Basic Clean Up Instructions

The steps that follow will bring down the daemons, processes and threads, then clean up the shared memory and reinitialize the databases if needed..

  1. Obtain a command prompt. All commands will be issued from this command prompt.
  2. At the prompt enter: showroot

Verify your root and site are correct. If not enter appropriate setroot or setsite commands. Repeat showroot command to verify you are at correct place

  1. At the prompt enter: hcisitectl <enter>. This will let you know if the lock manager (Lockmgr) and Monitor (hcimonitord) daemons are running.
  2. At the prompt enter: hciprocstatus <enter>. This will show the state of the processes.
  3. At the prompt enter: hciconnstatus <enter>. This will show the state and Proto Status of the threads.
  4. At the prompt enter: hcienginestop –p xxxx <enter>. Where xxxx=process name. This will stop the processes. If it does not stop the process then check the contents of the pid file and kill the process manually.
  5. At the prompt enter: cd $HCISITEDIR if on Unix and cd %HCISITEDIR% if on NT.
  6. At the prompt enter: find . –name pid –print. If on NT use find pid from the start menu.

If a command line is returned it found nothing. But if a pid is found, a pathway to that pid will be displayed. Look at the contents of the pid file, verify the process is not running and delete pid file. Do not proceed until the process is dead and the pid is removed.

  1. At the prompt enter: find . –name cmd_port –print. If on NT use find cmd_port from the start menu.

If a command line is returned it found nothing. But if a cmd_port is found, a pathway to that cmd_port will be displayed. The down state of the process should have been verified in the previous step. Remove the cmd_port file..

All processes must be dead before cleanup continues.

  1. At the prompt enter: hcisitectl–K. This will kill the Lockmgr and hcimonitord daemons.
  2. At the prompt enter: showroot. This will display the root and site that you are currently logged in to.
  3. From the site directory (/hci/root3.7.0P/sitename) enter: cd exec <enter>
  4. At the prompt enter: rm monitorShmemFile <enter>.

This file contains shared memory.

  1. At the command prompt enter: hcimsiutil –R

This command cleans up shared memory. This command usually just returns a prompt. You will not receive any messages unless there is an error.

  1. At the prompt enter: cd databases <enter>.
  2. At the prompt enter: rm vista.taf <enter>.

This file contains database sequence information.

If all pid(s) and cmd_port(s) are removed then continue to the next step.

  1. Now either reinitialize the icl database or the entire database
  1. To reinitialize the icl database: At the command prompt enter: hcidbinit –i

To reinitialize the entire database removing all messages enter: hcidbinit -AC

NOTE: A message stating: “This is a very destructive command … Do you want to continue” may be displayed. Select “Yes” to continue.

Now that all shared memory has been cleaned, the Lockmgr, hcimonitord, processes and threads can be restarted. Follow the steps below:

  1. At command prompt enter: showroot <enter>.
  2. At the command prompt enter: hcisitectl –S <enter>.

Note:Capitol S starts all daemons (Lockmgr and hcimonitord)

Small sm starts only the hcimonitord

Small sl starts only the lockmgr

  1. At the command prompt enter: hcisitectl <enter>. To verify status of Lockmgr and hcimonitord.

Now you can restart the processes and threads

  1. At the command prompt enter: hciprocstatus <enter>. This will check the status of the processes.

At the command prompt enter: hcienginerun –p xxxx <enter> to start processes only or hcienginerun –p xxxx -c ssss pstart <enter> to start process and threads. Where xxxx=process names and ssss=thread names.

  1. If additional threads need starting enter hcicmd -p xxxx -c ‘ssss pstart’ Where xxxx=process names and ssss=thread names. Note for NT use double quote instead of single quote.
  1. At the command prompt enter: hciconnstatus <enter>. This will check the status of the threads.