Napoleon Forges an Empire

•Born in 1769 on the Mediterranean, ______attended military school at age 9.

•When the Revolution broke out, Napoleon was 16 years old and fought on behalf of the ______

Hero of the Hour

•October 1795 Napoleon defends the newly formed French republic from ______.

•In 1796, ______appoints him to lead French military forces against Sardinia and Austria

Coup d’Etat

•By 1799, the Directory had lost political control and having returned from Egypt, the people urged Napoleon to seize political power

•Dissolving the Directory, Napoleon created a group of ______. He claimed the authority of the first consul, assuming the powers of a ______in his ______

•When he took over, France was still at war. ______, ______, and______all joined forces trying to drive Napoleon out of power

•By 1802, the three countries had signed peace agreements with France and Napoleon was able to focus his energies on restoring order in France

Napoleon Rules France

•He originally pretends to be the constitutionally chosen leader

•In 1800 a ______was held to approve the new constitution all power was given to Napoleon as the first consul

Restoring Order at Home

•Set up an efficient method of ______and established a ______

•He ______, and established ______, or government ran schools

•Napoleon signed a ______between the Catholic Church and the French government

•Created the ______to eliminate many injustices

Napoleon Crowned as Emperor

•December 2nd, 1804 Napoleon crowns himself emperor  symbolic gesture saying that he was ______b/c the Church traditionally crowned emperors

Napoleon Creates an Empire

Loss of American Territories

•The planters in ______demand the same privileges as the French back in the motherland

•Eventually ______demand their freedoms

•______leads a group of enslaved Africans on a revolt. Napoleon tries to put down the rebellion, but the protestors are fierce fighters, and the French forces become devastated by disease.

•Napoleon instead decides to sell ______to the United States for $______million. This helped pay off the French debt as well as provided an arch nemesis for Britain

Conquering Europe

•After realizing the difficulty in the Americas, Napoleon turned his interests to ______

•Fearful of Napoleon’s ambitions, the British persuade ______, ______, and ______to join them against France

•Napoleon was successful in a series of battles that helped him sweep throughout Europe

Battle of Trafalgar

•______was the only battle in which Napoleon was defeated.

•The British naval commander ______was as brilliant on water as Napoleon was on land

•Horatio was able to split the French navy into two sections, and conquer each half separately French naval destruction had two effects: ______, ______

•By 1812, the only areas on Europe free from Napoleon were ______, ______, ______, and the ______

•In addition to the newly acquired French lands, Napoleon controlled numerous “independent” nations whose rulers were “puppets” to Napoleon

•The French Empire was huge, but unstable.

•Napoleon was able to maintain the empire at its height from ______