Standard 20—Optional Salary Point Completion


1.  Log onto Inside LAUSD

2.  Log into the Learning Zone (this will help to ensure that the salary points will be formally entered into the District’s record system when the course is completed).

3.  Register for the Teaching Special Populations course.

4.  After you have registered for the course you will be sent an email with information on registering for your Moodle account.

5.  Register with Moodle and sign up for the Teaching Special Populations course.

6.  Complete all components of the course.

7.  The official ending date for this course is June 15, 2007.

8.  The Salary Point roster will be submitted by the end of July for all participants who have met the requirements June 15.


Please read the information below for more information on the components of the class. Note: ‘books’ in the course have descriptive information only. Look at the choice, assignments and forum sections to see what must be submitted.

This course will consist of a combination of face to face sessions, on-line work and classroom application.

Face to Face Sessions

You will register for the face to face sessions on the LAUSD BTSA website, Click on Year 1 PD then Standard 20 to view available dates and register for each session. In the Face to Face topic of the course you will open up each of the accompanying 'choice' components to enter the date you attended.

1.  Face to Face Session One will be held during the Orientation

2.  Face to Face Session Two will be held during the all day Standard 18/20 Seminar.

3.  Face to Face Session Three will be held in conjunction with the Standard 18 Face to Face Session.

Online Laboratory

Online laboratory sessions will include accessing and investigating professional websites uploading assignments completed outside of the on-line environment.

In order to complete each written assignment you will create a word document that includes a heading with your name, employee number, local district, the date, the class and the assignment you are working on. When it is completed uploadyour responseinto the appropriate assignment. Please refer to the protocol for titling the upload in the Tips for On-line courses section website.


Each of the 'Books' gives an overview of what is to be done in the module. You will read theinstructions but will not take an action in this section. If something must be submitted the Book will be followed with a choice, an assignment, a forum or similar format for you to submit your work.


In the face to face sessions module you will encounter 'choice' assignments. Open the choice and select the button beside the date that you attended the session.


Directions for the assignment will be given as you open each one. Assignments will generally, although not always, require that you complete a document and upload it.

With the exception of the Standard 20 Evidence of Growing Proficiency assignments guidelines for the online laboratory sessions will be found at the Iris Center for Faculty Development, Vanderbilt University, There will be no charge for participants.

When you have reached the IRIS website you will click on the resources button and then either the Star Legacy Modules button or the Case Studies button and select the link for the topic you are working on. In order to complete each written assignment you will create a word document that includes a heading with your name, employee number, local district, the date, the class and the assignment you are working on. When it is completed uploadyour responseinto the appropriate assignment.

For Star Legacy Modules you will select one question to respond to in writing. Case Study Units contain several case study scenarios. You will investigate the case studies indicated in each topic then selecttwocomplete case study unitsfrom the lists provided to respond to in writing.

Classroom Application

You may download the graphic organizers for the assignments from the LAUSD BTSA website by:

1.  Go to

2.  Click on the Evidence of Proficiency link on the left-hand tool bar

3.  Scroll down to the Standard20: Teaching Special Populations to view each component.

As you complete each segment upload the completed work into the appropriate assignment area.