Public Speaking

Ms. Newman



This Public Speaking class is just that – speaking publically. YOU ARE EXPECTED TO SPEAK IN CLASS. There are several different aspects of public speaking we will focus upon: different types of public speaking, the structure of a speech, and best practices while verbally communicating in any capacity. Besides examining speeches, you will be expected to deliver MANY speeches and to ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE in our class discussions.


Major Assessments: 60%

These individual grades will include presentations, major speeches, projects and so forth. They are heavily weighted as we spend a lot of time on these assessments, both in class and for homework. If you don’t do even one of these, your grade will be adversely impacted greatly.

* Be aware that you may receive grades for both the content and the delivery of your speeches/presentations. That means individual assignments may count TWICE. Not doing them is a double whammy!

Minor Assessments: 40%

This category will be further broken down into more minor sections. These will include shorter speeches, homework, etc. PARTICIPATION is a major part of this grade. You only get better speaking in public by speaking in public. You CANNOT get better by simply being in the room.

** As a semester course, understand that your grades for each quarter are vitally important. At ten weeks, we are halfway through the course. Don’t fall behind early, as it will be challenging to recover. Skills will build upon one another, so it is essential you keep up! I am available for extra help if you need it – just ask!


The best way to communicate with me is through email, and you can get to my address through the school’s website. I also have an active webpage. Assignments will be posted there, as well as the day’s activities in case you are absent and don’t want to fall behind. Grades will be updated at least every five weeks on the portal, but more frequently depending on the work handed in.


Be respectful. Be responsible. Do the right thing.

•Major papers / projects / presentations lose 10 POINTS A DAY.

•Late homework will be accepted at the discretion of the teacher.

•If you miss a group presentation, you must complete an alternate, and lengthy, presentation/assignment on your own.

•If you are scheduled to give a speech on a given and you miss it, you will go first the next day. Failure to make up the assignment in a timely manner will result in a zero for that assignment/speech.

•Supplies – keep everything I give you. Have somewhere to write and keep notes. Bring a PEN.

• If you skip, I will write you up.

•KEEP EVERY SPEECH YOU WRITE. We may use an old speech to revise

and improve, and if you don’t have it, you won’t be able to do the assignment.

Phones – love ‘em and hate ‘em! There will be times when it will be

acceptable to use your phone (in the absence of a phone, you may use a classroom computer). They can be wonderful as a resource in the room. BUT, the rest of the time, I DON’T WANT TO SEE THEM - not on your notebooks, in your pocket (if it is sticking out, that counts as me seeing it!), in your lap, on your desk, etc. I’m not joking. Try me. I have provided a place in the classroom where you may deposit your phone for the period in case you ‘get the shakes’ when it’s more than 10 feet from you. If, however, you are uncomfortable with leaving your phone there for any reason, there is an easy solution. Leave it in your locker!First I will take it for the day, then I will take it to the office and you will get detentions. For having your phone. How sad.

Final Exam:

Your final will be in class, and YOU WILL NEED ALL THE NOTES TAKEN DURING THE COURSE. Do not throw anything out.

Remember - You have CHOSEN to sign up for this elective, so it is expected that you have a desire to learn about, and improve at, public speaking.