Updated 9/16/16

Photos 301 –307were in envelope labeled Fellers and McKelvie

Photo 302, elderly woman, labeled “McKelvie ‘09”.

Photo 303, street scene, almost certainly Humboldt. When I posted it on Facebook on 10/13/14, that was the general comment, then Theresa SiscoDunekacke said she was sure it was Humboldt, and explained, “If you look at the businesses, to the north that run west to east, there is a space there for people to walk on a sidewalk going north for about a block. It is still there. My son, his wife and family live very close to this sidewalk access to downtown Humboldt.”

Photo 304, Billy Fellers, Sr. There is an older man and a child, the reference is presumably to the man. He may be the man identified in another photo as “Old Man Fellers” or Uncle Billy Fellers.

Photo 305, unidentified woman, back of photo says Lease Kodak Finishing, Lead, S.D. Photo appears to be of same woman as photo of Mrs. W. C. Fellers, and to have same background. Location appears to be in the Black Hills.

Photo 306, elderly woman on same front porch as in Photo 302, border annotated McKelvie, printed card attached saying Anna Groves Fellers.

Photo 307, Sam McKelvie.This is not a photograph but rather a printed copy of a photoraph. It is affixed to a heavy photo board, though. I wonder if this is a publicity shot of governor McKelvie.

Photo 308. Junior Class, Fall of 1929. Teacher Ruth Goodrich Tomek (Mrs. John Tomek), Alvah Aylor, Kenneth Bain, Albert Allguier, Dale Townsend, Roy Hanna; Jim Nedved, Loyd Jasa, John W. Tomek, Elza Morton, Cyril (Purdew?); (Paul?) McGinnis, (Earl?) McKnight, _____ Jones, Lorraine Hunzeker, Arnold Zelenka, David Johnson, and Arnold Phillips.

**ERROR IN LABELING, PHOTO 308 IS A CLASS PICTURE**Photo 308, Lillian Strejc, 1919. The photo contains this recollection by an unidentified person: “Lillian’s father, Frank Strejc, was a brother of my father’s step mother Anna StrejcKovanda. Lillian Strejc graduated at T.R.H.S. about 1911, I believe. They owned a butcher shop at Table Rock, and lived northeast of the T.R. School. They formerly lived about 3 miles northof Table Rpock, and I often was at their home. Anna, her younger sister, was in my class in high school but the family moved to Richmond Beach, near Seattle, Washington, before graduationin 1913 The members of the Strejc family made visits to relatives in Table Rock. In June 1958, Bob and Elaine took their vacation to Canada and Seattle so we visited at Lillian’s house. Shekept her mother with her and we saw her. Also visited Minnie and Oscar Dalby living right by Lillian. Also visited Carrie Marshall and Minnie and Oscar, and Anna and Carl Olson were at Ed and Dots then.”

Photo 309, posted by Susie Kreifel on Facebook, 10/18/14, don't know her name but believe that is a teacher in the upper left picture that my aunt Beulah Myers may have had in school,

Photos 309, 310. 311 are all from Bill Tomek’s things stored over the bank:

Photo 309, woman with white collar, polka dot dress. From Bill Tomek, 1/21/15: “The woman in the photo is my mom’s sister, my Aunt Elza. She lived in Boonville Missouri, and of course she has been dead for many years.”

Photo 310, young boy. Bill Tomek, as identified on Facebook by Frances Graham Blecha on 10/18/14, who said, this is “William “Bill” Tomek. He played trombone in the band and went to UNL.”

Photo 311, football player. Bill Tomek, 1/21/15, when asked about it via Tim Nord: “Yes, the photo is of me. I was not athletic, but a small school needs just about everyone to play when you have an eleven-man team. By the way, we were undefeated in my senior year (1949-50).”

Photo 316, reverse has notes signed by “Nettie” who graduated in 1913 (unsure of Nettie Stehlik): “1. Frank Werner, our neighbor; 2. Emma Warner, his sister, married Mr. Amende; 3. Anna Kostecka, their sister, they live near Humboldt; 4 Matilda Fritch, their sister. She was Elsie’s and my teacher at the Bunker Hill school when were in the grades. She graduated from the Table Rock Highschool about 1903. She married Charles Fritch and they lived east of Table Rock. In 1916-1917, I taught east of Table Rock at the Petrasek School. they stayed at Aunt Mary and Uncle Arnold Petrasek’s home that term. Elsie Petrasek was born 1914. Aunt Mary was my Father’s half sister, a good teacher. Helen and Phillip Fritch were my pupils at this school. Charles and Matilda’s children Matilda was an aunt of Tillie StrejcStanek, my friend and classmate who died of lung cancer. We graduated in 1913 from T.R.H.S.”

Photo 318, posted as unidentified and on 10/18/14 Frances Graham Blecha identified her as Minnie Kubicek, who married Rudy Klapka, Sr.

Photo 314 – someone said it was Beth Gifford Binder, what does Rachel think? I think it might be Ines Madden, need to show to Lois Gager.

Photo 319. In March 2015, Donna Alderman Bucher posted on Facebook: “resembles our Aunt Katy Hays house that was first house west of my daughter’s home where your brother Richards family lived. It was torn down a while back but it looks very much like I remember.” IN MAY 2016, Susan Fencl Fuller said, “Was looking at some of the old homes with my father, "Houses in & Around Table Rock.” Photo: 319 is the Fencl's, located in Humboldt on Grand Ave.”

Photo 330, Wopata brothers John, Rudolph, and Joseph. The photo notes that Joseph was a half brother to the other two. When posted on the Historical Society’s Facebook Group page in March 2015, Joyce Newton (maiden name Wopata) said that Joseph had the same father as the other two, Albert, but different mothers. After Albert’s first wife died, he remarried and had Joseph.

Photo 348, photo identified as “Mrs. John Petrasek, mother of Mary M. PetrasekWopata and Frank Petrasek, Sr., maiden name Julia Zelenka.” A FindaGrave posting reports she was born in October 1869 and died in 1934, husband John Petrasek, 1868-1942, children Frank W. Petrasek, 1895 – 1972 (“calculated relationship”), buried in Table Rock Czech cemetery.

Photo 349, Mrs. Tom (Minnie) Kubicek. The photo contains an annotation by an unidentified person giving this information and then saying she was “my mother’s friend. They both worked at the hotel in Table Rock near the depot at $3.00 a week. Mother went to “work out” at 14 and she and father were married December 12, 1892.” FindaGrave reports 10/11/1866 to 7/17/1934. The Hotel Murphy was the hotel by the depot in Table Rock; it burned down and was replaced by the Reno Inn, reportedly in 1916.

Photo 355. 8th grade graduation. Standing left to right Guy Linn, Professor Wimberly, ______, Fred Cotton, Ray Bankson, MylumPurcell, Irving Jobe, Eddie Benes, Ottis Barnes, Harry Linn, Miss Stanley. Sitting, Alwyn Scism, Ruth Cooper, Stella Craig, Lee McN______, Lillie Hanna, Lisa Stevens, (Lela?)Goodruch, Ralph Bennington. TTwo standing in center, Everett Nickleson and ______.” FindaGrave reports Guy Linn 1888 – 1953, Harry Linn as 1887 – 1948 & reports other genealogical information. AylwinScism, 1897 – 1921. Ralph Bennington, March 6, 1889 to 9/28/1918, son of Francis Marion (1857-1935) and Florence Ellen (Talbot) Bennington (1861-1941)

Photo 356: Graduation class: Clarence Ritchie, Bert Crisler, Bernice Sandusky Turner, Frank Sack (?), Lulu R______.

Photo 357. 1914 grade school class. Some names are listed, but not identified with the specific students. Teacher margaretEngberry, Dorothy Phillips, Max Glenn, Carlton Narnia, Ruth Andrews, Ruth Marshall, Ethel Talbot, Earl Bicknill, Guy Talbot, Dorcas Fellers, Ona Sherman, and Robert Nair.

Photo 359. An attached label identifes back row as WilliamPetasek, Joe Zalza (sic?) Frank Eis, and Joe Petrasek. In the front row are Vaclav Sketek (sic?) _____ Weszen, ______, and ____ Watack.

Photo 360. This Czech band picture may be early to mid 1880s. The original needs to be found because all of the names were not scanned. # 7 (far right, standing, with tuba/baritone horn)- Albert Wopata, Sr. – there is an Albert Wopata, born in Czechoslovakia on FindaGrave, but it says that his son was Albert Wopata III – which would mean he was a Junior; the age is appropriate to the photograph, but there were many Wopatas. Seated in front row: #8 – James Karas. # 9 - Albert Karas – there is only one identified on FindaGrave, 1859 –1939. #10, Anthony Strejc. #11 – Frank Kovanda, #12 Joe Stanek. James Karas – there were two, 1859 to 1917, and 1867 to 1939, both in the TR Czech Cemetery. Anthony Strejc – there are 2 Anton Strejcs in the TR Czech cemetery, 1862 to 1927 and 1861 to 1912. Frank Kovanda – there are 2 Frank Kovandas in the TR Czech cemetery, 1843 to 1924 and 1872 to 1951. Joe Stanek – there are none in Pawnee or Richardson County. Note that James and Albert Karas appear in this photo to be twins, and there are a James and Albert Karas who were both born in 1859.

The Table Rock Historical Society has a photograph of a Czech band which may be circa late 1880s. The men identified in the photograph include #7 Albert Wopata, Sr., #8 James Karas, #9 Albert Karas, #10 Anthony Strejc, #11 Frank Kovanda, and #12 Joe Stanek; there are others as well. It is their Photo 360.

Photo 361, float looking like bassinet. Whenposted on Facebook, Joy Vrtiska commebted, “don't know if this was the Methodist Church float or maybe the "I'll Try" Extension Club. My mother belonged to both and she is the lady on the left. She is holding me and the second girl from the left is my sister. I don't recognize the other lady or children. This must've been in approx. 1952 or 1953 at the T.R. Parade.” Barbara Stoner Harris commented, “The lady in the light colored dress looks like Zelma Storbeck.

Photo 367. This photograph is of the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Purcell. Per FindaGrave: James H. Purcell, 1832 – 1921, Margaret Purcell, 1843 – 1925. Terry Hunt Korell, a Purcell descendant, responded to an October Facebook post with this: “Just looked it up and they were married on Feb 16, 1860 so this would be Feb 16, 1910 right? Golden is fiftieth isn't it? That would make my Grandmother 16. The picture is pretty blurry but my guess from the shapes is that Della my Greatgrandmother is sitting next to James Purcell the man with the beard in the middle of the front row and that my grandmother is the woman in the white shirtwaist in back of and to the left of Della. Of course Grandma Margie as they called Margaret is sitting next to James (Grandpa Jimmie) This would have been the old farm house out where my Uncle Fred Muscheites lived only further down the road nearer the railroad tracks. It burned in 1932. I have another picture of it somewhere I'll post when I find it. Ill have to study the rest of the folks to see if I can pair them up with other photos I have. Aunt Stella would have been 18 so could be standing next to Grandma Ruth in the back row but I can't be sure. They had two sons Jack and Willard who should be in the picture, also Mylum who was much younger than the others.” She added, “I think maybe the man to the right of Margaret is their son Jack Purcell with his wife Ida right behind him. He's the one who owned the Purcell Store. Della, Margie, Stella, Jack, Willard. “Della Purcell married Parker McCoy. Grandma Margie was James H.s wife, her maiden name was Lane. Stella was Della’s daughter, therefore a McCoy at the time of this picture. Uncle Jack Purcell owned the Purcell store after the fire of 1920, before that it was JHs hardware store. Willard was JHs oldest son. Ida’s maiden name was Stewart. “

Photo 378. Photo of Lt. Joe Karas posted by Tim Nord on 10/17/2014, 70 years ago today, Oct. 17th, 1944, on a mission over Vienna Austria, an American B-24 Liberator was badly damaged by flak. The pilot spotted an airstrip and struggled to land the damaged airship safely. While attempting to land, they were fired upon by ground forces and the plane crashed. The young pilot was Table Rock native, Lt. Joe Karas, Jr. We would like to take this moment to honor his memory and the memory of every one from the Table Rock community who served and gave "their full measure of devotion." When you have the chance, visit the Veterans Building, which stands as a fitting tribute to all who served. (As I recall Joe was the son of Bessie Karas and the brother of Nettie Stehlik.)

Photo 379, photo labeled “Billy Fellers, Jr.” Note from Sharla: I believe this is W. C. Fellers (1870-1959), who was not a junior, but was the son of Wiliam Fellers (1834-1906). W. C. had no son, only a daughter who died young. There are a couple of other pictures of this vintage where he has a decorated car with a similar theme and they are labeled Willis Fellers. As far as I know, there was no literal “junior.”

Photo 380, This is the beautiful Lillian Strejc, daughter of Frank Strejc. She graduated in 1911. A note with the photo says that the family had moved to Washington State by 1913.

Photo 381. This photo shared on TR Historical Society Facebook page by Tim Nord on 10/18/14. He stated, “Here is the Trecek Orchestra in the DuBois Parade in 1951. Lee Trecek, Lawrence Stehlik, Lad Trecek, Milan Tomek, Steve Stastny, Porter Copenhaver(?) and Nettie Stehlik.”

Photo 382. This photo shared on TR Historical Society Facebook page by Tim Nord on 10/18/14. He stated, “This is a picture of the Sudik Orchestra. I don't have a date but I'm guessing in the 1930's. Lawrence Stehlik, Alvin Hubka, Vince Goracke, Stanley Sudik, Ernest Sudik, Alvin Goracke and Wilma Goracke.” When I posted this on Facebook in August 2015, more information was shared.\Theresa SiscoDunekackeFrom Virginia, Neb? Theresa SiscoDunekackeWilma GorackeCaceks, granddaughter LaRita Cacek married Charlie Sudik, Virginia, Nebr. area and he had a Band and she sang back in the 70's-80's. I went to Lewiston High School. So did they, he was older than me and she was younger.Marna Sue StehlikYes, from Virginia, Ne.TheresaSiscoDunekackeWilma GorackeCacek, played in the Stehlik Band. She told me this and showed me pictures of her in the Band years ago. Marna Sue StehlikYes she did.

Photo 383. Summary: 1963, final performance of Trecek orchestra: “L-R, Lawrence Stehlik, Lad Trecek, Harland Keiser. In back is Bob Stepanek. At piano is Nettie Stehlik. Drummer is Bill Uhri. This photo shared on TR Historical Society Facebook page by Tim Nord on 10/18/14. He stated, “Here is the Trecek Orchestra in 1963 at their final dance. We have recordings of several of the pieces they played that night, including their final number, "Now is the Hour." I believe this was at the ZCBJ Hall in DuBois (but I'm not positive). Joe would probably know.” Frances Graham Blecha commented on this post, saying, “L-R, Lawrence Stehlik, Lad Trecek, Harlan Keiser. In back is Bob Stepanek. At piano is Nettie Stehlik. Don't know who the young boy is, standing by Nettie.” Added, “I think the saxophane player is Harlan Keiser.” Barbara Stoner Harris commented that she too thought the saxophone player was Harlan Kaiser.” Joy Robison said, I'm fairly certain that's Bill Uhri with the drumstick behind Nettie” and I tagged Leota asking her if it was Bill. LeotaUhri then confirmed that it was Bill Uhri (her son), and that he was the drummer. Carolyn Uhri-Rottman said: :Bill was quite the drummer. He played in Polka bands part of the time & then also played "Rock & Roll" music for teen dances.”

Photo 384. Posted on Facebook by Tim Nord on 10/19/14. The photo list says it is a Last Day of School Picni, and identifies the grownups, who are standing in the back, as:

1. Mrs. Tom Kubicek; 2. Jess Vondrasek; 3. Mrs. Frank (Mattie) Fencl, 4.unidentified, 5. Mrs. Jess (Mary) Vondrasek, 6.Mrs. Rudolph (Minnie) Klapka, 7.Fannie or Mary Kozak, 8.unidentified, 9. Mrs. Clyde (Lily) Hunzeker, 10.Mrs. Charles (Laura) Widdifield, 11 and 12 unidentified, 13. Mrs. Edd (Mary Hunzeker), 14. Mrs peter (Aontonia) Jasa, 15. Nettie Karas, 16. Mr. Joe (Bessie) Karas, 17. Elsie Fencl, 18. Charles Widdifield, 19. Edd Hunzeker, 20. Charles Kozak, 21., James Kubicek, 22. Frank Hruska, Sr. The kids: Rudy Klapka, Jr., Elmer Klapka, Joey Karas, Clyde Hunzeker, Jr., Howard Widdifield, HibertHinzeker, Roy (Ray?) Hruska, Alma Fencl, Irma Vondrasek (possibly a space) Lorraine Vondrasek, Bobby Vondrasek

Photo 385. Posted on Facebook by Tim Nord on 10/19/14. The photo list identifies the teacher as May Davis. Back row: Lester Taylor, Charlie Kozak, Millie Lang, Grace Albin, Helen Martin, Josie Karas, and Minnie Kubicek. Seated, Irene Martin, Audrey Martin, Jane Tenk, Alice Taylor, Velma Martin. Front: Ed Tomek, Ben Blecha, Richard Broyles.

Photos 387 and 388, Marfice family. Lisa MarficeFlider posted these on the historical society’s Facebook group page in October 2014. Beside providing the names, she also commented in response to other posts, “Bill is the only left in TR. Paul and my dad Don have both died. Dennis lives in CA, Norman in Omaha and Richard in Alabama. There were also 5 girls....Eleanor, Louise, Bernice, Isabel and Joyce”