The words to pre-teach:












boards and planks


Words and definitions:

alterations - a change ,usually a slight change, in the appearance, character, or structure of something;

idle - not working or being used, without work (synonym - unemployed or lazy) ;

disclosed - to make something known publicly, or to show something that was hidden;

syn. - announced, informed;

guard - a person whose job is to protect a person or place from danger or attack, or to prevent a person such as a criminal from escaping;

mumble - to speak quietly and in a way that is not clear so that the words are difficult to understand;

dwelling - a house or place to live in;

syn. - accommodation, habitation, residence, home;

carriage - a vehicle with four wheels that is usually pulled by horses and was used mainly in the past (horse -drawn carriage);

estate - a large area of land in the country that is owned by a family and often used for growing crops or raising animals; E.g.:It is a typical country estate with a large house for the owner , farm buildings, and estate worker`s houses. baron - a low-ranking male member of the nobility(= group of people from a high social class) , it is a title;

Syn. - nobleman, aristocracy;

coachman - a driver of a carriage pulled by horses;

drown - to be covered with water and die by being unable to breathe underwater;

boards and planks - thin , flat piece of cut wood or other material, often used for a particular purpose, a plank is a long , flat piece of wood;

gatekeeper - a person whose job is to open and close a gate and to prevent people entering without permission; Syn. - guard

in progress - happening or being done now;

repairs - something that you do to fix something that is broken or damaged;

permanent - continuing always or for a long time; antonym - not temporary; syn.- lasting for a long time;

accidentally -without wanting to or planning to do;

syn. - by chance;

flood - to cover a place with water;