FALL 2011
Telephone #: (973) 748-9000 x256 e-mail:
Office: Learning Resource Center Mailbox: Reception area in Learning Resource Center
Office hours: by appointment
1) It is the student’s responsibility to be registered for classes through the Registrar’s Office and cleared through the Bursar’s Office. Students who attend classes and who are not properly registered and cleared will not be reinstated into the class and will not receive credit.
2) Services for Students with Disabilities
Bloomfield College will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students are encouraged to contact Disability Services for information about registration. Services are available only to students who are registered and submit documentation. As your instructor, I am happy to discuss specific needs with you as well. For more information, contact:
Learning Needs Specialist
(973) 748 – 9000 ext. 654
Learning Resource Center, Room 104
This course maintains a website at the above address. You may access the syllabus, course policies, supplemental materials, study skills, and other materials that will assist you in successfully completing the course.
1) Textbook: Elementary Algebra-Concepts and Applications, 8th Edition, by Bittinger – Addison Wesley.
2) MyMathLab Access Code
****Check that the MyMathLab access code is included when purchasing a new or used textbook.
You are expected to read the textbook and work out the examples. It is recommended to read the section(s) before the material is presented in lecture. That is, come prepared for class.
OPTIONAL, but strongly suggested: Student’s Solutions Manual – Contains completely worked-out solutions with step-by-step annotations for all the odd-numbered exercises in the text.
Supplements: Notes, handouts, etc. provided in class. Lecture notes and on-line tutorial segments from other instructors may be found in the website You will need a scientific calculator; no other electronic devices such as cell phones or palm pilots may be used.
1. This course is very intensive and requires a minimum of 8 hours of study time OUTSIDE the classroom. Please manage your study time wisely.
2. This course is designed with the expectation that you attend a REQUIRED workshop every week. If you have a time conflict, you may attend tutorial sessions in lieu of the workshops. You will get extra credit for attending workshops and tutorial sessions.
3. The midterm grade is NOT 50% of the grade. The midterm grade is 17% of the final grade.
4. If you are struggling with the material, consult with your instructor ASAP. Your teacher will advise you.
5. Never drop this or any course without consulting with your instructor. You are probably doing better than what you think.
The two main goals of the course are for you to develop into a better critical thinker and independent learner.
1. Development of critical thinking.
In his book How We Think, John Dewey defined critical thinking as "reflective thought"-to suspend judgment, maintain a healthy skepticism, and exercise an open mind. These three activities call for the active, persistent, and careful consideration of any belief in light of the ground that supports it. Dewey's definition suggests that critical thinking has both an intellectual and an emotional component. Thus we view critical thinking as the intellectual and emotional ability to go beyond the known without "falling to pieces." Students must be taught to examine, poke, question, and reflect on what they have learned. Skepticism, questioning, and reflection are essential. Examine a problem, find a solution, think about why you were or were not successful, and learn from your successes and failures. In summary, critical thinking involves students in doing things (probing, questioning, etc.) and thinking about the things they are doing (reflecting, evaluating teacher feedback, etc.). To think critically, students must learn general problem solving skills and develop a usable knowledge base. This requires several strategies. In ACF 94 we must teach students how to:
· learn meaningfully; they must attain fluency in the subject. Students must be at least bi-lingual in that they can explain concepts in at least two of the three languages: words, pictures, or mathematics. Meaningfulness is the ability to accurately explain complex concepts in one's own words or symbols.
· generalize knowledge. Many undergraduate students are still concrete learners. They must be taught to go beyond the concrete, tangible, and visual. They must be taught to think abstractly.
2. Development of Independent Learning.
ACF 94 promotes and expects the student to become an independent learner. The student needs to understand that
the teaching and learning process at the college level is very different than at the high school level. As S. Zucker from PSU says: “The instructor’s job is primarily to provide a framework, with some particulars, to guide you in doing your learning of the concepts and methods that comprise the material of the course. It is not to “program” you with isolated facts and problem types nor to monitor your progress.” The goal of the teacher is not to get you to “duplicate” what you are told in the classroom, but to apply what you have learned to new situations. Students must be active learners in the learning process, not passive recipients of information. They should identify and solve unstructured problems that require use of multiple information sources.
·Expect to have the material covered at two or three times the pace of high school.
· Do not expect to learn everything in the classroom. It is your responsibility to learn outside the classroom by doing the homework, reading the textbook, and reviewing the class notes. In this course you should spend a minimum of 8 hours of study time per week. Be honest with yourself: if you cannot allocate that time, drop the course.
3. Group Learning
The focus will not only be “to find solutions” but also to “find how to solve problems.” This mode of learning necessitates working in groups of 3 to 5 members. Participation and contribution in class as well as in the study groups (workshops) will be recognized.
The Center for Academic Development has a Code of Conduct for all students enrolled in any Academic Foundations course, workshop, study group and tutorial sessions. You are responsible for reading and adhering to the policies of this class.
The staff at CAD believes that all students are entitled to learn in an appropriately professional atmosphere. Students must be allowed to receive the most from their educational environment. The guidelines below will ensure that students receive the maximum benefit of instruction without unnecessary disruptions to their concentration and learning.
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a mature, professional manner. We expect students to demonstrate respect for all others in the room, including instructors, other students and visitors.
Lack of respect towards the teacher and/or students will not be permitted. The disruptive student will be reprimanded according to the severity and frequency of his/her actions.
Violations of the Code will be addressed in accordance with College Policies listed in the catalog.
· Cell phones must be put away (in a purse, book bag) or clipped onto clothing.
· All cellular phones must be placed on “Off” mode when attending class and during on-campus work hours. If an incoming call interrupts the class, the student will be asked to immediately turn his/her cellular phone to the “Off” mode.
· Except in the case of an extreme emergency (notify the instructor if this will be the case) students should not disturb the class by leaving the room (see disruption or obstruction of college activities in Bloomfield College catalog) to receive an incoming call or to make a phone call.
· Under no circumstance should students make a phone call or send a text message during class lectures/discussions or major campus ceremonies and events.
· The College is aware that cell phones are used for emergency notification. Therefore, each faculty member during the first week of class will select at least three students who are registered for the E2Campus emergency text messaging service. These selected students will have their cell phones turned on “vibrate” mode to receive possible emergency alerts.
· I-pods must be put away. It is not acceptable to have the earplugs in the ears or around the neck during class.
· Students are expected not to text message during any time in the class.
· If a break is given during class, then you must take care of personal business at that time. If a break is not given, then students are expected to take care of personal business before or after class, or when there is class work being done at the desks. Students are expected not to leave the class while the instructor is giving a lecture.
· Students are expected to refrain from inappropriate displays such as yawning, continuous sighing, and so forth.
· Students are expected not to lay their heads on the desk or fall asleep.
· Students are expected not to eat during class. You may not leave the class during lecture to get something to drink or eat.
· Students are expected not to talk during lecture, pass notes or objects such as lotion, do other assignments or groom themselves during class.
· Standard English will be spoken at all times. Slang is not acceptable.
· Obscene or abusive language will absolutely not be tolerated in class.
· Students are expected to bring all materials to every class – textbooks, notebooks, writing implements, calculators (if necessary), diskettes (if necessary), rulers (if necessary) and other items as requested by the instructor.
· Students are expected to attend class having completed homework assignments (collected and not collected).
· Students are expected to remain in class for the entire time. Students will be dismissed by the instructor. Therefore, no students should start putting their books away at any time.
· Students are expected to participate in class. This includes exercises to be done at your desk or on the board. It also includes asking questions and answering questions.
· Students are expected to take an active role in their learning – one way is to take notes.
Students are expected to maintain high standards of academic integrity. Copying homework assignments is a form of cheating. Getting assistance for take-home tests/quizzes is considered as cheating. Students who are found to have cheated will receive a “0” for that assignment. Furthermore, a report of the incident will be forwarded to the Dean of Faculty. A second incident may result in failure in the course and will be brought before the Judiciary Board.
Every student is expected to complete the given homework assignments listed in the syllabus. It is an important part of the course. The assignments allow students to judge how much and how well they know the subject material before test day.
MYMATHLAB SOFTWARE Students in ACF 94 are expected to access MyMathLab to complete the Drill Exercises. MyMathLab offers tutorial assistance with step-by-step explanations and video segments. Students get an access code with a new book purchase or by buying the code separately in a student access kit/card at the campus bookstore. Students can also buy access to a course online with a credit card or PayPal account while they are enrolling. Important: The student access code is nontransferable and can be used only once.
Course ID – The course ID
Problems will be found at the ACF 94 website at Incomplete homework will not be accepted.
Homework Group Project:
Students will be permitted to form a “homework group” in which they will work together to complete the collected homework. The group will submit one version with all students’ names listed. Each student in the group will receive the same grade.
Tests and miniquizzes will be given frequently. MISSED TESTS AND QUIZZES MAY NOT BE MADE UP. Only one make-up test (comprehensive) is scheduled at the end of the semester. The score on that make-up test will replace your lowest test score.
Also note: There is a compulsory comprehensive final exam to be scheduled during the finals week. If you are not present to take the final, you will get an F for the course. Mastery of the course will be determined by passing with a composite grade of “C” with a minimum grade of “C” on the final exam.
Attendance will be enforced in compliance with the Uniform College Attendance policy found in the College catalog.
· Students are permitted a maximum of 4 absences from class.
· The following absences are not considered “excused” absences; late registration, personal illness, family illness, doctor appointments, deaths in the family, car breakdowns, public transportation problems, rain, snow, sleet, hurricanes, visiting relatives, baby sitter problems, court dates, etc.
· Students exceeding these absences will be withdrawn from the course. If you are withdrawn from class due to excessive absences and lateness, you may appeal the decision. Instructions for the appeal process may be found at the attendance policy link in the ACF 94 website.
Students who miss class due to participation in an approved college activity (athletic, academic or cultural) should inform the instructor before the event. Students will be responsible for any missed work.
A student will be considered late once attendance has bee taken by the instructor. I take attendance promptly at the start of class. A student will be considered leaving class early anytime before the instructor dismisses the class.
Accumulation of 2 lateness and/or leaving class early will equal one absence.