Tinmouth Community Scholarship Application

The Tinmouth Community Fund was created in 1999 “To provide funding of needed services and facilities for the well-being of the citizens of and for the sense of community in the Town of Tinmouth, Vermont.” What better investment than support of higher education for our youth? Scholarships have been awarded annually since 2012.


  1. Be a current resident of Tinmouth, Vermont.
  2. Be accepted at an institution of higher learning, including trade schoolsor education beyond college and have your financial aid package secured (if applicable)
  3. Ideally be a high school graduate (but if you are not, please explain)

Selection of recipients shall be based on a combination of potential, merit and financial need. Merit and potential are determined by considering the following:

1.Character and Ability

2.Volunteer and/ or work experience

3.Realistic and thoughtful career and/or education goals

4.Financial Need is determined by your responses to your family contribution not covered by grants and scholarships.

Deadline for filing applications:

May 15

Grants are awarded in June in the form of a check to the applicant.


1. Please type or print your application.

2. Follow instructions closely and answer all questions thoroughly

3. Electronic submissions preferred in doc or docx format

4. Submit your application to: or

Tinmouth Community Scholarship Applications

143 Channel Road

Tinmouth, Vermont 05773

We would like to use quotes from your essay in our report to the Town and our donors. We assume that you are providing your permission for this when you apply UNLESS you tell us otherwise. We will not share specific personal or financial details, but will share quotes from your essay. If you would prefer, let us know and we will check the quote we want to use with you before we use it. In order to generate excitement and support for Scholarship Fund-raising, telling your individual stories about how this scholarship is helpful to you is our most valuable tool.

Tinmouth Community Scholarship Program Application

Name :


Best Phone numbers:


Because we are a small town, the financial information you provide is considered confidential and is strictly for the use of the scholarship committee as it works to determine the most qualified recipients from the applicant pool. See note about sharing quotes from the essay on the previous page.

Family Information

Parents’ Names:

Number of siblings and ages

Are any siblings currently enrolled in a higher education program? Yes No

If yes, list school attending, and what year and cost to family after scholarships and grants for each:

Personal Information- a short list

  1. List extracurricular activities in which you participate in school:
  2. List community activities or service organizations in which you are involved:
  3. List work experience:
  4. What school/program will you be attending, intended major/minor if known, class year
  5. What is the length of the program in which you will enroll? (i.e., two years, four years)?

Financial Information and Need

  1. What is the total cost of your college room, board, transportation and books before aid?
  2. What is the annual cost of your program to you and your family after financial aid and scholarships are applied?
  3. What will your loan debt be for this year of school (without any Tinmouth Scholarship Funds)?
  4. Student Loans:
  5. Parent/Other Loans:
  6. If you received a Tinmouth Scholarship last year, what did you use the scholarship funds for?

Write a short essay (500 words max) telling us your story-This might mean describing your individual hopes and dreams, goals, career paths you are exploring, your chosen college/programand why you chose it, and/or any other information which may be helpful to the scholarship committee (note the and/or component). What is it about growing up in Tinmouth that has led you to pursue this path (if anything)? Describing your financial need and what you plan to do with the scholarship is particularly helpful. Please type and double space and submit electronically in .doc form if possible.

The essay is the best way for us to know about you and what you find fascinating or important and this is the heart of the application.