
Dr. Robert Walker, Assistant Deputy Minister (S&T)/CEO DRDC (Co-Chair)

Mr. Tom Ollevier, Steward (NCR), Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (Co-Chair)


Dr. Anthony Ashley, Director General, DRDC CSS

Ms. Wilma Di Gaetano, Director Research and Development Human Resources

Dr. Ross Graham, Director General, DRDC Atlantic

Dr. Kent Harding, replacing Dr. Robert Angus, Director General, DRDC Suffield

Mr. Terry Kiley, Vice-President (Nova Scotia), Union of National Defence Employees

Col. Steff Kummel, replacing Mr. R. Williams,Director General Science and Technology Operations (DGSTO)

Mr. John Lachance, Chief Shop Steward, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Ms. Karen Ladurantaye, Employment Relations Officer, Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

Mr. René LaRose, Chief of Staff S&T

Mr. Matthew MacLeod, union representative, Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

Mr. Patrick Myre, Manager, Labour Relations, DRDHR

Dr. Ross Pigeau, Director General, DRDC Toronto

Ms. Maria Rey, Director General DRDC CORA

Mr. Raffie Stepanian, Representative, Association of Canadian Financial Officers

Ms. Susan Truscott, Director General, Military Personnel Research and Analysis

Ms. Lesley Ullyett, Director General Research and Development, Corporate Services

Dr. Malcolm Vant, Director General, DRDC Ottawa

Dr. Guy Vézina, Director General DRDC Valcartier


Ms. Mélanie Bernard, Labour Relations Advisor, DRDHR


Mr. Jacques Dupont, Canadian Association of Professional Employees

Todd Faulkner, Shop Steward, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

1. Opening Remarks /
Observations preliminaries /
  • Both Dr. Walker and Mr. Ollevier paid tribute in memory of Michele Demers, President, PIPSC

1.1 Acceptance of the Minutes of the last meeting held on June 18th, 2008 /
Adoption du procès-verbal de la dernière réunion, tenue le 18 juin 2008 /
  • The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted by all members present and were signed by the co-chairs.

1.2 Acceptance of the Proposed Agenda /
Adoption de l’ordre du jour proposé /
  • Compensation services in the NCR were added to the agenda.
  • Members approved the revised agenda.

2. Update on the action items of last meeting /
Rapport sur les mesures à prendre à la suite de la dernière réunion / Standard Operating Procedure: Medical Evaluations for Sea/Field Trials
  • Mr. Ollevier asked if the Department had a similar Policy.
  • Mr. Myre answered that no departmental policy existed because no sea/field trials that includecivilian employees take place and that navy vessels have Medical Officers on board.
  • Dr. Walker recommended that if issues arise in future with respect to this DRDC procedure, the matter could be brought back to the UMCC table for discussion.
  • As the committee had no objections or modifications to propose, the SOP is approved.
  • ACTION: DRDHR to issue the Standard Operating Procedure within the agency
OL Identification
  • Ms. Di Gaetano mentioned that she had researchedthe issue raised by Mr. Ollevier at the last meeting with no results.
  • Dr. Walker encouraged union representatives to be as specific as possible on concerns they raise to help ensure prompt attention by management to issues raised..
EE Report
  • Dr. Walker mentioned that DRDC data was provided in the past. Dr. Walker asked committee members to provide him with their suggestions, if any, on how we can improve EE representation in DRDC.
  • Dr. Walker invited comments on this topic during the discussion of item 8.
  • ACTION: Members to provide suggestions on improving EE representation.
  • Ms. Ullyett gave an update on the Department’s draft policy. The policy is in process of being finalized. DRDC is expecting the results and a direction on the application of this policy in the near future. Ms. Ullyett also added that from our last analysis, there would be no major impact on employees. This item will be brought back at this table when in force.
  • ACTION: DGRDCS to table the Parking Policy as an agenda item when approved.
/ Ms. Di Gaetano
All members
Ms. Ullyett
Overtime in Travel
  • Dr. Walker mentioned that the Agency approach is to respect collective agreements with regards to overtime clauses in the collective agreements and that he had reminded his DGs of this.
  • Mr. Ollevier mentioned that his intention in raising the point earlier was to ensure that ADM guidance was provided to his managers.
  • Dr. Walker noted that he was open for discussion on this topic if the unions wished to address issues.
  • Ms. Di Gaetano mentioned that attempts were made to move forward on this subject, but without success to date.
  • Mr. Lachance indicated the concerns originated at the time of the Competency Project.
  • Dr. Walker indicated his understanding is that overall the agency still has between 50-60 EL employees.
  • Mr. Lachance mentioned that he would be making comments on overtime and other application and interpretation with regards to the collective agreement.
  • Dr. Walker encouraged more dialogue prior to future UMCC meetings and to work together to addressthese issues.
EL Development
  • Ms. Di Gaetano confirmed thatTodd Faulkner and Brian Eatock had confirmed the issue has been resolved.

3. Discretionary Spending/Gestion des dépenses discrétionnaires: /
  • Dr. Walker commented on the budget guidance regarding discretionary spending and the guidance he had provided to DRDC managers. Management is asked to be diligent in making commitments. His RDEC will also have periodic reviews to ensure compliance.
  • Dr. Walker asked members if there were issues for discussion.
  • Mr. Ollevier expressed concerns with regards to Professional Development.
  • Dr. Walker replied that Professional Development would continue to receive the same consideration and that each submission is analyzed on its own merit.
  • Dr. Walker invited all to submit concerns with regards to this issue either at LMRC or this table.

4. Northern Watch/Projet de surveillance du Nord: /
  • Dr. Walker explained that during a 2008 summer deployment to the North, the Northern Watch Technology Demonstration Project experienced challenges with health and safety implications.
  • Col. Kummel made comments concerning this project. Working in the Arctic is now standard operation. The organization willprovide appropriate training and establish on-site Contingency Plans. A study is underway to review this year’s project and to have a better handle on the situation. The Senior Review Board is scheduled in the upcoming weeks and will analyze the needs for the next outing.
  • Mr. Kiley mentioned that he was more concerned with accommodation and ensuring that employees are ready for that type of trial.
  • Col. Kummel stressed those lessons were learned and that the last trip helped to address pressing needs and that we are also looking at a more long-term approach.
  • Dr. Graham mentioned that they have a small group of employees with lots of experience that are now providing advice to other departments. The main recommendation is the use of smaller groups.

5.DGMPRA Status /Statut du DGRAPM: /
  • Dr Walker addressed the co-management approach between the Chief Military Personnel and DRDC for the new DGMPRA organization. Dr. Walker reiterated that if employees have concerns to raise them.
  • Ms. Truscott explained the origins since 1997 up to the 2007 partnership that was approved. Ms. Truscott explained the partnerships with CORA. . Ms. Truscott mentioned that DGMPRA will participate at the CORA LMRC.
  • Mr. Kiley asked about the impacts for the employees.
  • Ms. Truscott and Ms. Rey confirmed that employees have reacted positively.

6. Defence Security Research Institute / Institue de recherches pour la défense et la sécurité: /
  • Mr. LaRose explained that both Royal Military College (RMC) and DRDC are looking at connecting needs with ideas in order to lay the foundation for the Defence and Security Research Institute (DSRI). A governance structure for DSRI has been established. Mr. LaRose informed the committee that Dr. Jacques Lavigne has been appointed as Director, DSRI and RMC has identified Professor Yahia Antar. At this point we have 2 scientists working at RMC.
  • Dr. Walker concluded by mentioning that we are at the beginning of this venture and invited union representatives to raise concerns.

7. CS Group Study / Étude du groupe des CS: /
  • Ms. Di Gaetano provided the background that lead to this joint study between PIPSC and DRDC. It was explained that at the department level, DND and PIPSC undertook a study to which DRDC declined to participate because the proposed study did not address a large part of the CS population in DRDC.
  • Ms. Di Gaetano has met with Ms. Lyne Morin, PIPSC Classification Officer, to undertake a joint study with DRDC. DRDC is now awaiting comments from Ms. Morin in order to continue with next steps.
  • Dr. Walker mentioned that he toured the labs and issues overheard where mostly with regards to Valcartier. He then asked union representatives to address any issues at the Corporate Office unless there is a specific issue at the local level requiring a local intervention.

8. L1 Human Resources Plan / Le plan de ressources humaines du L1: /
  • Ms. Di Gaetano mentioned that EE data was shared and we were putting together ideas on how to address issues and that she remained open to any suggestions.

9. DS Management OL Strategy / Stratégie en LO pour gestionnaires DS: /
  • After introducing the Strategy, Dr. Walker invited comments and suggestions
  • Mr. Ollevier asked for more feedback on training with regards to budget, the process of identifying proper employees and who was refused.
  • Dr. Walker replied that no employee in the management stream has ever been refused and that the main issue is not money but providing access to training.
  • Dr. Walker further explained that the intent was to outline requirements to access the management cadre and that the trend is to encourage employees to get training in order to access the next level.
  • Mr. Ollevier clarified that he was also interested in the training available to non-managers that would provide equal opportunity for employees seeking to go into either bilingual positions or management positions requiring OL qualifications. Therefore, information is also required to monitor how training is made available to non-managers and how decisions are made when there are more demands for training than resources allowed.

10. Compensation Services in the NCR / Services de rémunération dans la RCN: /
  • Mr. Ollevier shared that he was receiving numerous complaints from employees.
  • Mr. Vant shared the same information as Mr. Ollevier.
  • Dr. Walker replied that Ms. Binnington, ADM (HR-Civ) is aware of this situation and is making progress in trying to improve the service.
  • Ms. Di Gaetano mentioned that DRDC has a Compensation Service Level Agreement with the department. The intent is to meet with Compensation Services to share our concerns. Ms. Di Gaetano mentioned that we recognize that compensation in the NCR is in turmoil and will be working with Compensation Services to address our concerns.
  • Ms. Di Gaetano mentioned that the Compensation Web Applications will be available to DRDC employees on DRENET. Access to this web application may reduce some routine inquiries and thus workload for the Compensation Advisors.
  • Mr. Lachance expressed the concerns of IBEW and explained that grievances had been filed in order to make things move.
  • Dr. Walker asked that union representatives share their concerns with Ms. Di Gaetano to ensure that we have a global picture on this situation and can inform ADM(HR Civ) of the specifics.

11. Round Table / Table ronde: /
  • Mr. Ollevier mentioned that he would like to see an electronic bulletin board for sharing information with union members and to review general information. Mr. Lachance reiterated Mr. Ollevier’s request for an electronic bulletin board.
  • Dr. Walker suggested that these discussions be pursued with Ms. Ullyett and Mr. Phil Jourdeuil of DRDKIM.
  • Mr. Kiley asked if military managers were provided with orientation to managing civilian employees and was advised that this situation did not often occur in DRDC.
  • Dr. Pigeau also mentioned that special attention is provided in Toronto because of the huge composition of CF members in that Center.
  • Mr. Stepanian asked when he should be expecting to have a LMRC with Corporate Services groups.
  • Dr. Walker requested the creation of such a committee.
  • Dr. Walker asked DRDHR to communicate with union representatives in order to find out if the UMCC process is still acceptable to all.
  • ACTION: Ms. Ullyett and Mr. Phil Jourdeuil of DRDKIM to pursue discussions on the addition of an electronic bulletin board for sharing union information to employees.
  • ACTION: The establishment of LMRC for Corporate Services Office.
  • ACTION: DRDHR to communicate with union representatives in order to find out if the UMCC process is still acceptable to all.
/ Ms. Ullyett and Mr. Jourdeuil of DRDKIM
Ms. Ullyett
Mr. Myre

These Minutes are approved unanimously on this ______day of the month of ______2009.

Dr. Robert Walker, Co-ChairMr. T. Ollevier, Co-Chair

DRDC Union-Management Consultation Committee Meeting - Minutes Page 1 of 7 Last update: March 26, 2009