Dutch Open 2007 Final Race, Stuttgart

On the 4th of September myself and Nigel Templer made our way up through Belgium and Holland arriving at Loosdrecht around midnight, the sky was clear and the ground was dry so our expectations for a good race the next day were justified. Well little did we know that the 2007 Dutch Open would prove to be such a difficult race that would test the pigeons to the limit!

Neil and Brian from Premier Breeding Stud with Mrs Sangers and Mrs Koopman.

At 8.45 with sunny skies 860 (approx) birds were liberated at Stuttgart in Germany, Raymond called me and said that rain was moving in but should only affect the last 40 kilometres so he was confident the birds would handle that. We arrived at the lofts at 10.00 am to find two large marquee, food halls, Bars and various trade stands, I must admit it was very well planned out, I then received a call from Brian and Neil from Premier Stud, they were lost in Nedenhorst Den Berg so i popped over and picked them up, I must have got a little excited as on the return journey I picked the wrong side of the road to drive on, so a little sorry for that man in the Volkswagen.

Crowd at the Dutch Open One Loft Race

Back at the race venue the crowds started to arrive and there were many famous fanciers to hand, Harm Vredeveld fresh from his victory at Morlincort, Marcel Sangers, Gerald Koopman and my favourite Sam De Jong who is a long distance legend in Holland. The band started playing just after 11 and with the beer flowing and the atmosphere was warming. One thing you notice in Holland is pigeon racing is built around friendship and I didn’t hear a negative comment all day about the sport.

At 2 o’clock I could tell that something had changed, Raymond was looking a bit nervous so I made my way over to the loft entrance to see what was happening, the weather report in the morning said that there would be a light belt of rain and cloud around the costal areas that would overlap the birds line of flight by 50 or so kilometres, but the weather report that was showing on the pc in front of Raymond showed a very different story. Winds had picked up and moved a storm from the north down across Holland and straight into the returning birds, after making a few calls it was clear that the pigeons would hit heavy rain after 100km with pour visibility and flying conditions. As I returned to the marquee I realised we were now in semi darkness at only 2.30pm. Many of the fanciers walking around believed the pigeons would arrive some time around 5pm but as the day went on the chances of seeing returning birds grew smaller and smaller.

What happened next was quite remarkable, just as most people had given up hope and the weather deteariated further 3 pigeons approached the loft, 2 blues and a single red, at first they headed straight towards the loft but as the frustrated crowd let out a massive cheer the pigeon began to circle. It was clear that these birds were fatigued, in fact the red one flow off as the two blues hit the aviary roof. Clearly knackered the pigeons could hardly move and were fixed with cramp! A few minutes later another two arrived and these looked in much better shape followed by a 6th pigeon who believe it or not landed and then made it way to the trap to take the prize of 1st Open Dutch One Loft Race 2007. Raymond tried everything possible to get the others in the trap and finally 1 hour later they had all entered the loft, all the pigeons were soaked.

The Crowds waiting in the Rain

In all 9 pigeons made it home on the day with the last being timed at 7.31.51 at night in near darkness, as we travelled back towards Antwerp it was clear that these birds hit really bad weather and done themselves, there owners and Raymond proud. I said to Raymond that he couldn’t do anything about the weather and he should be proud he conditioned the birds to home in such conditions, I did tell him that he would now be judged on his 2nd day returns as this would really show his skills as a loft manager. Well im pleased to say that more than 230 birds had returned by early evening on the 6th and to date over 380 are home from 300 miles in the rain, its sounds good value to me.

It stuns me sometime when I see pigeons home in such conditions and to all of you, who had pigeons home, don’t underestimate them as they flew to hell and back that day!

Now to the result, the winning pigeon was timed by Team Lewedrop who in fact were 1st, 4th and 14th which is a really special achievement, the team made up of Cor Hermes, Hans de Vos, Theo Hoondert, Dennis v Garsel, Sjaak Traas, Sjaak de Kooning, Jap De Vos, Rene vd Zande and Arend Bosse. The winner is an Ad Schearlackens pigeon from Rene V D Zande, 4th was a Wagenaar x Rik Cools and 14th was a Marc Vandeale x Rik Cools from Sjaak Traas and Sjaak De Konning. In 2nd was A Nederveen who timed a Nico Van Nordonne hen. In 3rd was w Giezen and 5th was H M Calon who is a very good flyer in Holland.

Final Result Top 10

1 6:20:57 PM NL07-1885668 Team Lewedorp, Lewedorp (NL)
2 6:21:36 PM NL07-1836752 Dhr. Nederveen, A. Hardinxveld-Giessendam (NL)
3 6:27:02 PM NL07-1501600 Giezen, W. Wehl (NL)
4 6:32:37 PM NL07-1876082 Team Lewedorp, Lewedorp (NL)
5 6:45:04 PM NL07-3713923 Nolac 1 Dhr. Calon, H.M. Hoofdplaat (NL)
6 6:48:54 PM NL07-1281731 Doldersum, Enrico Almelo (NL)
7 6:51:28 PM NL07-1146216 Team. Sweltsjenest, Zwaagwesteinde (NL)
8 6:52:42 PM NL07-1611608 Hornsveld - v. Dijk, van R. Soest (NL)
9 7:31:51 PM NL07-1285688 Jan Team BCS Clinee-Tril, Albergen (NL)
10 9:33:44 AM I07-0135093 Italian Champion's Group, Italie (IT)

The winning pigeon still wet after the race.

Unfortunitly no English pigeons made it home on the day but early next morning a bird belonging to Graham Watkinson from Skelmerdale Lancashire was timed to take 1st UK Section 33rd Dutch Open, Graham and his close friend Johnny Burns are dab hands at these one loft races and they have developed a strong family of pigeons that can compete from the longest and most important final race. This pigeon was a K Broeckx x Gaby Janssen containing the lines of the God Father. In 2nd UK 59th Dutch Open were the ever present Bristol Boys who timed 29016 for the first time, which belonged to Mike Oakley of Bristol who has a very strong and realiable long distance family, Mike doesnt kept any breeding stock so everything has to be best mates with the basket. In 3rd 70th Open is none fancier Chris Templer who is brother of the famous Nigel Templer, this pigeon is bred down from the Keon Minderhout lines and Chris said this pigeon was bred for hard days. In 4th and 72nd Open was Johnny Burns who again has an impressive CV at one loft events after winning the Channel Challenge last year, his bird carries the Stichelbaut lines that have one for Johnny and others and is part responsible for 1st BBC Barcelona 2007. Next in 5th/130th Open London Lads Chalkley and son followed by Gauld and Morrision in 6th/160th place overall. Again in 7th we find Johnny Burns with his special bred distance youngsters, I think it’s a terrific achievement to get 100% returns on such a difficult race. Talking of Barcelona my Mate Nigel Rigiani was next with a dark un bred from the Dominator lines he and his father brought back from down under this hen was 8th UK 209th Open, last year after his fathers death all the pigeons were donated to the BBC and these were auctioned down at Salisbury, they were a fine team and im sure they will be winning in the long events for years to come.

I would like to say that any birds that made it home in such conditions deserve credit.

UK Top 8

1st Graham WatkinsonLancs

2nd Bristol BoysBristol

3rd C TemplerBristol

4th J BurnsLancs

5th Chalkley & SonLondon

6th Gauld & MorrisionScotland

7th J BurnsLancs

8th N RigianiSalisbury

Well that’s it for this year, it’s been our first season and I believe that there is still a lot for us to learn, we are committed to improving the website over the winter months and having more English text is a priority. However on a positive note the pigeons have been cared for by Raymond Moleveld very well and the lofts seem to suit the birds. I would also like to say that the last day was tremendous and I hope to see more UK fanciers there next year as its well worth the journeys.

See you in 2008

Stuart Wilcox
