Deer Park, Texas


Regular Meeting, August 22, 2016

The Board of Trustees of the Deer Park Independent School District met in a Combined Workshop and Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. on August 22, 2016, in the Board Room of the Education Support Center, 2800 Texas Avenue, Deer Park. / Combined Workshop and Regular
Board Members Present: Brenda Cothran, Lynn Kirkpatrick, Lee Giddens, Rhonda Lowe, Ken Donnell, and Jason Morris. / Board Members Present
Board Members Absent: Ryan Taylor / Board Members Absent
Central Office Staff Present: Victor White, Stephen Harrell, Peaches McCroskey, Ronda Kouba, Pete Pape, Matt Lucas, and Sheri Vaughn. / Central Office Staff Present
Others Present: Debbie Yampey, Kelly Tryer, and Justin Tryer. / Others Present
President Giddens called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. / Meeting Called to Order
Trustee Lowe gave the invocation and Trustee Giddens led the pledges to the US and Texas Flags. / Invocation
& Pledges to the US & Texas Flags
Director of Communications Matt Lucas introduced Special Guests: Kelly Tryer and Lee Giddens. / Special Guests
President Giddens opened the floor for audience participation. No one signed the register to speak. / Public
Trustee Lowe moved, seconded by Trustee Morris, to approve the minutes of the Combined Workshop and Regular Meeting of July 18, 2016. The motion carried unanimously. / No. 152
Monthly reports given include: Financial Statements, Quarterly Investment Reports, and Calendar of Events / Reports
Workshop Discussion Included: Worker’s Comp Insurance; Anticipated Tax Collection Rate for 2016; Budget Amendment #1 for 2016-2017; Draft District Instructional Plan for 2016-17; Trustee Representative on the Education Foundation Board of Directors; TASB Policy Update 106; Interlocal Agreement with the City of Deer Park for SRO’s and Crossing Guards; Increase in Substitute Pay and Approved Appraisers. / Workshop Discussion
Trustee Lowe moved, seconded by Trustee Kirkpatrick, that Brenda Cothran be appointed to represent DPISD as the Ex Officio Director on the Education Foundation Board of Directors. The motion carried unanimously. / No. 153
Appoint Brenda Cothran as Representative to the Education Foundation
Trustee Donnell moved, seconded by Trustee Lowe, that the Board of Trustees add, revise, or delete LOCAL policies as recommended by TASB Policy Service and according to the instruction sheet for TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 106. The motion carried unanimously. / No. 154
Approve TASB Policy Update 106
Trustee Lowe moved, seconded by Trustee Morris, that the Board of Trustees approve Workers' Compensation Insurance with TASB for an Aggregate Deductible Plan with an annual fixed premium of $92,582 w/aggregate maximum costs up to $239,501 for a total maximum annual cost up to $332,083. The motion carried unanimously. / No. 155
Approve Worker’s Compensation Insurance
Trustee Kirkpatrick moved, seconded by Trustee Lowe, that the Board of Trustees approve the receipt of the certification of the 2016 collection rate from the Tax Assessor Collector as required by Section 26.04 (b) of the State Property Tax Code as presented. The motion carried unanimously. / No. 156
Approve Certified Tax Collection Rate
Trustee Lowe moved, seconded by Trustee Donnell, that the Board of Trustees approve Budget Amendment # 1 for 2016-2017 as presented. The motion carried unanimously. / No. 157
Approve Budget Amendment #1
Trustee Donnell moved, seconded by Trustee Morris, that the Board of Trustees adopt the Inter-local Agreement with the City of Deer Park for Police and Crossing Guard Services as presented. The motion carried unanimously. / No. 158
Approve Agreement with City of DP for Crossing Guards and SRO’s
Trustee Donnell moved, seconded by Trustee Kirkpatrick, that the Board of Trustees approve increasing pay for substitutes by $10.00 per day and increase substitute pay for paraprofessionals as presented. The motion carried unanimously. / No. 159
Approve Substitute Pay Increase
Trustee Morris moved, seconded by Trustee Lowe, that the Board of Trustees approve Pam McClean, Denise Batchelor, Elva Gonzalez, Michele Deutschendorf, Misti Mead and Kari Murphy as additional appraisers for the 2016-2017 school year. The motion carried unanimously. / No. 160
Approve List of Appraisers
President Giddens called for a closed meeting following the Texas Government Code Section 551.074. / Closed Meeting
7:10 p.m.
Open meeting resumed at 7:45 p.m. / Open Meeting Resumed
Trustee Lowe moved, seconded by Trustee Morris, that the Board of Trustees approve the employment of 13 persons as presented. The motion carried unanimously. / No. 161
Human Relations - Employment
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. / Meeting Adjourned


Approved at the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees on September 19, 2016.

Albert Lee Giddens

President, Board of Trustees

Lynn Kirkpatrick

Secretary, Board of Trustees
