mayflower / ch 76 A Blow for Freedom / ch 77
King Quarreled / ch 78
King to Death / ch 79
Prince Adventures / ch 80
Lord Protector / ch 81
Death in London / ch 82
London Burned
Trial Triumph / Ann Askew / Bishop Martyrs / John Knox
Biography: Bard of Avon
Geography: Marco Polo
Natural History:
Pagoo/ Secrets of the Woods / Pagoo: ch 15 / ch 16 / ch 17 / ch 18 / ch 19 / ch 20 / Secret of
Tookhees 1/2 / Tookhees half / Wilderness Byway / Keeonekh 1/2 / Keeonekh 2/2
Drop of Water [experiments] / 13 Clouds [C. Nuclei] / 14 Snowflakes [Snowflakes] / 15 Endless Variety / 16 Frost, Dew [Dew] / 17 Water,Light [Refraction, Rainbows, Sph Raindrops]
Tall Tales / Mike Fink / Davy Crockett / Johnny Appleseed
Heroes/ Parables of Nature / Heroes:
Argonauts I / Parables: Inferior Animals / Heroes:
Argonauts, II / Heroes:
Argonauts, III / Parables: General Thaw / Parables:
Light of Life / Heroes:
Argonauts, IV / Heroes:
Argonauts, V / Heroes:
Argonauts, VI / Parables: Gifts
Children of New Forest / ch 1-3 / ch 4-6 / ch 7-8 / ch 9-10 / ch 11-12 / ch 13-14 / ch 15-16 / ch 17-18 / ch 19-20 / ch 21-22 / ch 23-24 / ch 25-end
Shakespeare* / Taming of the Shrew / Measure for Measure
Pilgrim Progress
Poetry: Teasdale/
Conkling / (a poem/day)
Ambleside Online's - Year 3, Basic Term 2(Weeks 13-24)
SUBJECT / Week 13 / Week 14 / Week 15 / Week 16 / Week 17 / Week 18 / Week 19 / Week 20 / Week 21 / Week 22 / Week 23 / Week 24
Daily Work: Math
Foreign Language
Weekly Work:
Nature Study
Geography: / CM's – Sunrise & Sunset, Why Sun Rises & Sets, Mid-day Lines (Spread over term)
Picture Study
Free Reads: / A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Water Babies by Charles Kingsley
At the Back of the North Wind by George MacDonald
Men of Iron by Howard Pyle
Alice's Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll
The Bears of Blue River by Charles Major
Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome
*Unknown to History: Captivity of Mary of Scotland by Charlotte Yonge / Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink
On the Banks of Plum Creek by Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge
The Saturdays by Elizabeth Enright
English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs
King of the Wind Marguerite Henry (18th century, Af rica, France and England)
The Four Story Mistake by Elizabeth Enright
Then There Were Five by Elizabeth Enright
The Wheel on the School by Meindert De Jong
Ambleside Online's - Year 3, Basic Term 3 (Weeks 25-36)
SUBJECT / Week 25 / Week 26 / Week 27 / Week 28 / Week 29 / Week 30 / Week 31 / Week 32 / Week 33 / Week 34 / Week 35 / Week 36
New T: Luke / 15:1-32 / 16:1-31 / 17:1-10, 11-19, 20-37 / 18:1-14, 15-27 / 18:28-43 / 19:1-40 / 19:41-48, 20:1-19 / 20:20-26, 27-47 / 21:1-4, 5-36, 21:37-22:23 / 22:24-38, 39-62 / 22:63-23:25, 26-48 / 23:49-24:12, 13-35, 36-53
Old Testament: Numbers / 16, Korah, Dathan and Abiram / 20:1-13, Duet 32:51, Ps 106:32-33 / 22,
Micah 6:5-8 / 23, 24:1-20, Micah 6:5-8, 2Pet 2:15, Rev 2:14 / Deut 16 (Ex 23:14-19 and Lev 23:34-43) / Numbers 20:23-21:10 20:1 / Deut 31 / Deut 34:5, Mk 12:26-27, Mt 17:1-8, Lk 9:28-36
TCOO / TCOO ch 23 Mass. / CHOW ch 70 (66) James Servant / TCOO ch 24, Harry Vane / TCOO ch 25 Anne Hutchinson / TCOO ch 26 Harvard / TCOO ch 27 Quakers in England / TCOO ch 28 Maine and Hampshire
Island Story / ch 83 Fiery Cross / 84 King of
Monmouth / ch 85 Seven Bishops / 86 William Deliverer / 87 London-derry / ch 88 Sad Day / ch 89 Union Jack / ch 90 Earl of Mar / 91 Bonnie Prince / ch 92 Flora MacDonald / ch 93 Hole of Calcutta / 94 Canada Won
Trial Triumph / Jeanne d' Albret / Duchess of Ferrara / Warrior King
Bio: Landing of Pilgrims / pg 1-9 / pg 10-23 / pg 24-34 / pg 35-51 / pg 52-60 / pg 61-73 / pg 74-84 / pg 85-100 / pg 101-110 / pg 111-124 / pg 125-138 / pg 139-end
Geography: Marco Polo
Natural History:
SecretsWoods / Koskomenos 1/2 / Koskomenos 2/2 / Meeko
1/2 / Meeko
2/2 / Ol' Beech
Pa'tridge 1/2 / Ol' Beech
Pa'tridge 2/2 / Deer - Summer Woods / Deer - Still Hunting 1/2 / Deer - Still Hunting 2/2 / Deer - Winter Trails 1/2 / Deer - Winter Trails 1/2 / Deer - Snow Bound
Literature: TallTales / John Henry / Joe Magarac
Heroes/ Parables of Nature / Heroes: Theseus, part 1 / Heroes: Theseus, part 2 / Parables:
Night and Day / Parables: Kicking / Heroes:
Theseus, part 3 / Parables: Imperfect Instrument / Heroes:
Theseus, part 4 / Parables:
Birds in the Nest
Jungle Book / Mowgli's Brothers / Kaa's Hunting / Tiger-Tiger / White Seal
Rikki Tikki / Toomi / Servants of Queen / Fear Came
and Purun / Letting in the Jungles / The Under-takers / Ankus and Quiquem / Red Dog / Spring Running
Shakespeare / Much Ado About Nothing / Hamlet
Pilgrim's Progress:
Poetry: Longfellow / (a poem/day)
Ambleside Online's - Year 3, Basic Term 3 (Weeks 25-36)
SUBJECT / Week 25 / Week 26 / Week 27 / Week 28 / Week 29 / Week 30 / Week 31 / Week 32 / Week 33 / Week 34 / Week 35 / Week 36
Daily Work: Math
Foreign Language
Weekly Work:
Nature Study
Geography: / Long's – 7&8, CM's – Plan of a Room through How Maps are Made (Spread over term)
Picture Study
Free Reads: / A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Water Babies by Charles Kingsley
At the Back of the North Wind by George MacDonald
Men of Iron by Howard Pyle
Alice's Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll
The Bears of Blue River by Charles Major
Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome
*Unknown to History: Captivity of Mary of Scotland by Charlotte Yonge / Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink
On the Banks of Plum Creek by Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge
The Saturdays by Elizabeth Enright
English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs
King of the Wind Marguerite Henry (18th century, Africa, France and England)
The Four Story Mistake by Elizabeth Enright
Then There Were Five by Elizabeth Enright
The Wheel on the School by Meindert De Jong

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