Merion Mercy Academy
Technology Resources, 2013-2014
OVC Technology Project
Objective: Teach technology skills using the Catholic Relief Services’ theme of Orphans and Vulnerable children (OVC) to freshman students.
There are six classes of freshman who take the Technology Resources course. These students will work in 4 table groups (5 or 6 at a table) to research a more focused aspect of OVC:
· AIDS (and Africa)
· Educating girls
· Human trafficking
· Malnutrition
· US foster care system
· Homelessness
1. Students will select their topic choices (pick a number out of a hat); each member of the group will add their subtopic to NoodleTools project name.*
2. Students will share their bibliography with table members in NoodleTools.*
3. Homework: Each student will add a website (or book/periodical) specific to her focus topic in NoodleTools project (no 2 students in a group may add the same resource).
4. Each table will give a presentation before the end of the semester.
Each presentation must answer the following questions:
Website Evaluator:
· What types of authors/organizations provided this information? Why should we trust them?
· How current are these websites?
· What is the purpose of these websites?
OVC info presenters:
· What group of people is affected by your subtopic?
· What factors make this group vulnerable to your issue?
· How is your subtopic related to orphaned and vulnerable children?
· In what ways is this issue being addressed? What are organizations doing to help orphaned and vulnerable children or the groups affected by your issue?
App Evaluator
· Describe how the app worked for your group. Answer questions like:
o Was the app free?
o Could you create the presentation on the iPad?
o Were multiple people able to use/edit it at the same time?
o Did you have any problems?
** Presentations should be 5 - 7 minutes in length. See the attached presentations rubric for general guidelines.
Day 1
Table 1: Malnutrition
Table 2: Education
Table 3: AIDS (in Africa)
Table 4: Human trafficking
Day 2
Table 1: AIDS
Table 2: Homelessness
Table 3: Educating girls (or orphaned and vulnerable children)
Table 4: Malnutrition
Day 3
Table 1: Homelessness
Table 2: Educating girls (or orphaned and vulnerable children)
Table 3: AIDS
Table 4: Human Trafficking
Day 4
Table 1: Human Trafficking
Table 2: Homelessness
Table 3: Educating girls (or OVC)
Table 4: U.S. Foster Care System
Day 5
Table 1: AIDS
Table 2: Educating girls (or orphaned and vulnerable children)
Table 3: Homelessness
Table 4: Human Trafficking
Day 6
Table 1: Educating girls (or orphaned and vulnerable children)
Table 2: Human Trafficking
Table 3: AIDS (and Africa)
Table 4: Malnutrition
After signing into Google Drive, the Website Evaluation Manager will enter their group's project roles in the appropriate Day's Google Spreadsheet tab. Make sure to put information under the correct table group.
Creating a Presentation:
Each table group will choose a presentation app and create a presentation (no two groups in a class may use the same app). Choose from: Slide Shark (w/ Google Drive), Prezi, Educreations, ShowMe, Haiku Deck, KeyNote, or a comparable web tool.
Each student will take on one of the following project roles:
· Bibliography Manager - organizes final Works Cited based on what was used for the presentation by omitting any sources not used (in each group member’s project); works with Website Evaluation Manager to evaluate and approve all websites (*Day 5 see special note below)
· Website Evaluation Manager - adds project roles to Google Spreadsheet via eBoard note "OVC Presentation Teams" (must be signed into Google); evaluates and approves all websites before they go on final Works Cited; explains to the class the validity of the information based on currency, claim, and authority (see presentation parameters)
· Presentation App Manager - uses her iPad to create presentation (with the help of group members); manages iPad during presentation; gives class feedback on how well the app worked for presenting
· Presenter of OVC Information (2-3) - takes a turn presenting findings about OVC to the class (see presentation parameters); one presenter will create and share a Google Doc to organize information for the collaborative presentation
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