Gwasanaethau TG - IT Services
Technoleg Dysgu - Learning Technology

Adding sound files to a Blackboard test

To add a sound file to your Blackboard test you need to:

  1. Upload the file to your Blackboard course via the files tool (step 1),
  2. Take a copy of the permanent link from the 360 view in the files tool (step 2),
  3. Paste that link in a line of html code (step 3),
  4. Paste that html code in either the question or the possible answers for a test (step 4)

Step 1 Upload the file to your Blackboard course via the files tool :
Go to the Control Panel and click on files the click on the course id then in the files window click on upload > upload files (as shown below)
Now in the upload window click on the browse button and locate your file and upload it then click on submit.
Step 2 Take a copy of the permanent link from the 360 view in the files tool :
Step 3 Now open a word document and paste the permanent url on to the page then return to this document. Next copy the text below into the word document and move the permanent url of your uploaded sound file into the area indicated. You will then need to copy the amended text into stage 4.
Text to copy and paste into word :
WRITE YOUR QUESTION TEXT HERE e.g. identify this sound :
<div class="previewDiv"<embed controller="true" type="audio/x-wav" src="PASTE PERMANENT URL HERE" loop="false" autoplay="false" alt="" name="AOIAudioEmbed"</div>
Step 4: Copy the text and code from Step 3 and go to your test and with Text editor off paste the code into the question or answer box with smart text selected.

Manylion Cyswllt / Contact details

Cysylltwch â am unrhyw gymorth neu gyngor ynghylch Thechnoleg Dysgu
For Learning Technology help and advice, please contact the team at .


date: 5/25/2012 file name: helpsheet adding sound.docx