Cadet Joining Instructions & Information

Ecole Des Pionniers de Maillardville, 3550 Wellington Street, Port Coquitlam, BC, (604) 649-0568

Table of Contents

Commanding Officer’s Welcome 3

Introduction – Motto - Aims 4

Contacting Us 4

Where and When We Meet (Parade) 5

Canteen 5

Our Staff………………………………………………………………………………………. 6

Our Sponsoring Committee 6

Cadet Enrolment Process 7

Enrolment Package 7


What you can expect from us 7

What we expect from cadets 7

What we expect from parents/guardians 8

Cadet Training 8

Cadet Teams and Activities 9

The number of teams/activities cadets can participate in? 9

Precision Drill Team 9

Flag Party 9

Band 9

Power/Gliding Scholarships 10

First Aid 10

Range/Marksmanship 10

Biathlon 10

Effective Speaking 10

Model Building/RC Aircraft 10

Choir 10

Optional & Weekend Activities 10

Summer Camps 11

Exercises, Field Trips & Tours 11

The Uniform (Kit) 12

Regular Uniform & Boots 12

Civilian clothing 13

Hair 13

Air Cadet Ranks and Appointments 14

Rules & Regulations 17

Attendance & Absence With Out Leave (AWOL) 17

Leaving Early Without Permission 18

Smoking, Alcohol & Drugs 18

Gang Membership & Affiliation 18

Bullying, Fighting & Bossing 18

Orders 19

Reporting Problems 19

Dear Cadets and Parents,

Welcome to 777 Neptune Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron. The 2017/2018 cadet training year will be fun and exciting. We will start in September with enrolment, followed by regular training, and end in June.

Our goal is to provide you an opportunity to learn new skills, challenge you to participate in interesting and fun activities, introduce you to the world of aviation, make new friends, and have fun.

777 Neptune has many teams including: Precision Drill, Flag Party, Biathlon, Range, First Aid, Effective Speaking, Band and Model Building/Remote Control. Our activities include: flying, gliding, weekend camping, sports and swim nights, hiking trips and more.

Before deciding to join air cadets, it is very important that you understand the time, effort and commitment you need to give. As an air cadet, you are required to attend at least 75% of all mandatory training days. Mandatory training days include every Wednesday evening, Remembrance Day (November 11th), two Tag Days weekends, and the Annual Ceremonial Review in June. Being a cadet also means volunteering for other activities such as fund raising days, Legion poppy drive, drill practice, boot polishing, team events, competitions and activities.

The staff and I look forward to seeing you this year. We look forward to helping you make your career as an air cadet successful. It’s yours to enjoy. So please have fun, join in and become part of our exciting squadron.


Ande Kg

Andrew King


Commanding Officer

777 Neptune Squadron is one of 59 Air Cadet Units in BC and one of 456 squadrons in Canada. To enroll in cadets, you must:

·  be between 12 and 18;

·  be a legal resident of Canada (Canadian citizen; landed immigrant; or dependent of a person lawfully in Canada on a temporary basis for education or employment); and

·  provide proof of provincial health insurance coverage.

Air Cadet Motto: “To Learn – To Serve – To Advance”

777 Neptune Motto: “Ex cinere ad caelum” (from the ashes to the blue)

The Aims of the Air Cadet program:

·  To develop attributes of good citizenship and leadership in youth;

·  To promote physical fitness; and

·  To stimulate an interest in aviation.

Cadets are members of the largest youth organization in Canada - they are not members of the Canadian Forces. There is no requirement or expectation to join the Canadian military. Getting involved in cadets is a wonderful first step into adulthood. We encourage you to make the most of it!

How to Contact Us

Phone number: (604) 649-0568



Facebook: 777 Neptune RCACS

Mailing address: 777 Neptune RCACS

2529 Shaughnessy Street

PO Box 41071 Shaughnessy

Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 5Z9

When and Where We Parade (Meet)

·  Every Wednesday evening September to June (except Christmas break and Spring break).

·  6:15pm to 9:30pm at Ecole des Pionniers de Maillardville, 3550 Wellington Street, Port Coquitlam. We meet in the gymnasium (drill hall).

Certain activities take place on other days of the week and meet at different places (see Activities and Programs). We also have weekend activities and community events. Notices will be issued in advance of the exercises. All activities can be found on our website calendar at

Parade Night & Schedule

Parade Night is each Wednesday night, when cadets are assembled and train. Cadets must attend regularly in order to pass their level of training, be considered for promotion, and be eligible to attend a summer training camp. Irregular attendance may result in your termination as an air cadet.

Time / Activity
6:30 / Uniform Inspection & Attendance
6:45 / Opening Parade
7:00 / First Period
7:35 / Second Period
8:10 / Canteen Break
8:30 / Third Period
9:00 / Closing Parade
9:15 / Cadets Dismissed


To promote physical fitness and good nutrition, healthy snacks such as fruit snacks, juice, water, and granola bars will be sold in our canteen. Cadets are encouraged to bring exact change: loonies, toonies or quarters, if purchasing a snack.

Our Staff

Our Squadron Officers (in uniform) are members of the Canadian Forces Reserves, known as the Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC). They are specifically trained to work with youth. Their work with the cadet program is part-time. They have regular jobs outside of cadets.

We also have Civilian Instructors (CIs) and Volunteer Instructors (VIs) who offer their expertise to the cadet program and wear dark blue sweaters and white shirts.

Our CIC officers, CIs, and VIs come from all walks of life and bring a wealth of knowledge and personal experience to the Squadron. Each of them has just one goal: to make each cadet’s time with 777 Neptune a rewarding and memorable experience.

Our Sponsoring Committee

The administration of the Air Cadet program is a partnership between the Department of National Defense (DND) and the BC Air Cadet League. DND funding for optional activities is limited; therefore, a community group, service club, or parents’ committee sponsor each squadron. Our sponsor is called the 777 Neptune Squadron Sponsoring Committee, and is responsible for providing facilities, financing activities and arranging fundraising events to finance the Squadron.

Parents are strongly encouraged to attend the Sponsoring Committee meetings. If you would like to join, we encourage you to talk to the Parent Sponsoring Committee Executive.

Cost – There is a registration fee of $220 plus $5 for name tag per cadet per year. These funds are used to pay a mandatory Assessment Fee for the BC Air Cadet League ($100), as well as insurance and maintenance of the aircraft which are owned by the BC Air Cadet League. Money is also raised through fundraisers, parent donations and corporate donations. For more information on fees and donations please contact the 777 Neptune Squadron Sponsoring Committee Chairperson at .

Cadet Enrolment Process

Returning cadets are considered first. New applications are accepted until December 31, and are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Forms must be completed, signed by both the cadet and a parent or guardian. Enrollment forms can be obtained from the website or at 777 Neptune Squadron.

Enrolment Package

The package contains a lot of information for both cadets and parents, so everyone is asked to read the package thoroughly.

All cadets (new and returning) are required to read, complete, sign and return the following documents, so that we can update our database:

·  Application or update forms, including the medical questionnaire portion;

·  Personal information sheet, including at least two (2) emergency contact numbers;

·  Clothing size form;

·  Acknowledgement of responsibility for uniform and equipment issued;

·  Acknowledgement of our Drug & Alcohol policy;

·  Payment of Registration fees ($220 plus $5 for name tag); and

·  Registration of parent with our Sponsoring Committee.

What you can expect from us

Squadron Staff are trained to provide supervision, leadership and compassion. We impose many rules (see Rules & Regulations section) in order to teach self-discipline and pride in cadets. We are strict but fair, and cadets enjoy this environment and the challenges it brings.

We will ensure a safe environment for the cadets and will contact parents as soon as possible if anything unusual occurs that involves their cadet.

What we expect from cadets

·  75% attendance (minimum) at all mandatory training days. Coming occasionally may result in termination from the program.

·  Try your best and be respectful to all other cadets and Squadron members, regardless of rank or position.

·  Follow the Squadron’s Rules & Regulations at all times.

·  Be on time for each training session and activity.

·  Tell your parents when and where you’re supposed to be each week.

·  Tell your parents about upcoming activities/events.

·  Schedule your activity choices so they do not conflict.

·  Print your last name in every item of uniform kit.

·  Tell Supply when you outgrow or lose parts of your uniform so they can be replaced immediately.

·  Safeguard your uniform so pieces don’t get lost or stolen.

·  Report abusive or negative behavior to a Squadron staff member immediately.

·  Participate in the Squadron’s fundraising activities.

What we expect from parents

A successful career as an Air Cadet is a team effort. Here are some tips to help parents do their part in making their cadet’s experience the best it can be:

·  Please arrive by 6:15 pm, but no later than 6:30pm on Wednesdays, or as otherwise directed.

·  Please familiarize yourself with our Rules and Regulations in this booklet.

·  Please notify the squadron office to update contact phone numbers and addresses as quickly as possible after a change.

·  Please participate in your cadet’s choices for teams and activities. This ensures you are comfortable with what your cadet is involved in, and able to drive your cadet to/from the activities.

·  Please be patient where promotions are concerned. While promotions have a “time-in” requirement, merit and leadership ability are also considered. The higher the rank, the fewer positions, so not all cadets will reach the higher ranks during their cadet career.

·  Please attend our training nights as a spectator or to drop into our office if you have questions or concerns. If you are not attending the Squadron, cadets must be picked up no later than 9:30 pm.

·  We highly encourage parents to join our Sponsoring Committee, which meets every Wednesday evening during cadet training and is the backbone of our Squadron.

·  CO parades (last Wednesday of each month) are very important with regards to cadet promotions and announcements. Parents should attend beginning at 8:15 pm.

Cadet Training

Cadets attend three 30-minute instructional periods each week. The topics range from air rifle safety to drill to wearing the uniform and how to become a leader. The training is divided into 5 levels with each level taking 1 year to complete. Each proficiency level builds on the knowledge and skills of the previous level. Participation is mandatory in order to be promoted and pass your level.

Following is a short description of subjects in each of the levels:

Level 1: drill, general cadet knowledge, physical fitness, effective speaking, aircraft identification

Level 2: principles of flight, propulsion, radio communications, aircrew


Level 3: drill instruction, citizenship, leadership, instructional techniques, navigation

Level 4: meteorology, training support

Level 5: squadron administration & supply, drill leadership, OJT

Cadet Teams and Activities

How many teams/activities may cadets participate in?

Cadets may join as many activities as they wish, as long as the activities do not have schedule conflicts. It is the cadet’s responsibility that team activities do not conflict with each other. Space is limited on each team and staff will make the final decisions if there are too many cadets for a particular activity/team. We will do our best to ensure that everyone gets to join at least one of their favorite activities.


Precision Drill Marching Team

Members of the Precision Drill Team learn to march exceptionally well, including footwork that is not a normal part of Squadron drill. Precision drill includes silent marching, where no commands are called out – all movements are done with precision timing only. The Precision Drill Team shows off their talents at the Squadron’s Annual Ceremonial Review, and it’s always a very impressive show!

Flag Party

Members of the Flag Party are few but play an extremely important part of every parade. Highly visible, carrying the flags, all eyes are on these cadets, who have a set of footwork all their own.


The Band offers music training to cadets with or without any music background or experience. Band is one of the most demanding teams at our squadron and requires dedication and commitment from cadets. The Band Officer conducts band practice on Tuesday evenings as well as at other times. Band rehearsals include music theory, instrument instruction, band drill, ensemble, technical training, leadership training and most important…FUN!!!

Power/Gliding Scholarship Ground School

Entrance to the power/gliding scholarship courses starts with Ground School, which teaches the basics of flying and theory in the classroom in preparation for the flying scholarship exam in January. Ground School classes are for cadets age 14 and older and are held on Tuesday evenings.

First Aid

First aid in the Air Cadets brings together many of the aspects that cadets strive to achieve. Cadets learn standard and emergency first aid, and control in stressful situations. Most of all, they become better citizens by learning a skill that can save lives. The regional competitions in April put those skills to the test!


The cadet Range/Marksmanship program introduces cadets to the safe handling and firing of air rifles and .22 caliber rifles. The aim of the Marksmanship program is to develop cadets’ interest in marksmanship while promoting the safe and proficient use of firearms.
