SC SHRM Board Meeting


Trina McVicker, Barb Martin, Kelly Bowden, Kim Meyer, Molly Bauer,and Shaun Tofson present.

Julie Adelman and Steve Lundin excused.

  1. Website/Social Media
  2. Welcome Ben Bannow! Ben will be updating our website as needed. He asked that we contact him via his personal email late in the afternoon so that he can update the page in a timely manner. .
  3. Kerry Helmer will be updating our social media pages. Molly will follow up with Kayla to get the passwords for the sites.
  1. Monthly Meetings
  2. February- Survey results were evenly split among liking classroom style or round table seating. SHRM requests a voluntary donation for Shelly’s presentation. We will send $100.
  3. March- Shaun has confirmed Jennifer Mirus’ move to the March meeting. We will have Dawn set the room classroom style since attendance is usually high for Jen.
  1. Board
  2. We discussed the open seat.
  1. SHAPE
  2. Trina submitted the SHAPE.
  1. Certification Class
  2. We are looking at offering the course this fall. An option may be for us to “sponsor” the class and have students to submit payment directly to SC SHRM.
  3. Barb suggested that we look into scholarships that SHRM offers for this purpose.
  1. Membership
  2. We discussed ideas on how to increase SHRM membership since we showed a decrease on this month’s membership report. Kim will put together information on the benefits of joining SHRM to send to non-SHRM members.
  1. Committee Reports
  2. Social Committee- Kelly will work on putting together a social on 4/28 from 4-6 PM at Gem City.
  3. Shaun presented quotes for Director and Officers insurance. $450 per year through Chubb and $1163 through Philadelphia. We tabled this item until after the state conference meeting to see how many chapters carry the insurance.
  4. Membership- Kim signed up for the quarterly conference calls offered by SHRM.
  1. Board Meetings
  2. We discussed the possibility of rotating meetings between the Dells and Reedsburg or doing some meetings as conference calls. Majority agreed that there is benefit of holding in-person meetings. Trina will check with all board members to see if hosting in Reedsburg on occasion works as well.
  1. Next board meeting scheduled for Thursday 3/31, 11:30 AM at a place TBD.