Registrars’ Prize in Clinical Neuroscience

Director: Dr. John McHugh

Sponsored by: Biogen Idec Ireland

Minerva Room, RDS, Dublin

November 10th, 2017

Registrar’s Prize in Clinical Neuroscience

November 10th, 2017


08.30 – 09.00 Registration

09.00 – 09.10 Welcome and Introduction
Dr. John McHugh


10 minutes: 8 minutes + 2 minutes questions

09.10Familial early onset tremulous dystonia- a novel mutation
Al Hussona M, McGovern EM, Webb D, Hutchinson M, O’Riordan S.

09.21Complex Family Dynamics

Barr S, Doherty CM, Morrison PJ, Gray O, Donaghy C, McConville J.

09.32Pharmacogenetic mediated encephalopathy in a patient with metastatic pancreatic cancer

Cullinane P, Leonard G, Lynch J.

09.43A Case of AARS2 Leucoencephalopathy with brainstem and spinal cord involvement and lactate elevation (LBSL)

Doyle M, Lynch J.

09.54Double Trouble: A difficult dual diagnosis.

Gaughan M, Nestor L, Beausang A, Wall D, Redmond J.

10.05A Positive Brain Biopsy But What’s The Diagnosis?

Laffan A, Crimmins D, Farrell M, Tubridy N, Kinsella J, McGuigan C.

10.16Neurological Aspects of a Giant Congenital Melanocytic Nevus.

Llamas Y, O’Brien M, Widdess-Walsh P, Farrell M.

10.27Deaf, Blind, and a Surprising Find.

Yap SM, Reid V, Lynch T, Smyth S.

10.40 – 11.00 Tea and Coffee

11.00Subacute cough headache with fever

McKenna MC,Cronin S.

11.11Human prion disease – the Great Masquerader of cognitive decline

Munteanu T, Lynch T.

11.22Clash of the Titins

Murphy SJX, Bogdanova-Mihaylova P, Hurley A, Murphy SM.

11.33A Case of Two Brothers: Should we look beyond a Cerebral palsy diagnosis?

Ndukwe II, King M, O’Riordan S, Hutchinson M.

11.44A Rare presentation for a Thunderclap Headache.

O’Donnell L, Lynch J, Monaghan T.

11.55Atrioesophageal fistula: A case report

Shaikh E, Murphy S.

12.06Reversible Corticobasal Syndrome

Williams L1, Paramanandam V1, Hadjivassiliou M2, Olszewska D1, Munteanu T1, Fearon C, Magennis B, Sarrigiannis P, Lynch T.

12.17Effective urgent surgical treatment of refractory focal motor seizures due to focal cortical dysplasia.
Lyons S, Brett FM, O’Brien D, Kilbride R, Delanty N, Widdess-Walsh P, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin.

12.30 – 13.30Lunch


15 minutes: 12 minutes + 3 minutes questions

13.30Healthcare utilisation in patients with chronic Hepatitis C infection related neurocognitive dysfunction.
Ferguson D, Gaudino C, Ascione M, Doherty CP, Norris S.

13.46Sub-concussive brain injury; Dynamic Blood Brain Barrier changes in response to a season of contact sport.
Kelly E, O’Keefe E, Wallace E, Greene C, Kealy J, Lynch MA, Doyle N, Hay A, Humphries MM, Humphries P, Farrell MA, Grant GA, Friedman A, Veksler R, Molloy MG, Meaney JF, Pender N, Doherty CP, Campbell M.

14.02New versus old: Implications of evolving diagnostic criteria for Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
McNicholas N, Lockhart A, Yap SM, O’Connell K, Tubridy N, Hutchinson M, McGuigan C.

14.18Goal directed motor learning performance in IPD and PARK2-PD
Munteanu T, Birsanu D, Newman L, Fearon C, O’Riordan S, Reilly RB, Lynch T.

14.34Evidence Of Ongoing Platelet Activation In Micro-Emboli Negative Recently Symptomatic Versus Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis: Results From The Haemostasis In Carotid Stenosis (HEIST) Study
Murphy SJX, Lim ST,, Kinsella JA, Tierney S, Egan B, Feeley TM, Murphy SM, Walsh RA, Collins DR, Coughlan T, O’Neill D, Harbison JA, Madhavan P, O’Neill SM, Colgan MP, Cox D, Moran N, Hamilton G, McCabe DJH

14.50The first study to examine the association between glucocerebrosidase mutations and Parkinson’s disease in Ireland.
Olszewska DA, McCarthy A, Soto A, Walton R, McLaughlin R, Hardiman O, Lynch T, Ross OA.

15.06A prospective study of fracture risk, fall risk and overall bone health in ambulatory patients with moderately advanced multiple sclerosis.
Yap SM, McNicholas N, Jordan S, Buckley L, Iyer PM, Shaikh E, Tubridy N, Hutchinson M, McGuigan C.

15.22Diffuse right hemisphere hypoxic-ischaemic injury following status epilepticus: report of three cases
Vila-Sala C, Sala-Padró J, Lynch J, Delanty N, Widdess-Walsh P.

15.40Judges Deliberation

16.00Announcement and Presentation of Awards

16.15Close of Meeting