Study Group Quiz 1

1. 3/2 @ 50. The pulling right guard is outside the low-blocking zone when he

engages the defender with a block below the waist. The block contacted the

defender at a 3-o’clock angle at the B-48. The play gains eight yards to the


2. Team A is trailing when the QB spikes the ball to stop the clock at the end of

the 4th quarter. Only two seconds remained on the game clock when the ball

was ready for play & snapped by the Team A QB. Game clock shows 0:00 at

the end of the play.

3. 3/10 @ 50. During the 3rd quarter, the run goes to the B40 when the Left

Tackle whose helmet came off (no related foul) continues to participate at the


4. Late in the 2nd quarter, a Team B player’s helmet comes off during the play

(no foul involved). Team B opts to use a timeout to keep the player in the

game. The game & play clock will be…

5. 4/Goal @ B-4. The ball carrier becomes airborne at the B-2. The runner

touches the pylon with his foot. The ball in his possession is outside pylon

but over the goal line extended when his foot touches the pylon.

6. Team A’s PAT kick is blocked behind the line of scrimmage by Team B. The

kick continues to roll into the end zone where a Team A player recovers the

kick prior to it going out-of-bounds.

7. Team B player intercepts a forward pass at the B-4 yard line and his

momentum carries him into the end zone where he is downed. During B’s

run in the end zone, a teammate clips an opponent in the end zone.

8. 4/5 @ 50. Team A punts and the kick is first muffed by a Team B player at the

B-10. At the B-5 the Team B player bats the bouncing ball backward and

through the end zone.

9. 3/Goal @ B-10. Team A receiver leaps to catch a pass in the end zone. He

controls the pass in the air 1-yard deep in the end zone. Before getting a foot

down inbounds, a Team B defender contacts the receiver and knocks him to

the ground in the field of play at the B-2. The Team A receiver maintained full

control of the ball all the way to the ground.

10. 1/10 @ A-40. The left tackle goes 6 yards beyond the line of scrimmage when

he turns back and blocks low toward his own goal line. The block occurs at

the A-45 after the ball has left the low-blocking zone.

11. 1/10 @ B-40. On a forward pass play, the Left Tackle engages the defender

above the waist at the line of scrimmage. The Team A Center blocks this

same defender below the thigh. The completed pass play ends results in a


12. After the snap, the Team A Center has slight contact with the Nose Guard

who reaches out to the Team A Center with his arm/hand. While this hand

contact is occurring, the Right Guard blocks the Nose Guard below the thigh.

13. 2/20 @ B-30. Team B intercepts a pass in their end zone and while running,

prior to taking a knee for a touchback, taunts a Team A opponent.

14. On the last timed down of the 4th quarter Team A completes a pass for a

touchdown. Team B was called for roughing the passer. Team A is behind

one point prior to the Try.

15. 1st Quarter. Team A completes a pass from the B-35 to the B-10 where the

runner fumbles the ball forward and out of bounds at the B-8. Team B is

called for roughing the passer.

16. 4/10 @ B-20. The ball carrier runs to the B-11 where he fumbles. The ball is

recovered by a teammate at the B-5. Officials bring the ball back to the B-9

and award a first down to Team A.

17. 4/10 @ A-30. The punt is rolling around the ground at the B-30 while a Team

B receiver is blocking a kicking team player to prevent him from downing the

ball. The two players are still engaged when the ball hits the Team B player.

Team A recovers at the B-30.

18. Team A’s free kick goes out-of-bounds at the B-32 yard line. Team A is

offside on the kick.

19. Team A’s commits a personal foul prior to Team B’s possession of a free

kick. During the runback of the kick Team B is called for a block in the back

at the B-40. The ball is ruled dead at the B-45 yard line.

20. 3/11 @ B-36. Prior to the pass, the Team A receiver is knocked out-ofbounds

by the defensive back. The pass is in the air and the receiver who is

still out-of-bounds jumps, controls the pass, and lands in the field of play and

scores a TD

COC Test - 2013