Vendor Order Management Process – ASN (Advanced Shipment Notice)
Creating ASN from a Purchase Order:
You must first search for the PO on the Order and Change Order Management page (process described per New Order/Order Response reference guide). Once you retrieve the PO, click View in the Action column. After viewing the PO, you must perform the following steps to flip the PO and send the ASN:
- Exporting the line items: Scroll to line items on PO and check the line items via the export column.
Click Export Checked to ASN to “flip” the PO to an electronic ASN.
- Adjusting ASN Number: Please enter your own internal ASN number into the ASN Number field.
- Adjust Delivery and Ship To Dates: Next, make adjustments to the Delivery Date and the Ship Date. Let's say that we shipped the product on 08/31/09 and expect the Delivery Date to be 09/16/09. Change any necessary dates by clicking on the calendar icon, selecting the date, and clicking OK.
Make sure that the Delivery Date is always greater and/or equal to the Ship Date.
- Enter Tracking Number: Enter the Tracking Number (also known as Packing Slip Number). This is a required field for the ASN to be successfully processed to Duke.
- Save All Changes:Make sure to save all your changes by clicking Save below the ASN Number field. You will receive an onscreen confirmation once the ASN has been saved. It is important to save your changes before jumping to a different tab or else your changes will be lost.
- Item Tab: Click on the Item tab. This screen allows you to make adjustments to the line items on the ASN.
- Editing the Line Item: Click Edit in the Action column. From here, you only need to input two pieces of information: Quantity Shipped to Date and Item Description.
The Quantity Shipped To Date field needs to be a positive number greater than zero.
The Item Description is prepopulated with information pulled directly from the original order. This field may be edited to include any additional information.
- Submit Changes: Click Submit Changes to save your changes to the line item.
- Send the ASN: Click Send to send the ASN to Duke. You will receive an onscreen confirmation once the ASN has been sent successfully.
- ASN Presentment List: This list allows you to search for any ASN's that you have either saved or sent in the system. You may search by Buyer System, ASN Status, ASN Type, ASN Number, Order Number, or between a date range.