Paper # 1Assessment of Eurocode 5 charring rate calculation methods

Comment 1

The topic is interesting and relevant for the calculation of the fire resistance of timber structures; however it has been already studied in detail. Further the analysis consists of numerical simulations between advanced and simplified calculation models, a comparison to experimental tests is not mentioned

Comment 2

This is a good paper, but it appears to lack validation against experimental data. Simple and advanced methods might agree with each other but not with experiments.

Comment 3

Paper # 2 Fire performance of gypsum plasterboards

Comment 1

This paper sounds interesting and appropriate but it is difficult to judge with the level of detail provided in the abstract.

Comment 2

Studies that compare standard and real fire performance are few and far between. These

studies have a lot of value as they help us to establish the connection with reality.

Comment 3

Paper # 3 A review of pyrolysis models for calculation of the charring rate of solid wood structural elements and glue-laminated beams

Comment 1

The topic is interesting and relevant for the calculation of the fire resistance of timber structures, however it has been already studied in detail. Further it is not mentioned which pyrolysis models are reviewed. It is not clear how these models are reviewed: based on experimental tests or numerical simulations?

Comment 2

Although a review of pyrolysis models is of interest, it is better to publish this in ajournal.

Comment 3

Paper # 4 Furnace Testing of Full-Scale Gypsum Steel Stud Non-Load Bearing Wall Assemblies: Results of Multi-Laboratory Testing in Canada, Japan, and USA

Comment 1

This abstract provides spends too much time criticizing current fire resistance methods and not enough on test results. This information has already been presented.

Comment 2

It is valuable to know the repeatability and reproducibility of standard fire tests, but this

paper is borderline for SiF. The material was presented before (SP and NIST workshops)

Comment 3

Paper # 5 Measurement of Thermal Properties of Gypsum Board at Elevated Temperatures

Comment 1

This is a solid abstract, but the information has already been presented at other conferences and in journal articles.

Comment 2

This paper presents a new method to measure thermal conductivity at elevated temperatures. The apparatus is relatively inexpensive and would be a good addition to any fire lab.

Comment 3

Paper # 6 On heat and vapor transfer in different gypsum plaster boards subjected to the standard ISO fire.

Comment 1

This is a solid abstract, but the information has already been presented at other conferences and in journal articles.

Comment 2

Moisture movement is usually not modeled in FEM of gypsum protected construction.

This paper promises to reveal what is gained by including this phenomenon.

Comment 3

Paper # 7 Experimental and numerical investigation of behavior of tropical wood in fire: from wooden beams to timber structural elements.

Comment 1

The topic is interesting; however the application of tropical wood species for Europe, America and Asia may be not so relevant. Very few information is available on charring of tropical wood species. The results can enlarge the background of charring of wood. The correlation between OPI and charring rate seems to be promising.

Comment 2

Even though the OPI has been discussed in a previous publication, this paper will make a

valuable contribution to the literature as data for tropical species are not widely available.

Comment 3

Paper # 8 Post-earthquake Performance of Passive Fire Protection Systems

Comment 1

This abstract does not provide sufficient bases to evaluate its merits.

Comment 2

This might be a valuable stuy, but the abstract is very vague on methods used and the paper might introduce new data or methods.

Comment 3

Paper # 9 Fall-off of gypsum plasterboard in fire

Comment 1

This is a solid abstract, but the information has already been presented at conferences and in journal papers.

Comment 2

This valuable information is available from the NRCC web site and has been presented before (NIST workshop)

Comment 3

Paper # 10 On the design of timber bolted connections subjected to fire

Comment 1

The topic is very interesting and relevant for the calculation of the fire resistance of connection in timber structures. Hass been the paper already presented at CIB W18 2008 in Bled?

Comment 2

The best paper in the pack.

Comment 3

Paper # 11 Modeling the performance of non-load bearing gypsum-protected steel stud walls in furnace and room fire tests

Comment 1

The analysis of the fire behaviour of gypsum plasterboards under ISO-fire exposure and different natural fire tests is very interesting. The approach proposed seems promising (we have also used a similar approach). It is not clear if the walls have been filled with insulation. The tests have been made with gypsum-protected steel stud walls. It may be very interesting to compare these results with tests on timber stud walls.

Comment 2

This appears to be an interesting and suitable paper for SIF. I am not aware of previous presentation of this material.

Comment 3
