Inter-Club Council

Spring 2001 – Calendar – all information is subject to change


RSVP is required for all orientations. Sign up (or call) at the A.S. Front Desk.

Prospective clubs that have not submitted their registration may attend any orientation.

February 6, 2001 (T) Inter-Club Council Orientation 11:15am – 12:35pm Cayton Center, Rm. 206

February 13, 2001 (T) Inter-Club Council Orientation 11:15am – 12:35pm Cayton Center, Rm. 206

February 15, 2001 (Th) INTER-CLUB COUNCIL MEETING 3:30pm – 5:00 pm to be announced

Registration packets submitted by Tuesday, February 13th by 5:00 p.m., and are approved, will be installed at this meeting. Clubs installed at this meeting will be eligible for the full (100%) funding allocation.

February 20, 2001 (T) Inter-Club Council Orientation 11:15am – 12:35pm Cayton Center, Rm. 206

February 22, 2001 (Th) ICC Constitution Committee Meeting 3:30pm – 5:00pm Cayton Center, Rm. 206

March 1, 2001 (Th) INTER-CLUB COUNCIL MEETING 3:30pm – 5:00pm to be announced

Registration packets submitted by Tuesday, February 27th by 5:00 p.m., and are approved, will be installed at this meeting. Clubs installed at this meeting will be eligible for the full (100%) funding allocation.

March 8, 2001 (Th) ICC Constitution Committee Meeting 3:30pm – 5:00pm Cayton Center, Rm. 206

March 15, 2001 (Th) INTER-CLUB COUNCIL MEETING 3:30pm – 5:00pm to be announced

Registration packets submitted by Tuesday, March 13th by 5:00 p.m., and are approved, will be installed at this meeting. Clubs installed at this meeting will be eligible for 66% of the funding allocation.

March 22, 2001 (Th) ICC Constitution Committee Meeting 3:30pm – 5:00pm Cayton Center, Rm. 206

March 29, 2001 (Th) CLUB ROW 11:15am – 12:35 pm Science Building Grass/Free Speech Area

April 5, 2001 (Th) INTER-CLUB COUNCIL MEETING 3:30pm – 5:00pm to be announced

Registration packets submitted by Tuesday, April 3rd by 5:00 p.m., and are approved, will be installed at this meeting. Clubs installed at this meeting will be eligible for 66% of the funding allocation.

April 19, 2001 (Th) INTER-CLUB COUNCIL MEETING 3:30pm – 5:00pm to be announced

Registration packets submitted by Tuesday, April 17th by 5:00 p.m., and are approved, will be installed at this meeting. Clubs installed at this meeting will be eligible for 33% of the funding allocation.

May 3, 2001 (Th) INTER-CLUB COUNCIL MEETING 3:30pm – 5:00pm to be announced

Registration packets submitted by Tuesday, May 1st by 5:00 p.m., and are approved, will be installed at this meeting. Clubs installed at this meeting will be eligible for 33% of the funding allocation.

May 17, 2001 (Th) INTER-CLUB COUNCIL MEETING 3:30pm – 5:00pm to be announced

No Installations

May 31, 2001 (Th) INTER-CLUB COUNCIL SOCIAL 3:30pm – 5:00pm to be announced

Please Note: Club Row Committee Meeting day and time will be determined at the first ICC meeting.

They are tentatively scheduled for Mondays at 2:00pm in the Cayton Center, Room 202.

Inter-Club Council

Spring 2001 Registration Packet – Table of Contents



·  Inter-Club Council Spring 2001 Calendar (inside cover)

·  Welcome/Checklist

·  List of Fall 2000 Clubs/Organizations

·  Club Starters

·  Club Orientations – Required for all NEW clubs

·  Office of Student Life Information

·  Inter-Club Council Constitution

REGISTRATION - (complete and submit these forms)

·  Advisor Information

·  Constitution Information

·  Officer Roster

·  Club Member Roster

·  Meeting Room Request

·  Faculty Advisor Responsibilities Form

·  Faculty Advisor Responsibilities Form for Evening and Off-Campus Events

Inter-Club Council

Spring 2001 Registration Packet – Welcome/Checklist


Welcome to the Inter-Club Council!

To all the returning clubs, we are glad to have you back!

To all the new clubs, we are excited about helping you get started!

As you review this registration packet and complete your registration information, please pay special attention to the following important updates:

·  All new clubs – those not installed during the Fall 2000 semester – and those clubs that lost their officially recognized status at any time during the Fall 2000 semester, must attend an orientation. Please be sure to sign-up for one at the Associated Students Office Front Desk.

·  The Inter-Club Council is creating a computer file of all the club constitutions. This file will be used to link club constitution information to the club website. We are requesting that all clubs submit a disk copy of their constitution. The club constitution can also be submitted via email.

·  This semester, ICC representative eligibility will be strictly enforced. This means that the President and two ICC Representatives, as the officially recognized members of the Inter-Club Council, must meet the eligibility requirements described in the Associated Students of Santa Monica College Constitution Article III, Section 3, Item 2. These requirements state that ICC members shall be enrolled in at least six units at Santa Monica College and maintain a “C” (2.0) grade point average. Eligibility will be verified prior to installation. If these three officers do not meet the eligibility requirements, the club will not be eligible for installation.

·  The ICC Secretary position is currently vacant. If you are interested in the position, please contact your ICC Chairperson, ICC Vice Chairperson or ICC Advisor, and be sure to attend the first ICC meeting.

For your registration to be considered complete, you must submit ALL of the following:

q  Advisor Information

q  Constitution Information

q  Officer Roster – with Faculty Advisor Signature!

q  Club Member Roster

q  Meeting Room Request – with Faculty Advisor Signature!

q  Faculty Advisor Responsibilities Form

q  Faculty Advisor Responsibilities Form for Evening and Off-Campus Events

q  Disk copy of your club constitution

For New Clubs:

q  Hard Copy of your constitution with Faculty Advisor Signature and Club President Signature!

We look forward to another great semester with your club and the entire Inter-Club Council!

Inter-Club Council

Fall 2000 Clubs/Organizations



African American Women’s Club

Airwaves Club

Alpha Gamma Sigma Honor Society

Anthropology Club

Astronomy Club

Bible Studies in the Old and New Testaments

Black Collegians Club

Board Riders Career Club

Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Business and Technology Club

California Student Nurses Association

Chemistry Club

Child Development Club

Club Latino United for Education (C.L.U.E.)

Club Santa Monica (aka Pico Partnership Club)

College Democrats of SMC

Common Boundaries


Corsair Club

Corsair Spirit

Cozmo Club

Eco-Action Club

EOP&S Club

Everyday People

Gay/Straight Student Alliance

Get Involved, Volunteer (G.I.V.)

Global Awareness Club

Hawai’i Club


Holistic Yoga Club

International Students' Forum

Kapisanang Pilipino

Karate Club

Latin Dance Club

Latino Student Union (LSU)

Latter-Day Saints Student Association

Music Recital Society

Muslim Student Association

Oikos Campus Ministry

Pan-African Student Union


Pre-Health Professional Club

Pre-Law Society

Recreation Activities Advisory Council

Rotaract Club

SMC Chinese Christian Fellowship

SMC Student Filmmakers Association

SMC International Dance Club

SMC Phi Theta Kappa

SMC Production Workshop

SMC Progressive Alliance

The Shack (Architecture)

Student Union of Bahá'ís

Turkish Club

United Students Association


Inter-Club Council

Spring 2001 – Club Starters


1.  Prospective clubs must have at least six (6) members. Members must be Santa Monica College Students.

2.  Prospective clubs must have a full-time faculty advisor.

3.  Prospective clubs must generate a constitution specifying the club's purpose and orders. A sample constitution is available in the Associated Students Office and in the club registration packet.

4.  Obtain a club registration packet in the Associated Students/Student Activities Office. Packets are available approximately two (2) weeks prior to the Fall and Spring semesters and thereafter. Meeting room requests are included in the packet.

5.  Attend a club orientation.

6.  Upon review and approval of the Dean of Student Life or designee, the club will be eligible for installation to the Inter-Club Council. The club will be installed at the next ICC meeting, so be sure to attend. Upon installation and recognition, the club must remain active with this body to maintain official status.

7.  Recognized clubs will have access to the services of the Associated Students/Student Activities Office.

8.  Recognized clubs will have access to funds allocated by the Associated Students.

Your constitution must include the following information:

·  name and purpose of the club

·  membership (e.g., requirements)

·  officers (e.g., duties)

·  meetings

·  quorum

·  how to amend the constitution

·  elections (e.g., when?)

·  order of business

·  parliamentary procedure and authority

If you would like a sample constitution, one is available at the Associated Students Office Front Desk and online at

Inter-Club Council

Spring 2001 – Club Orientations


·  All clubs are required to attend an orientation prior to being installed as a recognized club within the Inter-Club Council.

·  Orientation will provide all the updated information about the Inter-Club Council.

Club President (Primary Inter-Club Council Representative) or a designee is required to attend prior to club installation. All officers / Inter-Club Council representatives are encouraged to attend.

·  Clubs that were installed during the Fall 2000 semester and maintained official status throughout the entire semester are not required to attend an additional orientation in the spring, but are always welcome to do so.

·  Those clubs that lost their officially recognized status at any time during the Fall 2000 semester must attend an orientation.

·  It is recommended that those clubs that have had significant changes in club leadership attend an orientation for the spring semester.

·  Please sign-up for an orientation session at the Associated Students front desk.

·  After the second Inter-Club Council meeting of the semester, regularly scheduled orientation sessions will not be held. Orientations will be scheduled as needed. Club members are welcome to schedule individual appointments with the Inter-Club Council advisor if no orientation sessions are scheduled.


·  Introduction to the Associated Students and Inter-Club Council

·  Introduction to the Inter-Club Council Advisor and the role of the Department Secretary

·  Inter-club Council and Club Officer Roles

·  The Faculty Advisor's Role

·  The Associated Students Club Funding Process - including club funding percentage reductions for clubs that lost recognition during the previous semester

·  Parliamentary Procedure

·  Meeting Room / Facilities Requests

·  Event Planning / Club Tabling

·  Working with the A.S. Director of Activities

·  Extra-curricular Trips / Conference Requirements

·  Associated Students Services - mailbox, photocopies, posting, etc.

·  Club Row

·  ICC Meetings - Roll Call Changes / ICC Representative Sign-in/ID

Inter-Club Council

Spring 2001 – Office of Student Life Information


The Office of Student Life, located in the Cayton Center, room 202, is the home to each of the following: Associated Students

Inter-Club Council

Student Activities

Community Service Learning Program

Spring Semester Office Hours: Mondays – Thursdays 8:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Fridays 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Main Phone Number: 310-434-4250

Associated Students Board of Directors 2000-2001

President Mohammad Suleman Arif 310 434-4251

Vice President Nicole Cirami 310 434-4969

Secretary Rita Widell 310 434-4971

Director of Budget Management Daniel Prince 310 434-4970

Director of Student Services Michael Mino 310 434-4980

Director of Financial Support Gabrielle de Encio 310 434-4967

Director of Academic Support Dylan Douglas 310 434-4962

Director of Instructional Support Nima Mobasser 310 434-4252

Director of Student Outreach Vacant

Director of Activities Vacant

Director of Publicity Gina Cole 310 434-4965

Inter-Club Council Chairperson Victor B. D'Agostino 310 434-4968

Inter-Club Council Vice Chairperson Jeff Gordon 310 434-3642

Inter-Club Council Secretary Vacant

Student Trustee Annie Bird 310 434-4980

Dean of Student Life Dr. Patricia W. Brown 310 434-4308

Inter-Club Council Advisor/Counselor Marlo Rabuy 310 434-4250

Evening Counselor Gina Raymond-Embry 310 434-4250

Asst. to the Dean of Student Life Tia Jones 310 434-4661

Department Secretary Amelia Trejo 310 434-4961

Counseling Aide Monica Serratos 310 434-4972

Community Service Learning Program Fabienne McPhail Naples 310 434-4878

Santa Monica College – Associated Students Office



WE, the members of the recognized clubs of Santa Monica College, having seen the need for greater cooperation and coordination among ourselves for our mutual benefit, do hereby ordain and establish this Constitution as the governing rules of this organization, subordinate only to the Associated Students Constitution and By-laws and the laws of the State of California and the governing board of Santa Monica College District.


This organization shall be known as The Inter-Club Council of Santa Monica College hereafter referred to as the I.C.C.


The purpose of this Council shall be to establish coordination, communication, and cooperation of member clubs, to promote club activities with public awareness of those activities.


SECTION 1: The ICC shall consist of one (1) representative from each recognized Associated Students club. There shall be three (3) designated representatives from each club (the club’s President and two (2) other authorized club representatives) all representatives will be registered with the ICC.

SECTION 2: The ICC shall consist of (3) officers who will have been authorized club representatives or ICC officers at the time of their nomination and election. All members of the ICC are required to be current members of the Associated Students of Santa Monica College.

SECTION 3: No member of the ICC shall represent more that one (1) club or office at any one meeting, nor shall any club have more than (1) representative at any one meeting.

SECTION 4: All club representatives and officers of the ICC shall have a vote on the ICC. The Chairperson, however, shall vote only in the event of a tie.

SECTION 5: Quorum of the ICC shall be a majority of the active membership.

SECTION 6: The ICC shall meet twice (2) a month (the first and third week of the month) during regular semesters, however, meetings may be canceled or additional meetings maybe called by the Chairperson or majority vote of the members present during quorum. All meetings must have at least forty-eight (48) hours posted notice.


SECTION 1: Clubs shall ensure their recognition for each semester by filing the necessary form with the Students Activities Advisor prior to the second meeting of the ICC each semester. Upon failure to file these forms, a club shall lose its recognized status, its funds shall be held in abeyance, and the reformation of the club shall be necessary.