Severe Weather Brochure Project (Due 1/24)
You will create an informational brochure on a type of severe weather. The diagram connected to this sheet shows a layout for the information. Some of this project will be competed at home and is dueFri. Jan. 24,2014.

Severe weather topics to choose from (PICK ONE):

  • Tornadoes
  • Blizzards
  • Monsoons
  • Floods/Flash Flooding
  • Drought/Dust Storms
  • Ice Storms/Freezing Precipitation/ Hail
  • Heat Waves
  • Thunderstorms (Lightning Thunder)

The cover: Write your chosen type of severe weather as an acrostic poem. Each letter of the topic starts a word or phrase about weather. Include a picture of the severe weather. If the picture is not your own, make sure you cite where it is from.

Inside left cover: Give the origins of the severe weather.

1.) How does your type of severe weather form?

2.) What conditions are needed for this storm to form?

3.) Where in the U.S. and when are these types of storms most common?

Inside middle panel: Facts: What are the details of the storm?

1.) Is there a scale used to measure the intensity of this storm?

2.) How is your weather named or classified?

3.) What technology/tools do meteorologists use to monitor this type of storm?

Inside right panel: Provide a list of at least 5 key vocabulary words, with definitions, used to describe the type of storm.

Back left panel: Disaster Plan.

1.) How does one prepare for the storm?

2.) What should someone do if they are caught in this storm?

3.) What effects should someone expect from this type of storm?

4.) What type of clean-up or recovery should they expect?

Back middle: Works cited. You must use at least three reputable sources. You must cite your sources by listing them here.If you use any images, remember that you must cite those sources as well.

Grading: This rubric will be usedto grade your project so make sure your project is in the 4’s for all categories!

CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Cover: Acrostic / Acrostic uses all letters of the word and all sentences are scientifically correct / Acrostic is missing 1 letter of the word and/or 1 sentence is not scientifically correct or no picture / Acrostic is missing 2 letters of the word and/or 2 sentences are not scientifically correct or no picture / Acrostic is missing 3 or more letters of the word and/or 3 or more sentences are not scientifically correct. No picture
Inside Left Cover: Origins of the weather / All 3 questions are answered correctly / 2 of the questions are answered correctly / 1 question is answered correctly / No questions were answered are all were incorrect
Inside Middle Panel: Facts about the weather / All 3 questions are answered correctly / 2 of the questions are answered correctly / 1 question is answered correctly / No questions were answered are all were incorrect
Inside Right Panel: Vocabulary / 5 or more vocabulary words are defined correctly / 3-4 vocabulary words are defined correctly / 1-2 vocabulary words are defined correctly / No vocabulary words were defined or all definitions were incorrect
Back Left Panel:
Disaster Plan / All 4 questions are answered correctly / 3 questions are answered correctly. / 2 questions are answered correctly / 1-0 questions were answered correctly
Back Middle: Works cited / All 3 or more sources are cited correctly / Only 2 sources are cited correctly / only 1 source is cited correctly / No sources were cited correctly
Spelling and grammar / There are no spelling/ grammatical mistakes in the brochure. / There are 1-2 spelling/grammatical mistakes in the brochure. / There are 3-4 spelling/grammatical mistakes in the brochure. / There are 5 or more spelling/grammatical mistakes in the brochure.
Overall neatness and look / Brochure is neat, colorful and nicely written or typed. / Brochure is nicely done but could be neater. Handwriting is a little sloppy, but still colorful. / Brochure is not as neat as it could be. There are a few mistakes or it isn’t very colorful. / Brochure is not put together well, it is sloppy and messy. It has little or no color.

Total points: ______/32

How to get it all done……

Step 1: Research

Begin gathering the information for your brochure from the Internet, books in class, or class handouts. Jan 15 – Jan 17

Step 2: Rough Sketch

Draw a rough sketch of your brochure in pencil to be sure to plan for all of the pieces of information. Due Jan 21st

Step 3: Final Copy

Create your final copy of the brochure on construction paper. Use pencil first just in case you make a mistake. Make sure it is legible for your peers and attractive so others will want to read it! If possible consider typing your information then gluing it in the proper location.

Step 4: Finishing Touches

Add color, illustrations, and diagrams to your brochure to make it appealing to others. Due Jan 24th

Weather Related Sites

Here are some websites that you might find useful in your search for information.

(Federal Emergency Management Agency)

(Federal Emergency Management Agency)

(Weather channel)

(Kids Weather Links)


(Web Weather)

(Weather Whiz)



(MiamiScienceMuseum – Hurricanes Only)