Convergence Scholarship Information and Requirements
Job Description for CNCH Newsletter Editor
The CNCH Newsletter Editor will edit and produce three (3) issues of the organization's newsletter per year. For this service the editor will be paid a per-issue fee, the amount to be determined by the Advisory Council of CNCH.
The editor will receive the guild newsletters and will arrange to exchange newsletters with other fiber-related groups. From these sources the editor will glean information for stories and calendar items, keeping in mind that the primary function of the newsletter is to make information about CNCH conferences available for CNCH members, and to report CNCH Inc. activities. The editor will pass along address changes and new member information as noted in the guild newsletters to the CNCH Administrative Assistant.
The editor will produce the newsletter three times a year. The editor will contact the Administrative Assistant to find out how many names are currently in the database to determine the printing number. The editor is encouraged to send a proof copy of the newsletter to a member of the Advisory Council or some other person active in CNCH for additional proofreading. This proofreading is not intended to delay printing unduly. It can be omitted if necessary.
The CNCH Newsletter Editor is encouraged to attend all Advisory Council meetings as a non-voting member. The editor will keep abreast of what is happening in CNCH so the newsletter stories will be accurate.
Web Based newsletter distribution process:
Each issue of CiNCH Notes will be posted at The Newsletter editor will prepare files for web posting and send to CNCH web mistress. Once the web pages have been updated, the Editor will notify guild presidents, newsletter editors and guild liaison via email that the new newsletter is available on line. Paper copies will be mailed via USPS first class to guild presidents, newsletter editors, guild liaisons, business associates, and associate members that do not have email. The Editor will pay postage and will request reimbursement for that out-of-pocket expense.
Newsletter editor will coordinate with the Administrative Assistant to receive current email and mail address information.
Updated March 20, 2003 Page 2 of 2