Annex 1: Profile of Babiker Badri Scientific Association for Women Studies (BBSAWS)
Tel. +249 87 564401
Address: AhfadUniversity for Women
Omdurman – Sudan – P.O. Box 167
The association was named after Sheikh Babiker Badri, the pioneer and initiator of women’s education in Sudan.
1- General assembly: composed of all the members of the association which are working as volunteers for the association.
2- Advisory Committee: Consists of (15) members from experts who worked or used to advice the Association.
3- Executive Committee: Consists of (12) members, (9) members heading the offices which comprise the association and (3) members reserves.
The Offices are:
Women and Development office
Family and Child office
Peace and legal aid office
Environment and Appropriate Technology office
Research and publication office
Humanitarian Aids office
Information office
Membership affairs' office
Finance and audit office
President and Executive Director both are members of the executive committee.
BBSAWS is president of SIHA network (Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa)
Enhanced women’s status towards equality, empowerment, development and full realization of their human capacities.
Babiker Badri Scientific Association for Women Studies (BBSAWS) is a national non governmental, non political, non profit making voluntaryorganization that is dedicated to empower and enhance women's status. It isgeared towards contributing to the development of a peaceful society that can offer the best quality of life to all its citizens. It uses different approaches of cooperation, integration and solidarity at the local, national and international levels to realize its purposes. The Association was formed in 1979 and registered under the Registrar General for Voluntary and Humanitarian Work, Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs. The Association targets women and girls in urban and rural areas; displaced women; decision makers; community leaders; mass media; NGOs; CBOs and the community at large.
1.Empowering women and girls in the community;
2.Promoting and developing the family and Sudanese women, in general, and the rural and displaced women in particular;
3.Supporting reproductive health programs and combating harmful traditional practices;
4. Raising the awareness of different groups on gender issues, particularly women;
5.Disseminating peace culture and good governance; and,
6.Raising legal and environmental awareness among all community groups, particularly women and girls.
The organization coverage:
At the national level BBSAWS targets all the urban and sub urban areas, as well as rural areas.
At the regional level it works within (Strategic initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa) SIHA network and involves in any activity of concern.
At the international level it tries to be involved also in all relevant activities.
Programmatic areas of Focus
Implementation of development projects in rural-urban areas to integrate and enhance women’s productive, reproductive and community roles;
Involvement in the production of audio-visual and printed educational and advocacy materials for women in different areas. Involvement in different action-oriented researches, feasibility studies, and identification of successful projects for replication;
Production of training manuals in the areas of work of the organization
Training women as Agents of change and developing their capacities as leaders, decision-makers, consultants and initiators of a new vision for women’s enhancement;
Other activities capacity building, include training in income generation skills, environmental conservation, home economics, maternal and child- health, family life education, appropriate technology, Literacy education, women's laws and peace;
Seminars and research on the above themes and those related to the Beijing platform of action;
Participation in different campaigns for the sake of achieving social change.
Annex 2:The Italian Association for women in Development (AIDOS) Final Report
- Description
Babiker Badri Scientific Association for Women Studies (BBSAWS)
1.2.Name and title of the Contact person :
Dr. Mahasin Ahmed Elabass; executive Director of BBSAWS
Office: +249-87-564401 Mobile: +249-912175273
1.3.Title of the Action:
Follow up StopFGM: A regional campaign for the abandonment of FGM/C in Sub-Saharan Africa and Egypt – STREAM, Sharing Technologies and Resources for Engaged and Active Media.
1.4.Start date and end date of the project March 2008 to 30th June 2008.
1.5.Target country:
1.6.Final beneficiaries &/or target groups:
Target group: Media Actors;
Final Beneficiaries: Community at large
- Assessment of implementation of Action activities
- Activities and results;
Production of Materials;
1-1 production of 1000 copies of posters;
Objective: Awareness raising and mobilization
Target groups: Students, NGOs and community at large
Outcome: production and distribution of 1000 copies of posters for advocacy
1-2 production of 1000 copies of stickers;
Objective: Awareness raising and mobilization
Target groups: Public transportation drivers, assistants and users of the transportations and community at large
Outcome: production and distribution of 1000 copies of stickers for advocacy
1-3 production of 1000 copies of brochures
Objective: Awareness raising and promotion of community participation in FGM/C abolition
Target groups: Students, NGOs and institutions working on FGM/C abolition
Outcome: production and distribution of 1000 copies of brochures for awareness campaigns
1-4 production of 100 mugs carrying messages on FGM/C
Objective: Awareness raising and community mobilization
Target groups: Embassies, international NGOs, companies in private sector and ministers.
Outcome: production and distribution of 100 mugs for advocacy
1-5 production of 1000 pens carrying messages on FGM/C
Objective: Awareness raising and community mobilization
Target groups: Officials, teachers and national & international NGOs
Outcome: production and distribution of 1000 pens for advocacy
1-6 production of 500 coster for cups carrying messages on FGM/C
Objective: Awareness raising and community mobilization
Target groups: offices of ministers and government officials, offices of the presidents of universities, embassies, companies in the private sector and national & international NGOs
Outcome: production and distribution of 500 costers for advocacy
1-7 production of 10 panels carrying messages and pictures on FGM/C
Objective: Awareness raising and community mobilization
Target groups: All the community
Outcome: production of 10 mobile panels with stands for advocacy
Activity 2: Production of radio programs and formulation of listening groups
Dates: May-August 2008
*To replace formal awareness lectures
*To disseminate accurate information on FGM/C to different target groups
*changing attitudes and behaviors of women about FGM/C
*Promote the listening habit to radio among women & raise women awareness on FGM/C consequences
Target groups:women groups from Dar/Alsalam area –WestOmdurman
The groups were listened to the radio program produced by special production company producing program to the TV/Radio disseminated through local radio station. Those prog. covered FGM issues from religious views, psychological and health hazards through drama wor
a total of 60 women participated in this listening program, they were divided in to three groups every group consists of 20 woman, The groups have been selected on basis of baseline surveys findings from different ethical groups, level of education, age. That is to have minded group to enhance discussion, three qualified facilitators from BBSAWS was assigned to execute the program they adopted participatory methods approach to deliver their knowledge to listeners participated in the listening program, they Discussed with the groups at the presence of the facilitator . the listening session based upon outcome of discussion program was released
A group leader from target group was responsible to contact group members for listening sessions, responsible of arranging for release of listening session (time, date ...etc)
Eight listening sessions were conducted, the outcomes of this program have shown that the all sessions were successful and the program objectives were achieved, the women were satisfied, andvow that they will never have their daughters circumcised according to the knowledge they gained from listening sessions and discussion .
Training program: 2:00-7:0pm. This training was conducted in the afternoon at the convenience of the participant in order not to distract their classes’ schedules.
Venue: AhfadUniversity for Women Conference Hall.
Training Objective:
-To promote secondary school’s teachers and members of parent’s council understanding of the concepts of Democracy, Human Rights and Peace.
Workshop preparation:
Two meetings were held at AhfadUniversity for Women to which school teachers were invited. The invitees represent seven schools including males and females from both private and governmental .The first meeting was attended by only two. During this meeting we were advised to contact the Omdurman Province Education Office to get the consent .After contacting the education authority in Omdurman we have to go through very complicated procedures which may lead to failure and complete blockage of the planned training. For this reasons we called for another meeting in which we decided to work with only private schools and we have to plan strategically and contact them on personal basis. We approached schools directors whom we think are broad minded and invited them to the meeting in which we described the objectives of the training. They were positive and promised to collaborate in this program and contact the parent's councils for nomination of their members .
10 teachers and 10 parents were invited to the training workshop, however only 16 were attended the training period and of these 16 two attended the first day only .Of these participant 8 (5 females and 3 males) were teachers and 6 (5females and 1 male) were members of parent’s councils.
Trainers: This training was conducted by the consultants who developed the training manuals except the democracy
Culture of peace training was conducted by Dr Amna Rahama,Associate professor at Ahfad.
University for Women.
Human Rights sessions were conducted by Dr.Fayza Hussei, Assistant Professor at Ahfad.
University for Women.
Democracy training was carried out by Dr.Ahmed Babiker, Assistant Professor at Ahfad.
University for Women (one of the TOT participants).
Materials and methods:
Materials used include, training manuals, markers, flip charts laptops and multimedia.
Same methodology was adopted. The participatory method approach was used by the three trainers. Brain storming sessions, lectures, small group discussions and the democracy chapter involves also critical thinking.
Workshop proceedings and topics:
Training manuals were used and issues of democracy, human rights and culture of peace were tackled in each session separately. Participants were actively involved in the discussions especially in issues of peace and conflict resolution. Regarding democracy most of the participant did not participate in the elections before for different reason being young, or have no interest or not politically aware. However the training provides an opportunity for them to understand these issues and to engaged in discussions and expresses their points of view.
During the democracy session the focus of the discussion was that democratic transformation should take place in Sudan according to the CPA ,however participants show their great concern about expected delay in election as the census was not completed, some areas were not reached and hence some people might not be included, also they have concerns on the conflict in Darfour, also there were a lot of discussions on the formation of the election commission and the elections law.
The sessions on culture of peace and conflict resolution were the most interesting to the group and more active discussion was made on the conflicts and the causes and how they are solved in the Sudan. Life experiences were shared among the group. Important means of promotion of culture of peace were discussed. Issues of acceptance tolerance and forgiveness were also discussed.
The human right issues were new to most of the participants hence participant's knowledge appeared to be low, however the trainer explained the concept and the history of human rights. The international declaration of human right was addressed and the history and the generations were all explained. The bill of right in the 2005 constitution was presented and compared with the rights in the international declaration. Organizations working in human rights and their roles were also explained to the group and the issue of reporting human rights violation was thoroughly discussed. Important questions and comments were raised by the group.
Finally the discussion was focused on how to sustain such kind of work and what should be the future plans. Suggestions were made in establishment of students associations for each subject and that the teachers and parents should encourage them through direct participation and advices. Teachers and parents mentioned that the training was very useful to them and they will try their best to follow all values of peace democracy and human rights that they learn in their life, at the family and working place and promote
Evaluation forms were distributed and completed by the participants. In response to the questions related to the contents of the manuals and if it is enough to strengthening the understanding of participants of these concepts, the majority of the participant thinks that the contents of the three manuals are enough and clearly illustrate the concepts. With regard to the methodology which was adopted they think that it is also good .The majority also thinks that the manuals are easy to be used in the training and the language is simple. Participants think that the time is short and that for each topic a separate workshop should be conducted.
In their general comments some participants think that the democracy manual is appropriate and that they can easily use it in training of the students, however they think that the manual on culture of peace need to be more simplified and more exercises should be added. Regarding the human rights manual they think that although it contained heavy information and the issue is new, however it can be easily used by them.
Activity (3): AhfadUniversity Staff training Workshop:
Date: October 11-18, 2008
Place: AhfadUniversity for Women, Centre for Nutrition Training and Research Hall.
Trainers and Participants
The workshop was facilitated by three, Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Babiker, Dr. Amani Elkhatim, Uz. Yasir Ibrahim and was attended by thirty nine participant.All three trainers were TOT participants.
Targeted participants were AhfadUniversity staff members accompany the students in the annual field trip to KordofanState. According to the project plan 10 supervisors were to be invited to the training workshop, however Ahfad University adopted the theme on civic education this year and hence the training was extended to include all supervisors.A total of 45 staff members were included in this training workshop.(Please note that Ahfad University paid the cost of training of the additional participants)
Objectives of the workshop
a. To train AUW staff on concepts of peace, democracy and human rights.
b. TO raise AUW staff capabilities to become better trainers in these topics.
c. To train the participants on the important messages that could be carried during the next field trip to the community.
Topics covered in the workshop
- Democracy
- Human rights
- Culture ofpeace
Session presentations were in the form of power point, group discussion, individual and group work. The training was very practical. Each participant was given the opportunity to practice the skills through the exercises assigned to them. The facilitators encouraged the participants to collaborate using different communication tools which enhanced active participation.
Opening Ceremony
The workshop was opened officially by the Rural Extension Program Coordinator, Dr. Babiker Badri and BBSAWS president. The Rural Extension Program Coordinator noted the importance of the field trips to AhfadUniversity which is mainly recognized as a community oriented university and it is also a university requirement to the students as well as to the AUW Staff which will act positively to their promotion. He also explained the important role that AUW play during the last thirty eight years on raising community awareness on different aspects.
Upon his conclusion he thanked BBSAWS and EU for their concern in promoting the Rural Extension Programs and acknowledged the financial assistance of the donor- the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights Fund.
Summary of Proceedings
The workshop was conducted in the Arabic language as it is the main langue which was going to be used during the field trips.
The first day session was carried by the facilitator Dr. Ahmed M. babiker, who introduced the concepts of citizen and citizenship by using the methodology of brainstorming. Then by dividing the participants in to groups, the discussion was continued and the responsibilities and duties of citizenship were explained.